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Team for Arsenal

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posted on 21/9/11

For me, I'd start Holden, he makes such a big difference to our team, if he's tired late on i'd take him off. Agree with all the rest except for Davies, his performances this season don't warrant automatic selection anymore, and if N'gog isn't playing we won't even try to play it through to him, Davies is the perfect striker for Mertesacker to defend against, N'Gogs pace will cause him all sorts of problems

posted on 21/9/11

Good point. It's all a question if we will try or not. If we do, then Ngog will be much better then Davies. If we don't then Mertesacker will chew up Ngog a lot easier then he will Davies. Just will have to see if Jussi stops hoofing.

Holden I thought about. Despite being 100% better then I thought he was going to be last night after 6 months out, I think playing 2 competitive matches in one week after 6 months out is asking for trouble. Give him time to rest up for next week and have a a fully fit/rested Holden.

Mavies always does well against Arsenal. I also really want to see him in Coyles 451. I reckon he could thrive if we play it up through the middle and have 2 CDM's to allow him to attack. Could be a very good link between him and Ngog.

posted on 21/9/11

If Holden is fit, as him completing 90 minutes would suggest, then I think he has to play. We have to stick with 5 in midfield as there is real strength there, and the real problem is just choosing who is going to be that 5. Ngog as the 1 up front for me.

posted on 21/9/11

Mavies always does well against Arsenal. I also really want to see him in Coyles 451. I reckon he could thrive if we play it up through the middle and have 2 CDM's to allow him to attack. Could be a very good link between him and Ngog.
I agree with this, when we lost 4-2 against them, we started the game with a 5 man midfield including Mark Davies, and we're winning up until the point that Arsenal realised he was running the game so decided to break him. Dirty Bar stewards.

posted on 21/9/11

Just think 2 games in the space of 1 week is a bit rushed after 6 months out. Added to that Arsenal's disciplinary record has been bad this year, and the last thing I want to see it a big song tackle on Stu.

posted on 21/9/11



Reo Coker


Petrov has been our best player so this system would perhaps get the best out of him.
I dont SKD is finished but i feel he is better off coming on from the bench

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 21/9/11

Kevin Davies has to play up top against Arsenal, but the big question is whether you start with him or you bring him on in the second half. I'm in 2 minds with this one, but granted he's not played well, but all the games where KD has not played well, Stu Holden has been out. In the absence of SH our midfield was not good enough to pass the ball through so were left passing the balls back to the defenders and booting the ball to KD. I think and I hope that we will see far less of this no that Holden is back. For this reason I think we should wipe the slate clean with KD and see how he does over the next few games. If there is no change after 3 games, KD has to start sitting out more often and hand the armband to SH.

Mertesacker has to know that he's in a game, but I don't think Ngog will cause him any problems at all. I think I'm swaying towards starting KD for this one.

I would love to see a 4-5-1 (4-3-3) with Mavies looking to get forward to partner KD and feed off knock downs etc.


Subs should be
NGog - KD
Tuncay - Mavies
Kakuta - Eagles

See this football management malarkey is easy!

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 21/9/11

* Eagles - Kakuta

posted on 21/9/11

I would guess that The Walcott will be playing on the right for Arsenal aswell, as much as i love Robbo, it scares me to death the idea of him up against someone with pace like that.
The one thing we did learn however last night was that we won't know whata Coyle plans right up until we see the team for ourselves.

posted on 21/9/11

A spell in the reserves would do players such as Knight and even Robbo, who I'm a big fan of, no harm at all.

So with that in mind I would stick with this shape that Coyle played last night; the 4-5-1/ 4-3-3 like Big Sam use to play, and to be honest, which should have been used in away games last season.

I wouldn't make too many changes if I was Coyle; I like the Holden, Muamba partnership as it seems to bring the best out of both players, in particular Muamba, which can only be a good thing. I would draft Petrov back in as he can get some dangerous crosses in when he wants, which could trouble their defence, e.g. from set-pieces.

So I would go with:


Steinsson (if he's fit?) Boyata if he isn't
Cahill (Captain)



posted on 21/9/11

I would go
Wheater (Boyata here when Gretr is back)

posted on 21/9/11

I see the majority don't want Kakuta to start

posted on 21/9/11

Just another Holdsworth. BIG problem. You have KD playing up front and also on the bench.

Change your line up bud or remove him from the bench.

posted on 21/9/11

I personally would start with Davies. For the simple reason that he will give Koscielny a nightmare and Mertesacker, although a big guy, has never faced Davies, and videos can only teach you so much. Stoke's big centre defence do well against Davies because the have faced him before and know what to expect- not true of Mertesacker.

Let Davies bully, harass and bruise them for 50-60 minutes the either replace him with Ngog or bring Ngog on and go 2 up top.

Bibi needs to start. By all accounts he had a good game, and much as I enjoy the patented "Robbo welcome to the game" tackle, I also think Bibi's pace with be more important.

Wheater obviously needs to stay in the middle. Knight has been useless this season so far.

Right-back, if he's fit then its got to be Gretski for his experience, otherwise Boyata.

Midfield, Muamba, NRC and Mavies. I agree with what has been said already about Holden, I don't want him rushed back and I really don't want to put him in against an Arsenal team who have an awful disciplinary record this season.

posted on 21/9/11

Davies hasn't bullied, harassed or bruised anyone for nearly half a year now, he was meant to do that against United and failed to do so, can't see why he'd be able to do it against Arsenal. Mertesacker will gobble up long ball, we need to expose his pace (or lack of) and play N'Gog from the off.

posted on 21/9/11

4 - 1 - 4 - 1


Steinsson / Boyata (Steinsson if he's fit)
Cahill (Capt)





posted on 22/9/11

i would go with bogdan,steinsson,cahill,wheater,gardner,eagles,reo coker,holden,mavies,kakuta,ngog. really think jussi robinson and knight must be left out and made to find their form and confidence and earn their way back into the team.do think coyle will go with jussi,boyata,cahill,wheater,robinson,eagles,reo coker,muamba,pratley,petrov,ngog.

posted on 22/9/11

i go for the same setup as billy whizz fan club except id play muamba (muamba takles, wins the ball then LEAVES it to holden to distribute, this partnership seems to be blossoming)

as much as i love super kev....he HAS been not very effective this season and with the pace and way arsenal play i dont think he will do to much, arsenal dive a lot as well - dive near davies and your guarenteed to win a foul...think he could cause more problems playing than not.

i agree with cahill as captain but fear it may detract from his responsibilities as a footballer, id go for somone

posted on 22/9/11


with a bit more experience who may handle the roll a bit better - maybe coker? he seems to be very passionate during the game, ive seen him shouting at players mid game, trying to marshal the midfield, good atributes for a captain...

posted on 22/9/11

@ Reebok Rebel... I did have Muamba in!

Everyone, myself include, have neglected Tuncay. I'd have him on the bench, if he's available.

posted on 22/9/11

i also realised i said id have muamba in place of coker....then said coker would make a good captain.

both valid points but together, they totaly contradict each other...


cahill for captain

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