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posted on 11/9/11

You in aboot the cheese toastie again TCD?

posted on 11/9/11

Brassneck to play in Europe, humped soundly by your opposition but never fear, a letter was written and here you are, about to be humiliated again by the opposition...


Gist stop, wid ye

posted on 11/9/11

Boruc - Rangers fans are not dismissing any financial issues at Rangers. No one disputes a tax investigation is ongoing, no one disputes there have been money problems.
What people get irritated by is the fact this is all so very boring. We the fans pay our money to go and watch the team and support them. I do not pay money to take an interest in balance sheets or who pays who when, it is of absolutely zero interest to me as long as my team is doing well on the park. As things stand things cannot be such a mess that we are without dispute the best team in the country and have managed to put together a team to get us there. Whether we pay legal bills late, transfer fees late etc etc is just plain boring.

posted on 11/9/11

Humiliated again? Was it not Rangers who were put out by Swedish and Slovenian minnows and have won about 2 games in 33 in Europe?

posted on 11/9/11

".....let them eat cake!"

posted on 11/9/11

"This 3IAR and top of the league nonsense is getting a bit boring"

As is the incessant drone of tims sayin that Rangers are doomed

We are ALL aware of the risks and have been for some time. What you're sayin is nothin new and what Bain's lawyers have said has been deemed as outdated evidence in any case, so it could well be a story out of nothing.

posted on 11/9/11

"it's a sign of first class neddity and symptomatic of the underclass to meet bad news with an attack on the bringer. Doctors have this problem in E and R every weekend."

Pathetic. Truly pathetic.

posted on 11/9/11

Smid-ger, it is not boring, it is the biggest news story in Scotland. Just because bares don't like what they are reading, it doesn't mean that every news group and reporter is Celtic minded and out to get Rangers.

The truth is Rangers have brought this shameful mess on themselves and no amount of denying or deflecting is going to make this story go away.

posted on 11/9/11

Whit about Jelavic?? Will the £500k be paid in time fur him to play next week.

Will big Kirk huv tae play the Lone Ranger role

posted on 11/9/11

What exactly is the biggest news story in Scotland? What part of it? All I have seen is some rumours on internet forums, outdated evidence in a former employees court case and whisperings amongst the media. There is no denial about it ,everyone is aware of it but until I see some evidence that the club is insolvent I will focus on getting behind my team who continue to win things. The evidence is on the park, if we have to start selling our best players because we cant pay bills I will ask questions. Until then, forgive me if I dont buy into speculation as I have seen it all before several times.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 11/9/11

Scottish fitba, especially the big 2, has ALWAYS been about what happens off the field as much as what happens on it.
Be it interest in boardroom shenanigans or removal of foodstuffs from menus there will always be tribal oneupmanship.

Bears may try and dismiss the financial furore, they might try and redirect the attention onto the field of play, but like the poppy nonsense and Dr.Reid before, they are just as guilty of making hay as Celts are.
Its hammer-time for the Gers because of the Charlatan at the helm and they're just gonna have to suffer the blows, for no other reason than its a mighty big stick we're beating them with...

posted on 11/9/11

Headline for tomorrow's paper:

Tims in believing negative speculation about Rangers in the media shocker!

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 11/9/11



Suck it up.

posted on 11/9/11

Evidence? Is Rangers bank account being ring-fenced by HMRC not evidence? Is not paying lawyers fees not evidence? Is Martin Bain not actively trying to sort his contractual dispute with RFC because he fears that if it isn't resolved by November, he will have no claim to the money he is owed because his former employers will be in administration.

These are not internet rumours, these are facts.

posted on 11/9/11

Davie Weir ready tae chuck it if he disny start getting games...

Hearse to the ready

posted on 11/9/11

Scottish football has never for me been about what happens off the field. Besides unless you work inside the clubs how can you know what is going on off the park? The daily record? Chick Young? Online bloggers? If thats what I have to rely on then I give up. The only thing I know for certain is what my team does on the park and thats all I care about.

Boruc in the original question asks why we dont "demand answers" and stop blaming the media and Celtic. For me that sounds likes something Celtic fans should be doing instead of us as despite the mess some have us in we are the best team in the country without question or argument. As for blaming the media or anyone else, I find that too ironic to comment upon.

posted on 11/9/11

"these are facts"

Some of them are facts yes. What's your point? That Rangers are in financial scheidt?


posted on 11/9/11

Boruc - Dont be ridiculous, if you are clinging on to the hope that Rangers may be out of business by November then I fear for you. Do you not believe that maybe, just maybe, thats a way for his lawyer to get the case heard asap?
As for unpaid bills, correct me if I am wrong but was that not paid? I know I have a habit of avoiding bills until absolutely necessary, and have had many of the red letter type, but I dont live in fear of being evicted and having the bailiffs round to declare me bankrupt.
The evidence is on the park, we are champions and still able to keep our best players, get them new contracts and sign new ones. Indeed we spent more than Celtic this season. Thats all the evidence I care about, the rest is speculation.

posted on 11/9/11

Away an teabag yer favourite uncle, Hector

posted on 11/9/11

ratsjuice, why are you asking what my point is when it is clear from the original post that I want to know why Rangers fans would rather hate people like Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, Andy Muirhead, Graeme Spiers or Chick Young for telling the truth?

Why not come on here with a bit of honesty and tell us all how you really feel about the mess Rangers find themselves in rather than hating and dismissing anyone who says something bad about Rangers?

Surely the anger and hatred should be to people like David Murray, Advocaat & Walter Smith who wasted millions and ultimately have left Rangers on the verge of disaster?

posted on 11/9/11

"Is Martin Bain not actively trying to sort his contractual dispute with RFC because he fears that if it isn't resolved by November, he will have no claim to the money he is owed because his former employers will be in administration."

If you mean the court action, Bain tried this on the court and they knocked it back.

posted on 11/9/11

The buck stops at Murray's door, plain and simple. You can't blame a manager for spending money that was made available to him by the chairman. That's just plain stupid.

Of course we're annoyed and worried, but we obviously hope that we will win the case. As usual we will not believe speculation in the press because that's what it is.

What has been presented by Bain's lawyers is not fact, it's lawyers trying to put forward their client's case.

You really should read the srticle below

posted on 11/9/11

I stopped reading when I reached, "you would want to know the truth? "

posted on 11/9/11

A very minor details BlueHeaven, but what's your point?

What I would like to know is this. Why, when Rangers knew they were in such a financial mess, did they allow Walter Smith to come in and spend millions on players they clearly couldn't afford.

posted on 11/9/11

The buck stops at Murray's door, plain and simple


Not in my opinion...he chased the dream and gave you successes.Nobody dared question why Rangers continued to spend outrageous amounts whilst not achieving the Euro results that may have balanced out those signings.Only in 3 of Murray's 22yrs did Rangers make profit, 2 of which were recent.

The media/Murray lovein was the root cause as to why this wasn't addressed in the past...BY THE FANS

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