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posted on 28/10/18

Apparently 1823 Arabs there as well. Any longer under Laszlo and that would have been our home attendances.

Good to see the fans backing the new manager, and the manager repaying them by not being an utter clown.

posted on 29/10/18

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posted on 29/10/18


Not a lot of chances in the game but it's really satisfying to see us take them when they come along.

Really pleased with what Neilson's doing and the transformation in us is terrific. A bit of momentum is starting to build and, at the risk of it being a false dawn, I do feel like there's been a seachange in attitudes both on the park and off it among the support. People seem to be positive again which is something we've been missing for a while.

I still fear County will run away with the league - another convincing win for them at the weekend - but we can only win our own games and I'm a lot more confident of that now than I was before.

Terrific turnout by our fans though.

posted on 29/10/18

Apparently Nielsen was talking about the tactics the team had to adopt - playing at the back to try to draw Dunfermline out. Thought it was refreshing that we now have a manager who identifies a need for changing tactics! Dunfermline are poor but we still had to beat them so pleased overall. McMullan needs to listen to the captain when it comes to pens though! Also, the bridie I had was fantastic!! Onwards...

posted on 29/10/18

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