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miereles and mikel

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posted on 12/9/11

he is good player. End of

posted on 12/9/11

but not better than mikel in any stretch of the game

comment by TGI (U9236)

posted on 12/9/11

I don't think he compares favourably with Mikel either. It's Lampard he should be competing for a position with.

posted on 12/9/11

Hi Dredoski you WUM

comment by Marslfc (U8595)

posted on 12/9/11


why chelsea fans are making a song and dance about saint miereles i dont know

posted on 12/9/11

Yes thats exactly what i've been saying, he did nothing that Mikel doesn't do, yet everyone is singing his praises, Mikel should definetely play tomorrow for sure, and if anyone gets dropped to accomodate Meireles is should be Frank.

posted on 12/9/11

I don't think he compares favourably with Mikel either. It's Lampard he should be competing for a position with.

Ideally both should be on the field and Lampard dropped. Mikel is definately better than Miereles defending to. As I keep saying, the one thing all Liverpool fans agreed on was that Miereles was weak in the tackle and reluctant to get stuck in

posted on 12/9/11

He's a good player but it's Lampard we should be comparing him with, not Mikel IMO

posted on 12/9/11

There is a reason why our tempo was much quicker, if you watched the game the speed at which the ball transferred from the defence to the forward line (mata) was a lot better. Is it just coincedence that this happened when Mikel wasn't in the team?

He also spread the play a lot better than Mikel who although has the long wonder pass in his locker, barely ever executes it. For 60-70 our midfield bossed the game and this was due to meireles being our anchorman and setting the tempo. Its no doubt that Mikel possesses all of these things, but he never does it and that is the problem. I am hoping Romeu gets more game time as he seemed to be a good passer of the ball and can hopefully do a good job there. Meireles was better in the dm position than what Mikel has done so far this season.

Missin Myth
you clearly seem to be missing him, every article about him you comment, if you don't think he's that good then get back on your own board and stop worrying

posted on 12/9/11

He did give Sturridge his assist though didn't he Sports a killer haircut as well.
Oh and we needed a decent player from the scouse's.

posted on 12/9/11

Mikel is substandard and championship level at best. End of.

Hope he leaves in Jan.

posted on 12/9/11

posted on 12/9/11

He slows up play. He is negative. Has no imagination. He can;t keep his position well, fast players in the whole run him ragged. He has no ability going forward. He as no aerial ability. He never passes more than 2cm. He can't shoot particularly well..

Should I say more?

posted on 12/9/11


That's the spirit NPE

posted on 12/9/11

Missed me, BK?

posted on 12/9/11

Should I say more?


posted on 12/9/11

I missed Mikel

posted on 12/9/11

**** buddies were you BK?

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