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Never happy unless you're moaning

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posted on 10/9/11

squid-army ....Wow that tkes me back , Must have been 3 years before the old 606 closed

posted on 10/9/11

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posted on 10/9/11

By all reports we were not poor.

posted on 10/9/11

Same here Top

Saw the 2nd half and was very pleased , 2 very well taken goals and TBH they never looked like scoring

posted on 10/9/11

The negative posters are miserable people who wont be happy unless Spurs play like Barcelona for 90 mins and get about 10 goals a game. Even then they will still pick out flaws

The positive Spurs fans will appreciate good wins we have and will highlight the postives from a win, then will see this as a confidence booster.

posted on 10/9/11

Teddy you are indeed a Happy man and a wise one

posted on 10/9/11

most of the negative people have never been to a game in their lives. keep it real, good result, clean sheet and strikers scored .. happy days

posted on 10/9/11

Indeed squid, thank you. I love Spurs and am realistic about our team. So many negative people moaning after we beat Wolves, the same Wolves who we have struggled against for the last few years. Instead of whingers saying "good win, lets pick up on this and grow with confidence" they are whining about Defoe being poor and how we didnt play well at times and blah blah blah.

All I can say is Come On You Spurs!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on 10/9/11

Just think Teddy we could be Arsenal fans

posted on 10/9/11

Squid well said sir

posted on 10/9/11

Sorry to p1ss on anyones parade, but we were awful in the first hour.
As I stated on another thread, we were rudderless, few individuals covered themselves in glory, and we were lucky to still be in the game.
The first half was like an extension of last seasons pondorous and aimless football. Very frustrating. Bale was left isolated every time he got the ball, with the others just expecting him to do it all on his own. There seemed no real shape or direction.
Why shouldn't a Spurs fan be critical? Surely we're all entitled to our opinion.
My opinion doesn't alter the fact that I'm happy for the win, even pleased that we can win ugly.
It was still a shambolic first half, and a vast improvement will be needed for next week.

Positives were Parker, Adebayor, Benny and Brad. The rest were ok to middling. (Thought Modric showed up also).

posted on 10/9/11

a win is a win, and 3 points , so i don,t understand why we have all the negativity


posted on 10/9/11

Spanners we obviously didn't watch the same game .............

Wolves have taken 7 out of nine points and are no mugs , if we didn't play well in the first half then give them some credit instead of slaughtering our team /////I'll admit to hearing the first half and watching the second half but even so we definitely watched different games

posted on 10/9/11

I promise you squid, you saw the best half by far, up until we scored we were woeful. You could be forgiven for thinking we were watching different teams if you only look at the last half hour. The final 20/30 minutes were acceptable, but papered over a very sterile first hour.
I've been a supporter for over 30 years, and have followed our team over many hours and miles. I also consider myself an optimist, but something isn't quite right at the moment with the attitude around the place. Perhaps it's just because of the silly season, but I suspect Harry isn't a happy bunny and this could be rubbing off.
I'm not into slaughtering our team, I support them, but I will have to say it as I see it I'm afraid.

posted on 10/9/11

posted on 10/9/11

We still have lots of players to come back and after the first two games you have to think that that would affect them .....
Sorry but after a damn good away win you have to take the positives out of the game and take into consideration the team we played against ........Results always go in runs and a decent result will enhance the confidence BUT the most important thing is that we went to a hard place got our first points of the season and they showed more than enough to give plenty of hope all round ......After all the result is all and they always say that the mark of a top side is to win in all circumstances

posted on 10/9/11

I said I was happy with the win Squid. I think it's great we won.
We were still crap though...
The players to come back may help, although Parker was a positive today in place of Sandro. Lennon I'm afraid hasn't improved and I don't see him as such a big miss. VDV, hmm where does he fit in.
As many questions there as answers as far as I see it.
I respect Wolves, but we really should be beating them without breaking sweat.
Like I said, I'm happy with the result, I can even see the positives, but I can't say we played well when we didn't.

posted on 10/9/11

most of the negative people have never been to a game in their lives. keep it real, good result, clean sheet and strikers scored .. happy days

Excuse me but I could be considered a negative poster and I would gamble that I have been to more games than yu could ever dream of going to.

Spanner has it spot on the first half was woeful and correct me if I am wrong but this is a football forum to debate about football not a place where somebody has to be happy and winning 3 points when for 45 minutes we were total carp.

Anybody that has played or managed at a high level will tell you that what you concentrate on is the bad points of a game not the good ponts. You do this with a view of eradicating the bad things from a team performance the good things are fairly obviously good points and dont need improving.

Oh I get it because I am not raving about the result I am not a genuine supporter Maybe its because that first 45 minutes told me that I might not be celebrating much for the rest of the season

posted on 10/9/11

miserable git

posted on 10/9/11


posted on 12/9/11

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comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 12/9/11

The performance was kind of understandable given the Modric situation and the 2 previous thrashings having dented our confidence. To come through that with a win, with both new players playing well, and a clean sheet away from home in a fixture we've not got 3 points before in.....how can anyone be negative about that?

posted on 12/9/11

grand is a wum. I'm considering filtering him

posted on 13/9/11

granspurs.. your a complete muppet and unless you been home and away for 30 yrs you have been to no where near as many games as me

Nope 40 years as it happens MUPPET

posted on 13/9/11

yeh right .. what a sad pathetic man you are to moan about the team all the time , your just a gooner wannabe


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