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Time up!

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posted on 15/3/18

Still Europe to potentially play for, we don’t have a chance of winning the FA cup to be honest

In terms of this summer - it’s a massive point in our modern history. Get the recruitment right (and that includes the manager) and we build towards being a top 8 premier league club.

Get it as wrong as we did in the summer of 2016 and we go back to the Leicester of old - a yo yo tin pot club that spends most of its time in the second tier.

That’s how important it is. It could go either way. But I’m not confident

posted on 15/3/18

Out of that lot I'd only be disappointed to lose Vardy and Mahrez. The rest can go as far as I'm concerned. I'm surprised Morgan isn't on there, he is 34!

I don't think Vardy will go, Mahrez is a cert to though.

A big rebuilding job needed and the owners need to back us in the summer, they do have their sights on Champions League football again after all.

posted on 15/3/18

Id keep Simpson,vardy
And add in king ( on loan?)sell,Amartey sell

Evans ?as back up
A right wing back
A left wing back
an 2 attacking midfielder
2 wingers

Chilwell play league cup and lower 10 teams at left back
Midfield for the rest if selected,

Also if you let your lot go
That's half the squad those coming in would have to be better class of player and
Fit straight in,

Do you think our recruitment team could handle a potential 8 /10 signings
Following probably 14 players
When they have failed so gloriously for the last 4 transfer Windows:

posted on 15/3/18

Champions league football

posted on 15/3/18

Leicester still have 6/7th and the cup to play for, you can't be too disappointed with that, look at Everton - spent a fortune and have sod all to play for.

You need to resist all offers for Vardy, he is the heart of the team. Consolidating 6/7th for a few years and playing the Europa regularly wouldn't be terrible I presume.

posted on 15/3/18

Exactly BS, the owners have to put their money where their mouth is in regards to that. A big improvement in players required to get anywhere near.

Not realistic, but who knows.

posted on 15/3/18

Not sure I see Vardy going anywhere. I guess his agent might figure it's time he got a new contract but I don't see a CL club coming in for him because of his age, while I really can't see us selling to Everton even if they came in with a big offer.

Also we won't be looking to move Simpson on. He's out of form right now but I think that's to do with finding his feet again after injury. It also seems unlikely that Matty James will be moved on considering that Puel quite fancies him. As for whether these two /should/ be moved on - Simpson no; even if you want a new right back, you need a squad. James, I'm not sure. I'd class him as a backup for Ndidi in defensive midfield, so it depends whether he'd want to be a squad player or not. It doesn't look like he'll ever offer much going forward at this level though.

Huth, it would be sad to see him go but somewhat inevitable given what Puel demands of his centre backs. Although of course the warning of going in that direction is that letting him go in pursuit of ball-playing centre halves ultimately didn't do Stoke any good. Ulloa can go with our blessing on the basis he wouldn't play any more here; Slimani and Musa can give us a wave on their way out.

As for Gray, I find myself just not caring. I keep hoping that he he might start developing his game and show something more than he is, but it never happens. Whatever his potential, he's plateaued and needs a breakthrough to really make it in this league. Whether that requires a move, I don't know, but Puel's initial faith in him has not been repaid. Will he ever have the awareness on the pitch to deliver consistent, quality final balls?

People often start talking about having a clearout of deadwood at this stage of the season. I rarely feel this is either required or desired (Pearson's second tenure excepted), and I don't feel it's the case here either. Overall we have quite a balanced squad and I'm more interested in adding quality to it rather than getting rid of familiar middling players and replacing them with unfamiliar middling players.

Mahrez, meanwhile, I suspect will get to the end of the season and decide that he's actually better off staying here.

Not really of course.

posted on 15/3/18

Evertons signing yes and the ones we made in 2016 from Walsh's blackbook.
Puel will want to bring in some players that he knows can do what he wants.
Those who went on loan aren't coming back unless its Musa or no one wants them. Then off to Belgium to join Nigel.

posted on 15/3/18

I think I could accept Andy King going off to Belgium to join Nigel. It'd be like him going to live with his uncle for a while.

posted on 15/3/18

comment by Striketeam7 (U18109)

You need to resist all offers for Vardy, he is the heart of the team. Consolidating 6/7th for a few years and playing the Europa regularly wouldn't be terrible I presume.

If we achieved this I think every Leicester fan alive would be delighted. We are just worried that when Mahrez goes and if Vardy leaves we would be left with a very thin squad in terms of quality.

Take Kante, Drinkwater, Mahrez and Vardy out of our league-winning team and we are left with some perfectly adequate and hard-working Premier League footballers. Unfortunately such footballers will not guide you to the outskirts of the European places - ask Stoke, Southampton, Crystal Palace etc. etc.

posted on 15/3/18

Exactly FFS. Which is why BS is right, this summer is critical and bigger than any of the windows since we won the league.

Nobody been that controversial yet.

If Mahrez leaves, we need quality behind Vardy and fast. Ben Arfa is the noisy replacement due to his links with Puel.

posted on 15/3/18

The noisy replacement?

posted on 15/3/18

"The ball goes out to Ben Arfa now..."


"He looks up."


"He's going to take on his man."


"Oh, quality ball into the box there..."

posted on 15/3/18


posted on 15/3/18

These players will leave -
Ben Hamer
Robert Huth
Christian Fuchs
Aleksandar Dragovic
Yohan Benalouane
Andy King
Riyad Mahrez
Ahmed Musa
Leonardo Ulloa

We could have problems with some of the others especially if they have a good world cup

posted on 16/3/18

"But let’s make this interesting. Who SHOULD leave.

Mahrez (until someone offers £3m and he ends up staying)
Gray 😉

I'm surprised at you Mersey saying some of these players Should leave?

Vardy and Simpson are two players I'd definitely want to stay, not too fussed about the others you mentioned but you could maybe add Chilwell onto that list.

Your tag on Mahrez could well end up being totally correct.

The only player I'd suggest to come in is the local lad at WBA now, Oliver Burke who had Chilwell looking like an amateur, the problem could be he apparently turned Leicester down to go WBA, whetehr he'd feel the same when they're in the Championship is another matter.

posted on 17/3/18

Huff's going because of his age all of the players are three years older and some are not as good as they where we can't live in the past
My Shopping list
two wing backs
One additional centre half
another striker over 5'6"
New goal keeper
and a partridge in a pear tree.

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