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RIP Rodney Fern

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posted on 18/1/18

Oh no-one of my faves.

I’m really sad to hear this-it’s quite disheartened me. I do remember a few years ago someone mentioned that he wasn’t at all well.

So sad to hear this news.

What more can I say?

posted on 18/1/18

Many great memories.

Chest control and one-touch pass that sent Len Glover away for the should-have-been equaliser in the ‘69 Final.

The header that could have gone anywhere but finished up in the net against Norwich.

The overhead kick against Birmingham.

Any updates re the service etc would be greatly appreciated.

posted on 18/1/18

Sad day

posted on 19/1/18

Enjoy the football match in the sky with Weller. RIP.

posted on 19/1/18

Just a bit before time really. Never saw him play but my Dad used to sing his praises.

Wasn't there a chant about him?

posted on 19/1/18

Remember his goals in late sixties early seventies,long hair and sideburns.
Great character .Sad loss.

posted on 19/1/18

Also one of my heroes from the early days. I'll never forget the overhead scissors kick on that hot day that opened the 1969-70 season. Shame it wasn't televised. "He's here, he's there, he's every jolly where, Rodney Fern, Rodney Fern!" I do regret never having been to see him at the Ferrer's Arms.

posted on 19/1/18

our Rodney sideburns,long hair and one of the first of the un-tucked Shirt brigade al la Marsh and Best loved him with Lenny on the wing.
God's speed sir

posted on 19/1/18

Before my time, but never like to hear of the loss of one our beloved former players. RIP.

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 19/1/18

Been out all morning and just seen this. Really sad news.
He was a much better player than he ever really got credit for (not at Filbert St obviously).

Remember he was at Ashby Grammar with Dave Nish.
Was playing cricket against Ashby once while at school and looking through their scorebook – a few years earlier, there they both were, Nish and Fern.

There was a story that his Headmaster told Rodney he'd never make a professional footballer. Rodney (I suspect) took some pleasure in reminded him of this before the '69 cup final.

Remember him scoring with a spectacular overhead kick at the kop end, can't remember who against now – but downsouf will.

Not been a good start to the year: Cyril Regis, Dolores O'Riordan, Dan Gurney, Peter Parker and now Rodney – and we're only three weeks into 2018.

R I P Rodney

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 19/1/18

Sorry downsouf should have read your post properly, of course it was Birmingham!

posted on 20/1/18

comment by Vulpes (U6011)
posted 20 hours, 21 minutes ago
Been out all morning and just seen this. Really sad news.
He was a much better player than he ever really got credit for (not at Filbert St obviously).

Remember he was at Ashby Grammar with Dave Nish.
Was playing cricket against Ashby once while at school and looking through their scorebook – a few years earlier, there they both were, Nish and Fern.

There was a story that his Headmaster told Rodney he'd never make a professional footballer. Rodney (I suspect) took some pleasure in reminded him of this before the '69 cup final.

Remember him scoring with a spectacular overhead kick at the kop end, can't remember who against now – but downsouf will.

Not been a good start to the year: Cyril Regis, Dolores O'Riordan, Dan Gurney, Peter Parker and now Rodney – and we're only three weeks into 2018.

R I P Rodney

Vulpes, that goal would be 9th Aug 1969, the first match of the season against B'ham City- funny how that goal, of all the ones he scored, sticks in the memory. Oddly enough I remember the match well because it was a really hot day.

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 20/1/18

I'd half remembered it was Birmingham and early season, then re-read downsouf's post and saw it was, but thanks for the full details.

It was a great goal and I'm glad it stuck in my memory, because not much else does these days, including the name of the former Guardian editor, which was of course Peter Preston, not Parker!

I was trying to figure out why this news upset me so much yesterday, and came to the conclusion that partly, it was Rodney seeming more like a bloke you'd meet down the pub rather than a superstar athlete. I think fans could maybe identify with him more easily than most top level players.
Hard to believe it was all half a century ago.

posted on 20/1/18



I thought this match (City-Birmingham) was televised. A long scroll down to the 1969-70 listings shows it was covered.

I bow, however, to your better knowledge on history long past.

posted on 20/1/18

...also, it was the day after the Beatles ventured over the Abbey Road zebra crossing for the timeless still that featured on the album cover.

posted on 20/1/18

Sad news indeed - I can remember him in his "pomp". Never saw him give less than 100%.

At least he got to see City win the Premier League.

Sadly missed.

posted on 20/1/18

I rememberwatching Rodneys overhead kick on
Star Siccer.l Now there was a programme to watch
wirth Huw Johns commentating


posted on 27/1/18

Funeral service will be held in Appleby Magna on 1st February.

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