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Good PS3 games

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posted on 18/6/19

Drake i guess.. anything Uncharted

posted on 18/6/19

The Last of Us (if you've not played it)

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 18/6/19

I recently got my first ever platinum on a PS3 game I picked up out of mild interest. Initially I wasn't sure if I would get much from it but the only disappointment was that the game/story eventually ended as from start to finish it was absolutely fantastic.

Deadly Premonition (directors cut)

I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a great story with memorable characters that will stick with you. Check out a Youtube review.

posted on 18/6/19

Right now I’m on the Apex Legends. Bloody awesome.. no story. No puzzles. Jut straight up bullets to them face...

posted on 18/6/19

All the Uncharted series and the Last of us are well worth trying as is heavy rain,all the Batman Arkham series, Portal 2 and the orange box.

Other ones to give a try that loosely fit into the requirements you have mentioned:

Deus Ex
Bioshock series
Katamari Forever

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 18/6/19

Arkham Knight is one of the best video game experiences I've ever had. Another game I never wanted to end.

posted on 18/6/19

comment by RJC (U17308)
posted 5 minutes ago
Arkham Knight is one of the best video game experiences I've ever had. Another game I never wanted to end.

I though that it was great....then the nightmare of the Batmobile combat comes back to mind *Shudders*

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 18/6/19

I enjoyed that part of the game :/

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 18/6/19

Oops, probably should have stated, I've played all the "mainstream" games.

Last of us, arkham series, uncharted etc. Gave bioshock a go, but got bored of it eventually.

Was looking for some more under the radar titles as I'm a pretty casual gamer

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 18/6/19

Wasn't the biggest fan of arkham knight if I'm honest. Felt the villains were a bit underwhelming (to the point where they had to bring back old ones) and the batmobile was a bit ridiculous and repetitive. Still a good game though.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 18/6/19

comment by EzioTyke (U2737)
posted 2 hours, 19 minutes ago
All the Uncharted series and the Last of us are well worth trying as is heavy rain,all the Batman Arkham series, Portal 2 and the orange box.

Other ones to give a try that loosely fit into the requirements you have mentioned:

Deus Ex
Bioshock series
Katamari Forever


Cheers, I'll give these a look

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 18/6/19

Lego Star Wars

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 18/6/19

I hear good things about a game called the witness?

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 18/6/19

The Witness can go f*** itself. When "puzzles" require the player to have a phd or to be off the scale on the autism spectrum that's me out.

posted on 19/6/19

Whilst not exactly "under the radar" they weren't colossal system sellers either. If you haven't played any of these I highly recommend them.

Driver: San Francisco - Most fun driving game I've ever played. Cars handle beautifully and are so rewarding to drive - good variety of cars too. Map isn't the biggest but it's great to drive around as you can learn it and can eventually navigate without using the map. The plot is a weird buddy cop movie that knows its being cheesy and thrives on it. So much unique dialogue to have as well. Every car you enter has a large set of conversations you can have with the passengers. It's great fun.
Completed it to 100%. Twice. Very few games I've done that with. Favourite game from the PS3 era.
There might even still be a demo up, so you can try it.

Saints Row 2 - Imagine GTA IV was fun. That's what this game is. It feels like the follow-on San Andreas should have had. Another one with a brilliant map with many unique places. The later two games don't have nearly as good a map, so if you're going through them start with 2. Very silly/funny too.

Just Cause 2 - Mindless fun. Blow stuff up. B-movie plot. B-movie voice acting (in a great way - the accents are fantastic). You're basically an action hero in a dumb action movie.

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 19/6/19

Might look into that Driver game, £4 in Cex.

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 19/6/19

Picked it up off Ebay for £3.30, haven't played Driver since the second one after the third got annihilated review wise years ago.

posted on 19/6/19

The Driv3r drama is really quite interesting. If you've got 20 minutes to kill then this is a good watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxEQOv2g0JA

Let me know if you enjoy San Francisco. Only negative thing I have to say about it is the terrible multiplayer as it came from that era where literally every game had to have a tacked-on multiplayer, even if it didn't make sense.

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 19/6/19

Shall do, MP isn't of concern as I'm antisocial both in reality and digitally.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 20/6/19

comment by RJC (U17308)
posted 1 day, 20 hours ago
The Witness can go f*** itself. When "puzzles" require the player to have a phd or to be off the scale on the autism spectrum that's me out.

Yeah I saw some of a play through on youtube, does seem kind of piiissssy

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 20/6/19

For the first hour it's enjoyable/doable....after that it is just prententious to the point you resent it. I thought I was a fare way through but after looking at a guide it was a case of absolute nope and uninstalled it.

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 22/6/19

Have you checked your library?

Before they stopped giving ps3 games i used to download everything that came with ps plus membership, including the free games.

If you did the same tou probably have a few gems in there you can install and have a play on

posted on 22/6/19

Metal Gear Solid 4, Guns of the Patriots. It's a PS3 exclusive and part of arguably the best videogame saga ever made. The catch is that you need to like/understand the previous games to fully appreciate it.

posted on 23/6/19

Sleeping Dogs

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 24/6/19

comment by Drunken Hobo (U7360)
posted 4 days, 20 hours ago
The Driv3r drama is really quite interesting. If you've got 20 minutes to kill then this is a good watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxEQOv2g0JA

Let me know if you enjoy San Francisco. Only negative thing I have to say about it is the terrible multiplayer as it came from that era where literally every game had to have a tacked-on multiplayer, even if it didn't make sense.
It arrived on Friday and since then I've loved every minute of it. I'm actually really impressed so far with every aspect of the game and how well it performs on the PS3. No glitches, quick load times and very smooth running which is suprising considering how much can be going on at any one time. I was never a big Burnout fan but this I can definitely get behind and reminds me a lot of Stuntman which I loved as a teenager. Martin Edmondson definitely knows how to make a solid car based game.

Only on Chapter 4 as the side missions are addicting and hunting down the movie token things seems to have taken priority (I will find them all). Will do some more of the story later as want to open the map up even more som for £3.30 it's an absolute bargain.

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