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posted on 18/9/11

posted on 18/9/11

I'm still on board the ginger express.

Although, it looks like we might be able to get Owen Coyle soon.

posted on 18/9/11

Hope he's in charge in May.... If so means we are promoted..... Yeahhhhhh

posted on 18/9/11

at New York.

Nice one pal!

comment by (U10727)

posted on 18/9/11

Nah, not really. Then again, I never am.

If we keep getting the results, it doesn't matter but I'm not sure we will. Beating Yeovil is nothing to get excited about and we made hard work of it. A win's a win but I suppose it'd be nice if we looked a bit more solid and professional.

Also don't understand how Jones keeps his place after being dragged off at half-time at Stevenage, where in the second half we drew it 1-1.

posted on 18/9/11

Don't know how bad his injury is so he might not start due to that.

posted on 18/9/11

Just joking CEF, OC wouldn't get the Owls job anyway.

posted on 18/9/11

But Coyle has the necessary form to take over from Wenger - 4 losses on the bounce. Surely Coyle is Emirates bound no?

posted on 18/9/11

Im completely with you. Im not a big Megson fan but as long as we don't slip out of the reckoning for the play-offs then I'll be fairly happy.

No more stuffings though please!

posted on 18/9/11

Jones: Broken nose
Lowe: Back
COG: Foot
Mcgoldrick: Back

Will be interesting to see Who's fit for Exeter who batterd us last season!
Will meggy bring in a loan keeper?

Megsons still on thin ice, they managed to scrape a win which is a good result, but a poor performance and a promotion team simply wouldn't struggle to pick up points away.
Most teams ahead of us have games in hand and everyone around us has a much better goal diff thanks to that spanking from Stevenage, it's far from over and there's an incredible amount of work to do before this club contemplates 'promotion' otherwise it'll just get spanked in the Champ again and sent back here.

comment by peiowl (U9676)

posted on 18/9/11

No, I've had it with GM. I don't see us progressing under his leadership and waiting till Christmas will be too late. Trouble is he's probably bought a reprieve with that scrappy win yesterday.

comment by DRY (U3060)

posted on 18/9/11

Yep, but this coming Boxing day, we know we are still here abouts !

posted on 19/9/11

As stated previously, as long as he keeps delivering the results we should back him up.

comment by (U10727)

posted on 19/9/11

Mike Oxlong

'keeps delivering the results' - has he done that so far then? Sure, our start to the season isn't too bad but given that we're conceding an average 2 goals a game, I worry how long it will last.

I'm happy to get behind him and the team but I don't agree with much he's done since he took over and don't think he'll take us up.

How on earth can he start Rob Jones again after taking him off at half-time the other day? I've nothing against Jones per se, just the decision makes no sense.

posted on 19/9/11

This is where we are in the form table:

comment by (U10727)

posted on 19/9/11

Ah we'll see, won't we. I'd be much more optimistic if we didn't concede so many goals.

posted on 19/9/11

Yeah, only 3 sides scored more yet only 3 conceded more!

Who'd have thought it would be that way round back in August!

comment by (U10727)

posted on 19/9/11

Yer.. so much for grinding it out. Scored in every game but 1 and conceded in every game but 1.

You'd think a win on Saturday is much needed, given the 2 games that follow away. Either way, we have to tighten up somehow.

posted on 19/9/11

No we don't, we just need to score more than the opposition in every game

comment by (U10727)

posted on 19/9/11

Ha - yeah, I know.. If they're scoring 2 goals against us every game, I think thay might be beyond us..

Roll on Saturday anyway. I'm gonna go crazy and predict 3-0 (to wednesday, that is...).

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