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THFC vs LFC for a trophy, any trophy?

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posted on 19/9/17

comment by der kloppites (U13373)
posted 2 hours, 15 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
Aaaagh, this is the point where enough time has passed since the mauling we gave you. Glad to have Arsenal fans back in the mix.
Glad you got the 3 points,now back to trophy talk, or recent lack of.
I don't really know what you want from this article. Arsenal have won 3 trophies in 5 years and still boo their team and manager. Can't be all its cracked up to be.
To remind everyone how long it's been since those 2 clubs won anything, and to ask why it isn't being highlighted more.
AFC booing our manager is because they want MORE than just the FA cup.

To remind everyone?
been watching Liverpool since 71,this mug thinks football started in 92
WTF are you on about? We're talking about recent trophy droughts and you start talking about 1971.
how recents recento I see won couple fa cups.have yeh

try winning a CL CUP 2005 feel like yesterday
Just think, a child conceived in Liverpool that night by an over-the-moon fan is old enough to probably have her own kids by now.

posted on 19/9/17

comment by TheSkins (U3865)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by der kloppites (U13373)
posted 2 hours, 15 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
Aaaagh, this is the point where enough time has passed since the mauling we gave you. Glad to have Arsenal fans back in the mix.
Glad you got the 3 points,now back to trophy talk, or recent lack of.
I don't really know what you want from this article. Arsenal have won 3 trophies in 5 years and still boo their team and manager. Can't be all its cracked up to be.
To remind everyone how long it's been since those 2 clubs won anything, and to ask why it isn't being highlighted more.
AFC booing our manager is because they want MORE than just the FA cup.

To remind everyone?
been watching Liverpool since 71,this mug thinks football started in 92
WTF are you on about? We're talking about recent trophy droughts and you start talking about 1971.
how recents recento I see won couple fa cups.have yeh

try winning a CL CUP 2005 feel like yesterday
Just think, a child conceived in Liverpool that night by an over-the-moon fan is old enough to probably have her own kids by now.
Grandmother by now.

comment by Clay (U21628)

posted on 19/9/17

The media grew up on Wenger's doubles and the Invincibles hence the anger at Arsenal's current drought of trophies. They will always have great expectations of Arsenal.

They are too young to remember Liverpools dominance in the 80's let alone Spurs winning something in the 60's. So they will always give them an easier ride.

comment by renoog (U4449)

posted on 19/9/17

Much was made of Arsenal's trophy drought because they went from being one of the top 2 teams in England and winning PLs to winning nothing. It's not the same drop in output as with Spurs vs Pool. Not everything is a media conspiracy.

posted on 19/9/17

Won't win the league cup now that's for sure...

posted on 19/9/17

When Arsenal made top 4 other teams fans ridiculed uit, now they have made top 4 and we havent its as good as a trpophy

posted on 19/9/17

I'm pretty sure the media have given us (Spurs) some criticism...

How long before this young team should be winning a trophy etc etc

So I think the point article is somewhat void

posted on 20/9/17

Tbh, until only the last two or three years Spurs have had a fairly mediocre set of players. Nothing was really expected from them. They turned up for a season, had a good go before inevitably bottling it behind Arsenal.

They're a different beast now with better quality of players. The pressure is on them to win trophies, not just for the progression of the club but to keep hold of them better players. If they go another season without winning a trophy then pressure will be on Pochettino and Spurs. Especially since the relatively poor quality Arsenal squad have won trophies during this resurgence of Spurs.

posted on 20/9/17

Spurs have had more than enough to win a few more cups, VDV, Defoe, Keane, Crouch, Lennon, King, Bale, Modric etc over the years.

comment by RC (U21185)

posted on 20/9/17

Shouldn't you caaants be making Wenger Out banners?

Ask Chelsea fans for design help, "Rafa Out"

posted on 20/9/17

comment by The RC is back (U21185)
posted 14 minutes ago
Shouldn't you caaants be making Wenger Out banners?

Ask Chelsea fans for design help, "Rafa Out"
Ah not so long ago it was Levy out but you know whatever floats your boat.

comment by RC (U21185)

posted on 20/9/17

comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 1 hour, 18 minutes ago
comment by The RC is back (U21185)
posted 14 minutes ago
Shouldn't you caaants be making Wenger Out banners?

Ask Chelsea fans for design help, "Rafa Out"
Ah not so long ago it was Levy out but you know whatever floats your boat.
Well that's a lie but you are becoming known for it

posted on 21/9/17

comment by The RC is back (U21185)
posted 19 hours, 44 minutes ago
Shouldn't you caaants be making Wenger Out banners?

Ask Chelsea fans for design help, "Rafa Out"

Poch was popular in his first season at Spurs. 23k

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