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Marhez to stay?

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posted on 2/5/18

As soon as Man City meet his valuation he’ll be gone. Why on earth would he stay here right now

posted on 2/5/18

He’ll stay because no one will pay the price!

posted on 2/5/18

I'd imagine he'd leave if any of the "top 6" PL clubs or top clubs from around Europe offered the right £.

posted on 2/5/18

Well who knows the owners have persuaded him before and he is married to a Leicester Girl i believe.
A lot depends on the owners valuation and who we bring in an our plan. But i don't think he will stay and we will just be able to say when he is astride the world stage he used to ours.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 2/5/18

His contract is until 2020, is that right? If so I'd imagine this summer is the last chance to get really big money (assuming he doesn't resign obviously).

And at 27 you'd think that if he were going to go to a huge club it would be now.

If Leicester reinvest sensibly though could be a win for them too.

posted on 2/5/18

While I'm expecting him to go, I do still wonder whether TB's point may come back in here. We've expected him to go over the last two or three transfer windows, but then nobody pays the going rate. And it is the going rate - the reported offers for someone of his ability are pretty derisory given the rest of the market. And then he throws a strop which brings into question his attitude, and so the cycle goes on.

With two years left on his contract, I suspect an offer of around £50-60m from Man City or any other significant team would secure his services now - if we can find someone willing to pay it. Otherwise I think it's clear by now that him simply wanting it isn't enough.

But regardless, he'll be missed when he's gone.

posted on 2/5/18

I think we've seen the best of Mahrez and I don't think he'll reach the heights of his previous best with us again - his heart just doesn't seem to be with us anymore.

If he goes and we get a good fee for him - and I'd accept anything over £50mil the way he's playing at the moment, he will go with my thanks and a hell of a lot of fond memories.

We need a re-build this squad, whoever the manager is, and I'd rather have a good transfer fee to invest in new players than Mahrez playing at 50%, if that.

posted on 2/5/18

Of course he'd tell a Leicester fan this, he was interested in joining Roma and Man City. He will definitely leave for a club that is a step up from us.

I'm with the opinion that he needs to leave for himself and the club, I genuinely don't think he wants to play for us anymore and that can affect the team.

posted on 2/5/18

I expect Riyad will finally depart this summer for around 45-50m and that will be best for everyone I feel.

I agree that we have probably seen the best of him in a Leicester shirt that we are probably going to. When you see him play now for us (and the farce that went on with the Man City bid) you can just feel he is playing at 80%. I'm sure once he pulls on the shirt of a "big" club, he will suddenly find an extra gear and that extra 20%.
That said with the big over hall our squad needs and if we invest the money we get from Mahrez wisely (and thats a big IF) then it could turn out well. Regardless will be sad to see him leave, but onwards and upwards

posted on 2/5/18

Well Real are reportedly interested. Maybe he knows something more than he’s letting on....

posted on 2/5/18

My view by the way is that Mahrez would thrive in a top team that create more space for him.

I don’t think we’ve seen the last of his talent if he did leave.

posted on 2/5/18

I want him to gone on and do well he seems like a really nice guy maybe badly advised but i don't know more than those that met him like him and he puts a lot back into his homeland.
So whatever happens we will find ourselves reliving those moments of genius are very own George Best.

posted on 2/5/18

Very True Nev, just like every other member of the Title winning squad.

posted on 2/5/18

Oh hello here he comes what a surprise. We will never forget the whole team but there was only one Marhez and no one could do what he does in the 50 years i have been watching our team. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either deluded or a liar take you pick Mr Wind up.

posted on 2/5/18

posted on 2/5/18

The title winning team will always be immortalised in history, and Mahrez will always be remembered as the wizard with the magic left foot.

Obviously the most gifted player of the team, and will be remembered for that.

posted on 2/5/18

Muzzy !

posted on 2/5/18

Would be great Nev if he did stay, even if until the January window.
Reckon he will go close season this time for sure.
And i think he will have a list of 8 - 10 teams that he would like to join.

He's been a fantastic player for Leicester City and will be sorely missed once he's gone.

posted on 2/5/18

I'd be happy if he genuinely wanted to stay (and sign a contract extension) but reckon he'll be off the moment a decent offer comes in for him. Which if course may not happen.

I think the time is right for him to move on and test himself at a higher level - if anybody is genuinely interested.

Anyway, if he goes it will be with my blessing and he will leave some awesome memories and a big hole to fill in the squad.

posted on 4/5/18

Rob Dorset say Marhez has withdrawn his transfer request he made in January why?

posted on 4/5/18

I should think because it was there to try and force through a move to Man City but it didn't work and he sulked.

No point having a transfer request when you can't move in a closed window, don't worry he'll soon slap one back in when any one from Brentford to Barcelona start sniffing again.

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