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Ambassador or Embarrassment?

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posted on 12/9/11

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posted on 12/9/11

Gin soaked drunken old sot now.


You lowered the demeanour, so take yer medicine.

Too late to be pragmatic aboot what's typed

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 12/9/11

No need,that was my point.


Well, say that then.

I disagree - I hate ex players pandering to the lowest common denominator in their local slop houses (or red tops)

And yes I include Andy Goram in that. Selling bile for anyone which will stand them a drink.

It makes it even worse when it's a legend IMO.....

posted on 12/9/11

She said I've lost controol.
She's lost controol again.
She's lost controol.
She's lost controol again.
She's lost controol.

posted on 12/9/11

Does anyone actually remember the game from that night or are you reacting just about the headline?

The game was shameful. The way the Madrid players went about the game, plus the two attacks in the tunnel were absolutely disgraceful.

I doubt very much that billy is calling the current Athletico team anything however he has every right to call those excuses for footballers any name possible. This was a team that:

- Finished the game with 8 men - with 5 of those on a yellow card for fouls.
- Physically attacked Jimmy johnstone both on and off the park.
- Accused celtic of bribing the ref.
- Accused Strathclyde police of going into the dressing room and 'beating up' their players
- 6 of their players were banned from European games after the return leg...

To put this into context Rangers were turfed out of Europe for the behaviour of the fans the year before - something the club couldnt control, but this club ADMITTED the acts of violence and lies and got a fine of £14k.

Beggars belief

posted on 12/9/11

watched madrid the other night,they dont look half the team with aguero and forlan away,if falcao does not get the finger out his erchie,celtic can come away with a point,but they have a habit of not playing too well away,so i hear.

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 12/9/11

You lowered the demeanour, so take yer medicine.


Er no, arguably the Greatest ever Celt did.

Try commenting on the actual subject for once TCD.

Are even you that blinkered you can't see how embarrassing what he said is?

posted on 12/9/11

So what, he has bad memories of the club and still maintains he likes to see them get pumped.

I reckon every single Scotsman has the same attitude towards England at football, but that's different?

I bet every old firm fan feels the same about the opposite side... but that's different eh.

If Goram or somebody came out and said the same thing if Rangers were playing no doubt some Celts would be making the same noises, but really, who cares.

Imagine though, insulting the guy for having an opinion, that we all share in different contexts. Hypocritical.

posted on 12/9/11

Why do you find it embarrassing???? As a Rangers fan that is

posted on 12/9/11

De Bear, you are right Big Billy should be above all this nonsense now,but maybe he does need the money.

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 12/9/11

Why do you find it embarrassing???? As a Rangers fan that is


I don't find it embarrassing - I find AG and PGs behaviour embarrassing as a Rangers fan that is.....

I do imagine NL giving it FFS 'I wish he could have kept his trap shut'

Athletico don't need much of a team talk now - do they?

posted on 12/9/11

But McNeil is correct.I was talking to bhoys yesterday who were at this game and they are still sickened by it.
Why is it rangers fans always side with the animals?

posted on 12/9/11

Athletico don't need much of a team talk now - do they?


Our good old Scottish Press whipping up a storm, which is meant to bolsters the oppoistion before playing(supposedly)one of their own.Never saw that happen to the team from the Suicide.

Worse still...the story is from last weeek

comment by (U5278)

posted on 12/9/11

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comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 12/9/11

But McNeil is correct.I was talking to bhoys yesterday who were at this game and they are still sickened by it.
Why is it rangers fans always side with the animals?


If you think for one minute (remove the rampant bigot chip) you would see that we are on Scottish footballs side.

BMcN has just wound up the opposition of the last remaining Scottish team in Europe.

A team which will need all the help it can get in Spain.

It was 34 years ago - calling the team scvm FFS just to pander to the media.

What was he thinking?

comment by (U5278)

posted on 12/9/11

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posted on 12/9/11

That the team he played were scvm?

That's Athletico's legacy and rightly so.

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 12/9/11

Our good old Scottish Press whipping up a storm


At last a comment on the subject.

You are right about the media - unfortunately BMcN had loaded the gun for them.

He knows better than all of us what can motivate (or otherwise) a team....

posted on 12/9/11

Did they warn them yous were coming?

Apparently they still keep in touch.

posted on 12/9/11

It just shows how poorly they paid their greatest footballing side if he's got to scrape the barrel for the tabloids.

posted on 12/9/11

why did celtic fans side with fascist franco's police in '72


In Barcelona????

comment by (U5278)

posted on 12/9/11

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posted on 12/9/11

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posted on 12/9/11

Billie has a right as any man to speak his mind. I and most other Celtic fans agree with what he said.

What I feel strange is how so called supporters of another club which may or may not be in existence by the end of the year should give their opinion.
Should they not be picketing Murray Park and Ibrox to put pressure on Whyte to either pay the money Rangers owe or else sell the club to someone who will.
This shame has gone on long enough.

posted on 12/9/11

yes T news just in, the catholic nationalist fascist franco won the spanish civil war....


So the Police weren't Catalonians

I thought Franco won in 1939

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