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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 4550 of 4651

posted on 6/8/24

‘Shutup Oscar‘

‘Agree with this 100% ‘

fvcking hell

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 20 seconds ago
Shutup Oscar, I've had arguments with people on here about antisemitism, and I'll argue against anyone that's attacking muslims, or white people, or whoever. I've been on several protests where I've called out people hijacking those protests too. I've been caught between police and people throwing bricks at them on anti-racism marches before. I don't turn a blind eye to violence because people think it's a just cause and I didn't last night either.

I do take exception to people extrapolating this to the idea that white people are facing some kind of general violent threat right now. They are not. If mobs start going around beating up white people in a repeat of last nights incident I will change my position on that.

I can tell you though that brown, black, muslim, jews, are all afraid of being attacked and shouldn't have to live that way.

Agree with this 100%

So you're finally going to shut up?

Shut up about what? I’m literally of the same opinions as MX4 I was just making the point we need to be united and people on here need to be equally as supportive to Jewish people and what they’ve suffered the last 6-9 months

posted on 6/8/24

This is all the more amusing considering he’s a Chelsea fan.

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 20 seconds ago
Shutup Oscar, I've had arguments with people on here about antisemitism, and I'll argue against anyone that's attacking muslims, or white people, or whoever. I've been on several protests where I've called out people hijacking those protests too. I've been caught between police and people throwing bricks at them on anti-racism marches before. I don't turn a blind eye to violence because people think it's a just cause and I didn't last night either.

I do take exception to people extrapolating this to the idea that white people are facing some kind of general violent threat right now. They are not. If mobs start going around beating up white people in a repeat of last nights incident I will change my position on that.

I can tell you though that brown, black, muslim, jews, are all afraid of being attacked and shouldn't have to live that way.

Agree with this 100%

So you're finally going to shut up?

Shut up about what? I’m literally of the same opinions as MX4I was just making the point we need to be united and people on here need to be equally as supportive to Jewish people and what they’ve suffered the last 6-9 months

You agreed 100% with the post that told you to shut up.

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 20 seconds ago
Shutup Oscar, I've had arguments with people on here about antisemitism, and I'll argue against anyone that's attacking muslims, or white people, or whoever. I've been on several protests where I've called out people hijacking those protests too. I've been caught between police and people throwing bricks at them on anti-racism marches before. I don't turn a blind eye to violence because people think it's a just cause and I didn't last night either.

I do take exception to people extrapolating this to the idea that white people are facing some kind of general violent threat right now. They are not. If mobs start going around beating up white people in a repeat of last nights incident I will change my position on that.

I can tell you though that brown, black, muslim, jews, are all afraid of being attacked and shouldn't have to live that way.

Agree with this 100%

So you're finally going to shut up?

Shut up about what? I’m literally of the same opinions as MX4I was just making the point we need to be united and people on here need to be equally as supportive to Jewish people and what they’ve suffered the last 6-9 months

You agreed 100% with the post that told you to shut up.
Oh that part was referring to the rest of it, was spot on and couldn’t of put it better myself

posted on 6/8/24

Majority of the time I usually just observe on here now, I just saw Arne and MX4 in my opinion ganging up on a couple people unfairly here so felt I had to get involved, as I hate bullying

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 29 seconds ago
Or is he saying that meeting violence with violence is not going to solve anything?

Can’t see that anywhere tbh.

I saw ‘ god i hate that people pretend the side they like isn't doing anything bad aswell’ which let’s face it, is pretty moronically and baseless.
It’s pretty spot on to be fair though, haven’t seen anyone call out the persecution, intimidation and violence Jewish people have suffered in this country the last 6 months
I thought it was the Jews flooding Europe with immigrants? Isn't that what your great replacement conspiracy says?
“My” great replacement conspiracy theory

Who am I meant to be?
The far right?
The people I think are domestic terrorists, Ok then
Not all the far right are out in the streets.

Some have been active for years on social media providing online explanations, excuses and justifications and so things have culminated in what were seeing now because the zero tolerance to racism has been missing for a long time.

posted on 6/8/24

Elon Musk really needs to shut the f up too

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 29 seconds ago
Or is he saying that meeting violence with violence is not going to solve anything?

Can’t see that anywhere tbh.

I saw ‘ god i hate that people pretend the side they like isn't doing anything bad aswell’ which let’s face it, is pretty moronically and baseless.
It’s pretty spot on to be fair though, haven’t seen anyone call out the persecution, intimidation and violence Jewish people have suffered in this country the last 6 months
I thought it was the Jews flooding Europe with immigrants? Isn't that what your great replacement conspiracy says?
“My” great replacement conspiracy theory

Who am I meant to be?
The far right?
The people I think are domestic terrorists, Ok then
Not all the far right are out in the streets.

Some have been active for years on social media providing online explanations, excuses and justifications and so things have culminated in what were seeing now because the zero tolerance to racism has been missing for a long time.
True, social media has unfortunately contributed to a lot of it especially with what I’d call unfiltered apps. Then you’ve got younger people that have their idols as s3xist racist nobheads like Andrew Tate and whatever his brother name is

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 29 seconds ago
Or is he saying that meeting violence with violence is not going to solve anything?

Can’t see that anywhere tbh.

I saw ‘ god i hate that people pretend the side they like isn't doing anything bad aswell’ which let’s face it, is pretty moronically and baseless.
It’s pretty spot on to be fair though, haven’t seen anyone call out the persecution, intimidation and violence Jewish people have suffered in this country the last 6 months
I thought it was the Jews flooding Europe with immigrants? Isn't that what your great replacement conspiracy says?
“My” great replacement conspiracy theory

Who am I meant to be?
The far right?
The people I think are domestic terrorists, Ok then
Not all the far right are out in the streets.

Some have been active for years on social media providing online explanations, excuses and justifications and so things have culminated in what were seeing now because the zero tolerance to racism has been missing for a long time.
True, social media has unfortunately contributed to a lot of it especially with what I’d call unfiltered apps. Then you’ve got younger people that have their idols as s3xist racist nobheads like Andrew Tate and whatever his brother name is

posted on 6/8/24

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 3 minutes ago
Elon Musk really needs to shut the f up too
That’s two things that we agree on and on the same day!

posted on 6/8/24

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unlimited Pote-ntial of the Fernçalvenoo triumvirate (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 3 minutes ago
Elon Musk really needs to shut the f up too
That’s two things that we agree on and on the same day!

Musk is a weird one, feels like one of those people that was kind of level headed then went down a rabbit hole but now he just keeps going down the rabbit hole, it’s like he’s gone completely far right and brainwashed and lost his marbles the last month/two, thought a few months ago he was making some good points but now he’s just full on becoming a nut case

And he should not be getting involved in our politics and inciting even more hatred, racial attacks and riots (I don’t even want to call them protests because they’re not), this is a guy who’s meant to be impartial and has 200 million followers and his tweets highlighted to most on algorithms, it’s pathetic

posted on 6/8/24

Musk is just going to contribute to even more violence and hatred / violence being spewed. Needs to learn to become more like Zuckerberg and shut the f up about things that don’t concern him or could impact people getting hurt or attacked

posted on 6/8/24

It was all downhill for musk after he called that diver a pea do when those kids were trapped in the cave

posted on 6/8/24

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unlimited Pote-ntial of the Fernçalvenoo triumvirate (U17054)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Oscar. #TeamFury #TeamTrump2024 #FightFightFight (U12980)
posted 3 minutes ago
Elon Musk really needs to shut the f up too
That’s two things that we agree on and on the same day!

Oscar's opinions on some topics the last few days have actually been quite reasonable. Its been a nice surprise.

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted less than a minute ago
It was all downhill for musk after he called that diver a pea do when those kids were trapped in the cave
I think he went even more extreme when his child became trans and has now cut off contact.

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted less than a minute ago
It was all downhill for musk after he called that diver a pea do when those kids were trapped in the cave
I think he went even more extreme when his child became trans and has now cut off contact.
Really don’t understand how you can father a child and just because they decide to become trans then want nothing to do with them and hate them. Speaks volumes about the kind of person he is to be honest

posted on 6/8/24

Let's be honest... musk was always a cant, he's just made it more obvious now with this mid life crises

posted on 6/8/24

The Director of Public Prosecutions in England and Wales says he is "willing" to consider charging some rioters with terrorism offences

He really needs to do this.

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted less than a minute ago
The Director of Public Prosecutions in England and Wales says he is "willing" to consider charging some rioters with terrorism offences

He really needs to do this.

Anyone who has been intimidating minorities or asylum seekers through violence should be charged with a terrorism offence in my opinion.

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 2 minutes ago
The Director of Public Prosecutions in England and Wales says he is "willing" to consider charging some rioters with terrorism offences

He really needs to do this.
Fingers crossed, a message needs to be sent. Domestic terrorists are exactly what they are, this country is everyone’s country not just there’s like they think

Shame we can’t deport them

posted on 6/8/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted less than a minute ago
It was all downhill for musk after he called that diver a pea do when those kids were trapped in the cave
I think he went even more extreme when his child became trans and has now cut off contact.
oh yeah definitely got alot worse over time, i just recall the first anti-musk talk i heard around that event

posted on 6/8/24

comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 1 hour, 14 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 27 seconds ago
It’s all getting a bit ridiculous, all a bit my dad’s harder than your dad.

This shouldn’t be about who people should be more afraid of, far right rioters or Asians going on the rampage. That’s a pathetic line of thought. Anyone who does anything like this are just despicable individuals, irrespective of race. A decent person is a decent person irrespective of race.

They’re all just waiting for the trigger that helps them self justify their own actions.
There's no asian gangs on the rampage. There's plenty of racists in this Country who will start going on about asian gangs on the rampage after that incident last night and feel emboldened to target anyone vulnerable.
This country has far more to fear from Islamic extremists than the far right.

posted on 6/8/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by mx4 (U23184)
posted 1 hour, 14 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 27 seconds ago
It’s all getting a bit ridiculous, all a bit my dad’s harder than your dad.

This shouldn’t be about who people should be more afraid of, far right rioters or Asians going on the rampage. That’s a pathetic line of thought. Anyone who does anything like this are just despicable individuals, irrespective of race. A decent person is a decent person irrespective of race.

They’re all just waiting for the trigger that helps them self justify their own actions.
There's no asian gangs on the rampage. There's plenty of racists in this Country who will start going on about asian gangs on the rampage after that incident last night and feel emboldened to target anyone vulnerable.
This country has far more to fear from Islamic extremists than the far right.
You just can’t help yourself can you?

Page 4550 of 4651

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