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Megson's Signings and Last Night..

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posted on 14/9/11

Dam right matey.

Semado looks a class player but bar that have we improved ?? Cant see much myself !

Plus if you remember he said all 9 were British players so i dont think Semado was on then list.

posted on 14/9/11

While every body is on the Mefons signings and tatics are rubbish' bandwagn, I'd just like to point out that the players that played the disasterous 1st half last night are exactly the same eleven that beat the league leaders 3-1 in the second half last Saturday. Over the weekend we thought he'd signed some good players who were coming together. Today we think his signings are rubbish. Which is it.

Of course, tactics and motivation and confidence play a part as well, but I just wonder if the reaction is a little of the 'knee jerk' variety - we're level on points with the play off places and only 4 behind automatic promotion. What we ned is consistancy, and you don't get that by sacking managers eight games in......

posted on 14/9/11

OMG my typing this morning is worse thn normal!!!

posted on 14/9/11

For me its the manager, not the players, he clearly isnt getting through to them and not man managing them properly, these ARE good players but Meggy's tactics are letting the team and the fans down imho

posted on 14/9/11

Have to agree with you Rich Owl, sacking the manager isnt the answer. Last nights result sure is an embarassment, but it was only a few days since lots of posters were singing the ginger ones praises after the results against Charlton & Franchise FC. Like it or not, this Wednesday team are a work in progress and we will undoubtedly have some more bad days at the office in the coming months. We have to grit our teeth and keep a steady hand on the tiller....no knee jerk reactions, the teams got to be settled with a set way of playing both home & away from Hillsborough.....then the results will come. Madine is on target for 20+ goals this season & we have O Grady & Lowe both to come back into the team. I'm no happy clapper and am extremely annoyed at last nights results but another change in the manager just isnt the answer.

comment by (U10727)

posted on 14/9/11

Rich Owl

I've been bemoaning the signings most of the season so far so it's not knee-jerk from me.

We may be 4 points of automatic promotion but we've only played 8 games; come the end of the season I think the difference will have increased accordingly. Stevenage are in the play-off places: are they going to be there in May? I doubt it somehow so I'd disregard the table at the moment.

It's all very well saying we're a work in progress but we've just lost 5-1 to, effectively, non-league side. Don't you think even a side in transition should be able to do better? How long does a manager need to make a team like ours competitive in the 3rd division?!

Megson brought these players in and they aren't doing it. This isn't just one game: ever since he came in we haven't stopped conceding goals or losing away from home.

As I've said on countless threads before, where are the good players to take us up? Marshall is alright but he's not even ours. Palmer looks OK and we seem to have some decent strikers, Clinton aside but I doubt it's enough for us to score the goals required and meanwhile, we cannot keep a clean sheet to save out lives.

posted on 14/9/11

The worries are the difference between home & away - why? what do they do to be so jekyll & hyde & the fact that at the very least we I expected us to be solid & hard to beat.

We need to see a reaction on Saturday, if we don't then I think MM's firing stick will be getting warmed up!

posted on 14/9/11

(U10727) - Thats one of the problems, you call Stevenage effectively a non league side. Well that non league side are there on merit, in the same division as us despite finances, fanbase etc having only lost at home a handful of times in the last couple of seasons. If we as fans and club keep underestimating our opponents (Bury, Bournemouth, Rochdale, Tranmere, Exeter, Orient etc) we will keep getting humiliated on a regular basis. Transition isnt going to happen overnight unfortunately, we need to target gradual improvement. Meggy seems to have solved the home form, he now needs to work on making us hard to beat away from S6.

comment by (U10727)

posted on 14/9/11


They are effectively a non-league side. Most of their squad are from non-league or were with Stevenage before they got promoted.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't respect them or they aren't there on merit. It does, though, mean a team assembled for much greater outlay should expect to go there and win. We may still lose and that's fine, getting hammered 5-1 without even competing isn't.


We should expect to be solid and hard to beat, I agree. That we aren't is Megson's fault. He had a look at Jones and Batth last season when we didn't pull any trees up yet he still signed them. Bennett better than Spurr? Don't make me laugh.

I think, though, it's time you realised we are not a good side. You've been on here now for over a year espousing positivity and giving things time but we've not moved on. It's the 3rd division, not the Champions League and I expect to be at the top or at the very least not losing to newly promoted sides and teams down the bottom.

Last night doesn't end the season but I don't see how that team can even make the play-offs.

comment by (U10727)

posted on 14/9/11

PS I jsut checked and Stevenage won 9 matches out of 23 at home last season, although they did lose only 3. Still, hardly figures that should make you go there as a team in a league higher and worry about losing.

posted on 14/9/11

I'll continue to be positive thanks, I'll let you lot be miserable!

I hardly go spouting off like we're world beaters but at the same time I don't think we're as crap as some do.

I'm no fan of Megson, never have been but just because I'm not getting all flustered on an internet forum doesn't mean I'm not unhappy/disappointed/embarrassed about stuff cos I do feel like that at times, I just don't see the point in banging on about it on here, there's enough folk do that.

Well done, you told us so........give yourself a big pat on the back & a gift voucher or sommat!

comment by (U10727)

posted on 14/9/11

'I'll continue to be positive thanks, I'll let you lot be miserable!'

Some call it positive, others might suggest deluded..

And if you think writing a few articles saying that we're not very good and what we should be doing instead makes me flustered and miserable so be it, I guess; I just think it's what the forum is for.

Thanks, though, for the pat on the back.

posted on 14/9/11

"The worries are the difference between home & away - why? what do they do to be so jekyll & hyde & the fact that at the very least we I expected us to be solid & hard to beat."

Exactly - the same 11 players were good enough to beat MK Dons 3-1 on Saturday, so is it psychological? Or were we just lucky?

For me the concern is that we haven't kept a clean sheet since the opening day. To get out of any league the first priority must be to be hard to beat, and that means not conceding. They need to work hard on that if we are going to do anythig this season.

posted on 14/9/11

So what would you do to change things? Who would you play?

posted on 14/9/11


I agree completely...... I don't know how we fix it to be honest but I certainly think mentally we are very weak & we have been for years.

Megson was meant to & has banged on about changing all that but there's little evidence!

comment by (U10727)

posted on 14/9/11

Rich Owl

Probably beat MK Dons due to a combination of them not being as great as we might think and the fact that we still have some decent players who can score: it's only League One after all. We beat them 4-1 last year, despite them making the play-offs and us, well, not doing.

Agree regarding the clean sheet stuff. We're supposed to be solid this season but our defence is awful, which is supposed to be Megson's strength. I'd give Reynolds a chance at centre-back, alongside Reda.

posted on 14/9/11

"Some call it positive, others might suggest deluded."

Oh, f__k off..........why does being positive have to be deluded/unrealistic. The same old line thrown by those wanting to be down on everything.

I'm not expecting us to win the league, I'm not even expecting to beat Yeovil but the day I become negative & cynical over supporting a football club is the day I'll give it up.

comment by (U10727)

posted on 14/9/11

'Oh, f__k off'

Now who's getting flustered..?

Being positive doesn't have to be unrealistic just as being negative doesn't have to mean I'm deluded or cynical. Just, to me, negativity seems about right for the way the team has played over the last 18 months,

comment by PatJOwl (U1908)

posted on 14/9/11

Well said Has-Tha. As I said in my match report I think the players went in with the "we're playing a tin-pot non league side, we'll walk it without trying" attitude. Thinking it was an easy FA-Cup first round tie or something.

Stevenage are a lot better than that. All the clubs in this league are, you have to be to get here. League 2 is a very competitive league and to get out of it over the course of a season you have to be a good side.

Frankly they could have lost to a non-league side in an FA Cup first round game playing like that. There's not that much of a gap between non-league and league 1 these days and Stevenage have shown with back to back promotions. They haven't overspent disgustingly like Crawley, they've bought honest, hardworking players with belief that the right attitude and team work can succeed above what high paid highly talented individuals can.

There's no reason why everyone can't take that attitude and play the game in that spirit. You have to be prepared to sign people on mentality and not on goal-scoring records or whether or not they are a 'big name.'

I agree with I_Monst as well, it's difficult not to be negative after a result like that, but there's no point being endlessly negative about everything. The team comfortably beat top of the league MK Dons at the weekend who up until that point had looked excellent. They have it in them to succeed, and it is more easy to correct a faulty attitude than it is to coach in winning skill-sets in my opinion.

They must learn from this some humility and that they must never underestimate a team. You can't come out expecting an easy win you must come out to try your hardest in every game. Equally they can't let this defeat rob them of the confidence that they can win again. With the correct attitude they've shown they have the skills to do it. We all need to believe that to help make it happen more regularly.

comment by (U10727)

posted on 14/9/11


You really think it's the attitude though? Surely after the first goal went in, any ideas about it being easy should've been quoshed..

I think the problem is we're really not that good. Look at the defence: we can't stop letting goals in. Noone in midfield seem to string a few passes together or move into space. Madine looks alright, as I thought he did last season but there's not much in the way of service.

What also struck me is, for all the supposed 'talkers' in the team like Prutton and Jones, there didn't seem to be much leadership out there.

I'd drop Clinton Morrison from the squad altogether. I think he's a bad influence; if he's shaking his head and mouthing 'sh1*' on the field, makes you wonder what he's doing off it.

posted on 14/9/11

Completely agree, Pat.


Yeah, that comment really winds me up. It gets thrown out time & again along with the blind faith/happy clapper statements.

I don't want to get arsey or fall out with anyone (apart from imre obviously) so here we go. I honestly don't think we're that far apart in our thoughts regarding SWFC, it's just we choose to express that view differently.

I do worry about some of the players, Rob Jones for example is the worst defender at the club & I was disappointed when we signed him full time whilst shipping out 2 young lads who are already twice the defender he'll ever be.

I worry about our style of play, it's fine when we're on top & winning but when the opposite is happening we really struggle. If we're not going to be attacking then we have to be solid & there's not a great deal of evidence of that this season.

I worry about the fact that time & again we start slow. WTF happens in the build up to the match for this to happen over & over.

I worry about the fact that other than 2 or 3 players we don't seem to have any football intelligence out there.

We are good enough, we've shown we are at times, but we (or the manager & coaching staff) need to find a way to get some consistency built up & we desperately need to find a way to be better away from home.

We need to get a mentality & attitude at this club that is a necessity at other clubs (like Stevenage). That being that it doesn't matter how good you are, how big a club you are without the basics of hard work & real desire to win, the rest is useless.

On the point of positive/negative etc then I'll continue to be positive because that's just the way I am, it doesn't mean I think everything's rosy & I'm somehow deluded into thinking we'll just stroll to promotion because that's not the case. I just think too many folk are too happy to get bogged down in crap (understandable to an extent after the last 15 years) & lose sight of anything positive. As I said, the day that happens to me I'll just give it up because frankly, life's too short!

comment by Kernowl (U1956)

posted on 14/9/11

U10727. You seem to be blaming Megson's new signings such as Bennett for last night, I wasn't there so can't comment on that - however last season under Irvine we got hammered with Spurr in the team so is he any better?

In fact before that under Laws and every manager before him going right back to Wilson we seem to have been weak mentally and that's something that hasn't changed despite change of management, players and now owner. I don't think sacking Megson will make a blind bit of difference and that worries me.

On the plus side, some people blamed the negative attitude of home fans for why we had a better away record, that excuse now doesn't seem to hold water.

posted on 14/9/11

"That's the worst I have felt as a manager and I have been doing it a long time." - Megson after the match.

One thing we know for sure is that the players will not have an easy ride this week

posted on 14/9/11

There you go again with your comments about Stevenage. Forget where they have come from and realise that as a club in the football pyramid they are our equals and based on last night are better than us irrespective of player budgets/wages, squad sizes etc. The only way out of this league is for our team to perform with honesty, hard work and consistency throughout the season, At the moment we are very Jeckll & Hyde and its frustrating for everybody who has had to put up with years of abject performances from our team.
PS: Get a user name will you, I feel like I'm talking to Ze Kommandant of Das Boot...........hang on a minute!

comment by peiowl (U9676)

posted on 14/9/11

Seems to me some on here have their heads in the sands wanting to make excuses for last night's abysmal performance. Even the WW commentators used the word "inexcusable" and "shambolic" to describe it. We are Wednesday, a club with a rich history, a club that has spent much of its time in the Premier league or its equivalent. There are absolutely no excuses for last night. That's not being "negative;" it's being "honest." I think GM's time is coming to an end. Another display like this at Yeovil and he's done.

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