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These 76 comments are related to an article called:

Capitalism’s great lie

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posted on 18/3/20

comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 7 minutes ago
Socialists (Shirkers at work/unemployed) dominate ja606 during the day, why am I not surprised

I didnt think youd top your first comment but you've actually managed it.
This is the kind of comment someone makes when they've got no response
There's no point in even arguing with a stupid Ѕhit like yourself

posted on 18/3/20

comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 7 minutes ago
Socialists (Shirkers at work/unemployed) dominate ja606 during the day, why am I not surprised

I didnt think youd top your first comment but you've actually managed it.
This is the kind of comment someone makes when they've got no response
You’re still not out of puberty yet and you think you know what you’re talking about when you’re making stupid comments like that.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 18/3/20

comment by Colemanballs (U22246)
posted 2 hours, 24 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 4 minutes ago
We could fix it all tomorrow if people believed.

Other things Ive noticed;

- Lots of people are suddenly into socialism
- Turns out countries do have control of their borders afterall
If only the virus struck 6 months earlier we Could have had Corbyn,Mcdonnell and Abbott at the helm to see us through this crisis
please tell me you are joking! Please!

posted on 18/3/20

comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Colemanballs (U22246)
posted 2 hours, 24 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 4 minutes ago
We could fix it all tomorrow if people believed.

Other things Ive noticed;

- Lots of people are suddenly into socialism
- Turns out countries do have control of their borders afterall
If only the virus struck 6 months earlier we Could have had Corbyn,Mcdonnell and Abbott at the helm to see us through this crisis
please tell me you are joking! Please!
FFS I included Abbott,please take that as a clue

posted on 18/3/20

This would be a great time to reset our thinking and lifestyle in so many ways... It should be our test bed for working out climate change and moving away from the bubble that is a capitalist system that allows for bail outs and subsidies while still allowing CEOs to pocket millions and use their profits to buy back shares instead of protecting themselves.


This video explains this kind of point of view well....


posted on 18/3/20

comment by RB&W 'The Judge' (U21434)
posted 2 hours, 4 minutes ago
This would be a great time to reset our thinking and lifestyle in so many ways... It should be our test bed for working out climate change and moving away from the bubble that is a capitalist system that allows for bail outs and subsidies while still allowing CEOs to pocket millions and use their profits to buy back shares instead of protecting themselves.


This video explains this kind of point of view well....

Very interesting.

I don't hold out much hope, but I do think certain traits will stay. I remember after the last crash, the younger generation stopped going to the pub as much, preferring to drink cheaply at home, at parties etc.. This became a new norm and the next generation didn't go to the pub as much either (though things like tinder, social media etc also play a big part).

Hopefully this will have a few social impacts too.

posted on 18/3/20

comment by RB&W 'The Judge' (U21434)
posted 3 hours, 54 minutes ago
"we are all in it together" are just flowery words

It's what the wealth making Tory elite say when what they mean really mean is that when this is all done and dusted, it will be the majority of you who we will legislate against to make the sacrifices required to put it all right again, and restore our wealth for us.

Just like the banking crisis subsequent austerity.
I love this sort of utter shiiite.

I've seen people from all walks of life act like cuuunts, Tories, Labour voters, Green party workers. Likewise I've seen fantastic generosity from all types of people.

Get off your high horse and realise all this transcends politics. Shows that we shouldn't be defined by political ideologies and beneath it all we are just people.

posted on 18/3/20

we dont live in a capitalist society anymore

capitalism is Fordism

we live in corporateocracy , where profits are privatised and loses are socialised

the big corps and the exes that run them, always get bailed out


posted on 18/3/20

I've seen people from all walks of life act like cuuunts,

Shows that we shouldn't be defined by political ideologies and beneath it all we are just people.

Yes you are right oh, wise one, with vast experience of people from all walks of life....

...so then you would also know that some people are bigger cuuuunts than others. Which is generally dictated by their own personal politics.

posted on 18/3/20

comment by RB&W 'The Judge' (U21434)
posted 8 seconds ago
I've seen people from all walks of life act like cuuunts,

Shows that we shouldn't be defined by political ideologies and beneath it all we are just people.

Yes you are right oh, wise one, with vast experience of people from all walks of life....

...so then you would also know that some people are bigger cuuuunts than others. Which is generally dictated by their own personal politics.

Yes but isn't it funny how suddenly those cuuuunts have a different political belief to you.

Difference is socialist discuss it on JA606, everybody else discusses it in person.

posted on 18/3/20

Difference is socialist discuss it on JA606, everybody else discusses it in person.

So you are a socialist then? Interesting.

posted on 18/3/20

Difference is socialist discuss it on JA606, everybody else discusses it in person.

posted on 18/3/20

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 5 minutes ago
Difference is socialist discuss it on JA606, everybody else discusses it in person.

It's people like you that right now I'd enjoy smashing in the face with a baseball bat

posted on 18/3/20

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 10 minutes ago
Difference is socialist discuss it on JA606, everybody else discusses it in person.


posted on 18/3/20

comment by Take Mahomes, Country Roads (U3979)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 5 minutes ago
Difference is socialist discuss it on JA606, everybody else discusses it in person.

It's people like you that right now I'd enjoy smashing in the face with a baseball bat

Surely you'd go for my knees? If you have to drag a chair up I'll see you coming a mile off.

posted on 18/3/20

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Take Mahomes, Country Roads (U3979)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 5 minutes ago
Difference is socialist discuss it on JA606, everybody else discusses it in person.

It's people like you that right now I'd enjoy smashing in the face with a baseball bat

Surely you'd go for my knees? If you have to drag a chair up I'll see you coming a mile off.
You get pretty long baseball bats actually. Not in the junior section unfortunately.

You're a kant but you do make me chuckle.

You'd best fack off to Asda and buy yourself 64 loo rolls.

posted on 19/3/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 19/3/20

Capitalism is not a great lie per se, IMO. Its just the best financial system known to man.

I'd say the same goes for democracy. Heavily flawed but better than all other known systems of governance.

Ultimately the problem is human nature and there is no system known to man, economic or political that can factor in human nature effectively. In my opinion. That makes all systems "a lie".

posted on 19/3/20

comment by Dave (U11711)
posted 1 hour, 51 minutes ago
Hey Rosso,

Seems there are just as manyunts not on the Brexit thread as on it

Some dude attacks socialism, derides others, then threatens violence against others. I guess John Denver didn't do irony
Hi mate

It’s all my fault. I’m not sure why I’d decide to take a break from the politics thread and political discussion on here and then post this article.

I obviously can’t help myself

Haven’t read much in the press here about what’s happening in Aus. Hope you are both safe and well and remain equipped with the means to edulcorate your posteriors

How about the other half’s family? Are they OK?

posted on 21/3/20

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posted on 21/3/20

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posted on 21/3/20

"Pop density is an issue though."

Hi Dave. Long time.

Can't they each just drink a bit more of it?

And by the way, Spanish mackerel - handle only with gloves.

posted on 21/3/20

comment by Dave (U11711)
posted 4 hours, 34 minutes ago
Both Unis I work at are closed to classes. Wouldn't matter so much if I was in arts or business as online classes can go on but I cannot run online laboratories teaching hands on technical skills.

The teaching money isn't important but it's now a lot of money I'm losing out on.

The missus' airport job is safe but it's going to get ugly. They're likely going to have to close whole terminals due to airline cuts and government travel restrictions.

We're a bit worried for her parents in SG, but there's nothing we can do about it now. SG is one of the best countries for them to be in though, as their govt has been far more proactive than most western ones. Pop density is an issue though. If the virus gets out of hand there, then there's very little that can be done.

Anyways, seems I'm going to have a lot of free time coming up so time to dust off the kayak and start "hunter gathering" a few tuna and spanish mackerel while the water is still warm.

Hope S. Portugal is treating you kindly. Can I send you another bottle of plonk? Got given a case that's even nicer than the Penfolds Max. It's wasted on me.
I need to get me a sea kayak! The water is often a bit choppy down here, but I’ve seen a couple of guys surfing small swells in them, and it looks awesome fun.

All is relatively calm here. Café and bar culture here is hugely important socially, but if they can’t be out drinking coffee or beer, most Portuguese are happy holed up in their castles. The streets are dead and the beaches empty barring the surfers.

I am yet to see panic buying of any form. I’m not sure that most Portuguese have a panic in them, tbh.

The Algarve is going to be hit very, very hard though if this thing drags on more than a couple of months, which is of course very likely. A huge proportion of the population relies directly on tourism and hospitality, and whether they know it or not, most of the rest benefit very significantly from it.

Although I would never say no to a bottle of decent plonk, you should save it for battling through quarantine Dave. It’s my turn to send you one in any case!

posted on 23/3/20

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posted on 23/3/20

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