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These 101 comments are related to an article called:

How Strong Are Arsenal's Finances?

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posted on 30/12/18

Liverpool have a lower net spend than Arsenal over the last 5 years so dunno why GT keeps going on about it. The facts instantly discredit his point

posted on 30/12/18

Have really enough now.You take it too far now. Wenger surely is guilty of the second world war.

posted on 30/12/18

Oh he's comparing us to Liverpool now??

Told you the bloke is clueless. Now unless some corrupt Chinese club comes in and hands us £200m for donkeys like Xhaka and Ozil, I have no idea why he'd compare us to Liverpool.

posted on 30/12/18

comment by Gunnerthru (U6675)
posted 1 minute ago
And Wenger havent negogiate all our contracts.

You telling me that Liverpool bought their players all of the sell of Coutinho, right? And even though they all play for peanuts, right?
LOL Liverpool had to apologize to Southampton publically in the Summer for tapping up VVD and trying to get the price down but as soon as Coutinho decided to go it was bang £75M no questions asked. So of course their signings were from the Coutinho money, they historically have spent a lot less than us over the 4-5 seasons before this Summer.

All Liverpool’s business has shown how to improve despite losing your best players. Every top player Wenger lost we got gradually worse

posted on 30/12/18

Wenger is responsible for.

a) massive wage structure issues
b) no Champions League qualification and so massive loss of revenue.
c) wasting money on unproductive players who are now worth less than what we paid for them.

All dramatically affect our revenues streams. It also lowers our brand perception which negatively impacts our FUTURE sponsorships.

posted on 30/12/18

Wenger is evil

posted on 30/12/18

comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 30/12/18


This has already been explained to you by Bats, J99 and Serial. But let me try and explain it one more time because I don't understand how you don't get this.

FSG haven't directly poured ANY money into Liverpool's transfers. But it's probably because they haven't needed to.

Liverpool have been able to get huge sums of money for their star players. That is a massive reason why they have been able to reinvest heavily in their squad and is why they now have a title challenging side. Coutinho and Suarez alone were worth £207m.

This gave them a huge opportunity to not rely on the individual skills of the aforementioned players, but to gradually build a team with quality all over the pitch so there is a well-rounded balance.

This is what they have done.

Their net spend is lower than ours and given how consistently we have finished in the top 4 prior to 2017, whereas their league position fluctuated a lot, we had plenty of opportunity to reap the benefits of the additional CL money. The problem is we pisssed it up the wall on high wages and transfer fees for average/ageing players. That is no-one else's fault but our own.

What is hard for you to understand about that?

posted on 30/12/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 30/12/18

comment by Raptor✑ (U1071)
posted 5 minutes ago

Leave you attic, get some Vitamin D, a girlfriend and support a team from Germany and passionately support them. Don’t waste your life away worrying about Arsenal who you will never see play.

TBOK told me to say this

posted on 30/12/18

comment by Raptor✑ (U1071)
posted 7 minutes ago

Leave you attic, get some Vitamin D, a girlfriend and support a team from Germany and passionately support them. Don’t waste your life away worrying about Arsenal who you will never see play.

TBOK told me to say this

posted on 30/12/18

I understand it. And fair enough to Liverpool. They did tremendously well in the last few TW. We lost players and they brought players in and found some gems like Salah and before Mane. Well done.

To blame Wenger for all that went wrong especially yesterday is plain and simple stupid.

posted on 30/12/18

No Wenger isn’t directly responsible for yesterday’s performance but he is responsible for the terrible condition he’s left this squad in, and also the financial constraints that people once praised him for seeing us through

posted on 30/12/18

comment by πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ† (U18355)
posted 1 minute ago
No Wenger isn’t directly responsible for yesterday’s performance but he is responsible for the terrible condition he’s left this squad in, and also the financial constraints that people once praised him for seeing us through
Wenger brought Mustafi and Xhaka to my club. That shietcunt is directly responsible for every defeat we get until those donkeys are sold.

comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 30/12/18


Wenger isn’t directly responsible for the malaise yesterday but he is a big reason why we have so many mediocre, bottling caaants in our team.

Think about just these signings in the last 3.5 years:

Xhaka - £35m
Mustafi - £35m
Cech - £10m
Elneny - £7.4m
Perez - £18m
Kolasinac - free but on £140k p/w (5 year deal which means he will cost us £36m over his contract length).
Mkhitaryan - free but on £140k p/w (3.5 year deal which means he is technically costing us £22m over his entire contract length).

If we accumulate all of that, including the free transfers and the wages they get paid over the entirety of their contract lengths, that is potentially £163.4m spent on all of those players.

Think about that. £163.4m. On players that most of the Arsenal fanbase do not rate or think won’t take us to the next level.

Whose fault is that?

posted on 30/12/18

comment by πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ† (U18355)
posted 5 minutes ago
No Wenger isn’t directly responsible for yesterday’s performance but he is responsible for the terrible condition he’s left this squad in, and also the financial constraints that people once praised him for seeing us through
You are a bit of a drama queen. Arsenal Football Club is healthy financialwise.

Wenger left us in good conditions. We have a good squad with promising youngsters. Unfortunately we continue to have too many injuries at the same time at our defense. We knew that all before under Wenger and it hit us again.

Never thought or said Wenger never made a mistake. Mustafi was one of his biggest in recent years and was a panic buy moreless. Özil surely havent played to the required level we expect him to do. He was a buy that should have signaled we are back and could cope with the oil money and United at that time. It didnt come off. Liverpool in comparison brought the right players at the right time and done even more later on. My main criticism of Wenger personally is that he never done more than just needed maybe restricted by the club.

My point is and I say it again.....if Kroenke isnt ready to spend heavily and pay over the odds we can have Klopp, Pep Guardiola, Emery or whatever as our manager and still play EL football at best.

posted on 30/12/18

comment by Samir (U2630)
posted 10 minutes ago

Wenger isn’t directly responsible for the malaise yesterday but he is a big reason why we have so many mediocre, bottling caaants in our team.

Think about just these signings in the last 3.5 years:

Xhaka - £35m
Mustafi - £35m
Cech - £10m
Elneny - £7.4m
Perez - £18m
Kolasinac - free but on £140k p/w (5 year deal which means he will cost us £36m over his contract length).
Mkhitaryan - free but on £140k p/w (3.5 year deal which means he is technically costing us £22m over his entire contract length).

If we accumulate all of that, including the free transfers and the wages they get paid over the entirety of their contract lengths, that is potentially £163.4m spent on all of those players.

Think about that. £163.4m. On players that most of the Arsenal fanbase do not rate or think won’t take us to the next level.

Whose fault is that?
Xhaka isnt bad in my view. Is he worth £35m? Market price you have to pay. One of our better players this season.

I personally never wanted Cech for 10M at our club, I never wanted Mustafi either.

Perez is sold anyway and Elneny was 8M EUR as far as I know. I didnt know him before he moves to Arsenal. He is a squad player now. Nothing more and nothing less.

comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 30/12/18

GT, you’re missing the point again.

The point isn’t that we’ve got rid of some of them now. The point is we have invested heavily but we have wasted a large chunk of our money over the last few years on players that quite simply are not and have not been good enough.

I don’t accept your point on Xhaka. Wanyama’s injury prone now but for £11m, less than a third of the price we got Xhaka, would have been a more useful signing.

Kante went for the same price we got Xhaka for. Don’t need to remind of you of how good he is.

Doucoure of Watford was £16m and he’s been a lot more useful in the Prem than Xhaka.

Ndidi of Leicester was £17m. More useful than Xhaka.

I’m not saying most of the above players are world class, because they’re not, but they’d make a huge difference to our midfield. They are all more impactful than Xhaka. And those players have gone to other PL clubs for respectable fees.

We just need a good scouting network and to target the right profile of player for the style of play we want. If a certain player is too much money, then we go to the next one on the list.

But if lesser PL clubs can find these sorts of players, there is no reason why we can’t.

How Wenger thought Xhaka was ever going to be the right sort of player for us I will never know.

posted on 30/12/18

In an article about Arsenal's finances GT somehow manages to make it about Xhaka. This is Giroud syndrome all over again. What a facking noncer.

posted on 30/12/18

Dont say I missing the point, Samir. You dont respect my point. That is the problem here.

I am not very good at static and generally to lazy to look it up. I read that we are one point better than last year under Wenger.

I can't see any improvement tactically and we saw that our defense with "Emery" players arent better. Yes, Emery is only a half season in charge. I was told that Emery would improve us dramatically alone with a better game plan and tactic defensively. That isnt the case.

Kante was also on our list when I trust what I read. But he decided for Chelsea. Why? They pay better is my guess.

Doucoure is a good player. I like him. His is at Watford maybe for a reason?

Again....Liverpool found some gems but also paid a good price for them. It's paying off for them.

posted on 30/12/18

Shut the fack up for once, Serial.

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 30/12/18

Think about just these signings in the last 3.5 years:

Xhaka - £35m
Mustafi - £35m
Cech - £10m
Elneny - £7.4m
Perez - £18m
Kolasinac - free but on £140k p/w (5 year deal which means he will cost us £36m over his contract length).
Mkhitaryan - free but on £140k p/w (3.5 year deal which means he is technically costing us £22m over his entire contract length).
Out of that whole list Xhaka is probably the best.
TBH hes been playing pretty well this season so i don't understand the hate he's been getting. Him an Torriera in the middle have been a good CM partnership and it's only due to injuries that the performances have been getting worse (shifting Xhaka to CB/LB).

Out of all the goals we have conceded in the last 3-4 PL games (Saints/Brighton/Liverpool) All 9 unbelievably have been down to defensive errors which is just a sham.

Kos - At fault for all 3 saints goals
Brighton - Thanks Lichtsteiner
Pool - Mustafi/Mustafi+Torriera/Sokratis/Kolasinac/Lich

posted on 30/12/18

Out of that whole list Xhaka is probably the best. 
TBH hes been playing pretty well this season so i don't understand the hate he's been getting. Him an Torriera in the middle have been a good CM partnership and it's only due to injuries that the performances have been getting worse (shifting Xhaka to CB/LB).

Xhaka has been guilty of losing possession to the opposition countless times. The fact him and Torreira are our best CM partnership shows nothing. It's either him or a 19 year old or Elneny. Not exactly difficult.

Xhaka's presence in the team reminds me of Giroud. OKish squad player that somehow has become a first teamer. Do we just accept that he's average and does ok occasionally or do we replace him with better quality and shift Xhaka to the bench where he belongs? I'm surprised this is actually a debate, tbh.

comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 30/12/18


I am saying you're missing the point because your replies aren't on topic, you're making a completely separate argument to the issues that are being discussed.

I say that the club's finances aren't as healthy as some Arsenal fans had hoped, you talk about comparing Wenger and Emery's records.

I say that we have wasted a lot of money on subpar players, you say that we've sold some of them now anyway.

I say that the club need to be smarter and shrewder in their player recruitment, you then start discussing tactics.

You're not replying to any of the points being made.

comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 30/12/18

Out of that whole list Xhaka is probably the best.

And yet, he isn't a patch on any of Chelsea's, United's, Liverpool's, Spurs', City's and - dare I say - Everton's, Watford's or Wolves' best midfielders.

Which is still a damning indictment on just how poor a purchase he was.

Clubs in mid table have better central midfielders than us. It's embarrassing.

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