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These 178 comments are related to an article called:

The race for fourth

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posted on 12/9/11

A team full of "world class players" got beat to our team who you lot are criticizing...

comment by Marslfc (U8595)

posted on 12/9/11

Arshavin was played in the right role "the Suarez role" he could do just as good, if not better.

what are these goons smoking ? i woudn't even put ashavin over henderson, the guy ran out of steam ages ago.

posted on 12/9/11


posted on 12/9/11

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posted on 12/9/11

it was the liverpool fans that brang up the phrase "world class"!!!!! hahaha so stupid

comment by Marslfc (U8595)

posted on 12/9/11

the goons came here looking for a fight, but your team is rubbish. well done for defeating swansea

posted on 12/9/11

Ashavin passed to Liverpool players more than he passed to Arsenal players when we beat you 2-0

posted on 12/9/11

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posted on 12/9/11

our team is rubbish but we are in the champions league and you are............ oh thats right not even europa league standard!!!!!!!

posted on 12/9/11

Im right though anfield rap so stop using grammer as a reply

posted on 12/9/11

Liverpool are so unattractive to watch. Even Stoke are more pleasing on the eye.

posted on 12/9/11

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posted on 12/9/11

RVP is the only 'world class' player Arsenal have. Reina is Liverpool's.

Suarez is potentially, but he needs to prove it over more than half a season.

posted on 12/9/11

Stoke play sexyball.

posted on 12/9/11

Our team is rubbish yet we beat you 2-0 with uncomplete team



comment by Marslfc (U8595)

posted on 12/9/11

Anfield RAP
hes a g00n this sort of language is commonly used in g00n territory. infested with iliterate dunces.

posted on 12/9/11

Definetly the most cringeworthy article ive ever read. Calling Szechney one of the best keepers in the world because he had a couple of better than average games is ludicrous.

posted on 12/9/11


You have to be the worst WUM ever. I think calling you a WUM is too kind actually, I'll go with fool.

One of your insults is Arteta . Where does that come from. We sign a proven player in the PL who has much more experience than Henderson and Adam yet you laugh. I only see a very average player in Henderson, he doesn't do anything brilliantly, he reminds me of Denilson, a very poor player. Yet you spent £18m on him, is there any way in justifying that?

Before you say Wilshere has no outstanding abilities I must point you in the direction of his close ball control and dribbling. Also his ability to hold on to the ball and keep the move going. His ability to surge from box to box. His great quick passing ability and being strong in the tackle.

posted on 12/9/11

I just checked the premier league table and it showed the top half. Where are Arsenal? the way their fans go on they are world beaters.

They only just managed to beat the mighty Swansea at home by 1 goal

The commentator on SS1 said that if it wasn't for the Swansea fans it would be quieter than Islington library

posted on 12/9/11

Never said you were rubbish. Average was the word i used. When people start going on about grammer then they have lost the debate.

comment by Marslfc (U8595)

posted on 12/9/11

"His ability to surge from box to box"

you will never .. i repeat never see wilshere in the same posistion henderson took up when he missed the 1 vs 1 chance.

no aggression what so ever.

posted on 12/9/11

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posted on 12/9/11

When people start going on about grammer then they have lost the debate.

Of course we've lost debate, you even stated at the end of the article that we can't argue with facts!

posted on 12/9/11


posted on 12/9/11


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