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Cyclists - part 2 (off topic)

Page 41 of 64

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Mr Chelsea. (U3579)
posted 10 minutes ago
Why dont you cycling people admit that you annoy us drivers though? All I've seen this thread is flat out denial that you do anything wrong.

We admit, we sometimes kill people so it wouldn't hurt your lot to admit your faults too.
I try to avoid roads (in general) but particularly those that are not wide enough for cars to pass without going onto the opposing carriageway. This is partly because I don't want to hold anyone up and partly because I don't want to die of death via murder. I also drive so know how dangerous it can be if there is not enough space to pass cyclists when there are cars in both directions and limited space and visibility.
I therefore try to limit myself as an annoyance. It is not an enjoyable experience cycling on busy roads.

Now admit that you are a murderer.

posted on 2/7/19

Hope all you angry drivers are not too angry today. I’m just going out for another cycle in Mallorca. Cycle lanes everywhere

Happy cycling

posted on 2/7/19

Drivers like Mr Chelsea:

"I am so annoyed at having to wait to overtake a cyclist"

Also drivers like Mr Chelsea:

"Traffic was terrible today - it took me an hour to do a 20 minute journey".

posted on 2/7/19

Anyone who drives in London needs their head looking at. I can get anywhere quicker than any car on my bike

posted on 2/7/19

comment by TBone Steak Roysters (U3947)
posted 13 seconds ago
Anyone who drives in London needs their head looking at. I can get anywhere quicker than any car on my bike


Or indeed walking.

Have seen people like Alan Sugar moaning about how long it takes him to travel a mile in his chaffeur driven car.


posted on 2/7/19

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 1 minute ago
Drivers like Mr Chelsea:

"I am so annoyed at having to wait to overtake a cyclist"

Also drivers like Mr Chelsea:

"Traffic was terrible today - it took me an hour to do a 20 minute journey".
Too many bikes and buses clogging up the roads. If all people who cycled and took buses worked a bit harder then they could all afford cars so there would be less congestion as cars are faster.

posted on 2/7/19

Angry vegans

posted on 2/7/19

Anyone who cycles is a vegan.

Will add to the list of comedy statements made by the overweight, balding drivers.

posted on 2/7/19

Mcdonald's doesn't contain actual meat so car drivers are vegans by accident. Also Chinese takeaways contain dog meat so think of that when you are walking your angry staffie

posted on 2/7/19

They’re preparing a pride cycle through London so all the vegan, sandal wearing, tree hugging, rubber bracelet wearing, trillbee hat sporting, seed eating, Lycra clad millennials can have their whining voices heard

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Winston (U16525)
Bizarre comment - why do all cyclists annoy you?
Because they think they own the road. You must have experienced this if you drive. They cycle aggressively and if you even dare to overtake them at a speed so slow that you're literally not moving forward at all, then you get the evils from them and in most cases a 2 fingered salute followed by the 'waanker' hand gesture. Not very nice is it? On top of that, you lot dont pay any tax.

Anyway, don't know what more us drivers can do to make you lot feel more welcome on the roads.

posted on 2/7/19

comment by San Miguel (U1449)
posted 53 seconds ago
They’re preparing a pride cycle through London so all the vegan, sandal wearing, tree hugging, rubber bracelet wearing, trillbee hat sporting, seed eating, Lycra clad millennials can have their whining voices heard

I've worn sandals before but never hugged a tree.

Can I attend?

posted on 2/7/19

seed eating

posted on 2/7/19

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Mr Chelsea. (U3579)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
Bizarre comment - why do all cyclists annoy you?
Because they think they own the road. You must have experienced this if you drive. They cycle aggressively and if you even dare to overtake them at a speed so slow that you're literally not moving forward at all, then you get the evils from them and in most cases a 2 fingered salute followed by the 'waanker' hand gesture. Not very nice is it? On top of that, you lot dont pay any tax.

Anyway, don't know what more us drivers can do to make you lot feel more welcome on the roads.

I had no idea that every cyclist thinks and behaves in the same way, but thanks for clearing this up.

It's also a revelation that cyclists pay no tax.

I'll be contacting the government for a rebate and will include a copy of your post as evidence that they owe me money.

posted on 2/7/19

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 17 hours, 39 minutes ago
comment by Arouna Jagielka oooh I wanna take ya, Heitinga... (U1308)
posted 1 hour, 5 minutes ago
comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
71 is all we need, come on we got this.

Why don't cyclists have to pay a cycle path tax?

It was mentioned earlier in this thread by, let's say, a defender of cyclists, that a reason many cyclists don't use designated cycle paths is due to them being in poor condition.

When that was first stated I argued back saying they should use them and if they don't its dangerous road use.

However upon reflection poor conditions is a fair reason not to use a cycle path, especially if it could put said cyclist in danger.

So what's the solution? I mean when roads are in poor condition road tax is used to fund repair, therefore would it not make sense for a cyclist to pay a cycle path tax and therefore have the necessary funds built up to repair and keep them in top condition thus making them more popular with cyclists who currently refuse to use them?


Have you also seen the amount of cars parked in cycle lanes? Plus it’s up to a cyclist if they use them or not.

His is my favourite to show motorists a safe pass, pool noodle to show required space left between bike and car.


Well if there was proper funding in place via a cycle path tax then there would be capital to pay for the cars parking illegally like this to be towed away.


Maybe some sort of council tax would be used in the future, fund police to stop people who break the law?

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Greatteamswinit4times- a terrible enemy (U6008)
posted 41 seconds ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 1 hour, 10 minutes ago
comment by Declan McDaid (U1734)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 10 minutes ago
On a serious note, I live near a school and the speed that commuters drive through back streets, without any consideration for kids who may run out etc. is frightening.

Amazed not more people are killed.

Yet sure, let's focus on cyclists. For what reason? Oh, they're annoying. That's right.
Pay your road tax then maybe we'll stop knocking you off your bikes

Greatteams told me last night that I'd paid my tax so I can cycle in cycle lanes and in the park.


No I didn't. I didn't mention anything about parks or cycle lanes.

You basically did though.

You said I have paid for the pavement with my taxes so obviously I've paid for parks and cycle lanes as well haven't I.

posted on 2/7/19

Is it true that if you eat a seed from an apple that an apple tree grows inside your belly?

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 9 seconds ago
comment by Greatteamswinit4times- a terrible enemy (U6008)
posted 41 seconds ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 1 hour, 10 minutes ago
comment by Declan McDaid (U1734)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 10 minutes ago
On a serious note, I live near a school and the speed that commuters drive through back streets, without any consideration for kids who may run out etc. is frightening.

Amazed not more people are killed.

Yet sure, let's focus on cyclists. For what reason? Oh, they're annoying. That's right.
Pay your road tax then maybe we'll stop knocking you off your bikes

Greatteams told me last night that I'd paid my tax so I can cycle in cycle lanes and in the park.


No I didn't. I didn't mention anything about parks or cycle lanes.

You basically did though.

You said I have paid for the pavement with my taxes so obviously I've paid for parks and cycle lanes as well haven't I.

Perfect. Avoid cyclists by driving through the parks.

No speed limits.

posted on 2/7/19

Would car drivers prefer that all of the cyclists drive instead?

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Declan McDaid (U1734)
posted 2 minutes ago
Would car drivers prefer that all of the cyclists drive instead?

No, but all drivers would be happy to wait 10 seconds to overtake a cyclist if the cyclist paid extra tax apparently.

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Declan McDaid (U1734)
posted 2 minutes ago
Would car drivers prefer that all of the cyclists drive instead?
Yeah because we wont feel like we need to tiptoe on our own roads then.

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Mr Chelsea. (U3579)
posted 54 seconds ago
comment by Declan McDaid (U1734)
posted 2 minutes ago
Would car drivers prefer that all of the cyclists drive instead?
Yeah because we wont feel like we need to tiptoe on our own roads then.


posted on 2/7/19

comment by Mr Chelsea. (U3579)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Declan McDaid (U1734)
posted 2 minutes ago
Would car drivers prefer that all of the cyclists drive instead?
Yeah because we wont feel like we need to tiptoe on our own roads then.
So you would prefer to be stationary rather than moving slowly behind a cyclist for a short time? It would reduce pollution actually as everyone could just turn their engines off as they wouldn't be going anywhere for a few days. Lol.

posted on 2/7/19

comment by Declan McDaid (U1734)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Mr Chelsea. (U3579)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Declan McDaid (U1734)
posted 2 minutes ago
Would car drivers prefer that all of the cyclists drive instead?
Yeah because we wont feel like we need to tiptoe on our own roads then.
So you would prefer to be stationary rather than moving slowly behind a cyclist for a short time? It would reduce pollution actually as everyone could just turn their engines off as they wouldn't be going anywhere for a few days. Lol.
No, i meant less cyclers on the road means drivers wont need to slow down unnecessarily as much. Why can't you lot accept it? You are h8d on the roads. Lmao.

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