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These 507 comments are related to an article called:

Boris In Intensive Care

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posted on 6/4/20

Yeah cos this is the time to proclaim you were right all along

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 6/4/20

Left what to late?

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeah cos this is the time to proclaim you were right all along
Not trying to proclaim nothing black , no disrespect to Boris but when countries like China and Japan close city's you know the shat gonna hit the fan. I've said for weeks he needed to close this facked down.

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeah cos this is the time to proclaim you were right all along
Not trying to proclaim nothing black , no disrespect to Boris but when countries like China and Japan close city's you know the shat gonna hit the fan. I've said for weeks he needed to close this facked down.
He needed to not go around shaking hands with people in a hospital where they had coronavirus patients.

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 13 seconds ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeah cos this is the time to proclaim you were right all along
Not trying to proclaim nothing black , no disrespect to Boris but when countries like China and Japan close city's you know the shat gonna hit the fan. I've said for weeks he needed to close this facked down.
Each country is on its own curve and I still believe you have time the measures accordingly. We couldn’t lock everything down too early and then stay locked down until a vaccine is found - there will be a second wave of this and we have to time when we go into lockdown and when we come out and then go back in again. All of this is balanced against the huge economic damage which also puts lives in danger.

It’s not as simple as shutting everything down for a year and a half the moment things get bad in China

posted on 6/4/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Joe The King Exotic (U10026)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeah cos this is the time to proclaim you were right all along
Not trying to proclaim nothing black , no disrespect to Boris but when countries like China and Japan close city's you know the shat gonna hit the fan. I've said for weeks he needed to close this facked down.
He needed to not go around shaking hands with people in a hospital where they had coronavirus patients.


posted on 6/4/20

I wish all the Government Ministers who gave been continually spouting nonsense for days about him being OK, and it is business as usual and he is running the country, when he is clearly very ill, and is not running anything.

Why do they think we cannot be told the truth. We all wish him well, so stop treating us all like idiots, and just tell us how it is.

posted on 6/4/20

He should of been put in hospital immediately for round the clock care till he recovered considering he’s the Prime Minister

posted on 6/4/20

comment by The Hybrid Doos (U10416)
posted 20 seconds ago
He should of been put in hospital immediately for round the clock care till he recovered considering he’s the Prime Minister

They’d have only complained that he was taking a bed off someone who needed it more.

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeah cos this is the time to proclaim you were right all along
Not trying to proclaim nothing black , no disrespect to Boris but when countries like China and Japan close city's you know the shat gonna hit the fan. I've said for weeks he needed to close this facked down.

posted on 6/4/20

comment by GTWI4T- some people deserve to get trolled (U6008)
posted 11 minutes ago
I called he was in trouble the moment he was nowhere to be seen after 8 days. He ticks a lot of boxes for people this seems to be impacting most.
Said it myself about a week ago he looked wretched

posted on 6/4/20

comment by The Hybrid Doos (U10416)
posted 5 minutes ago
He should of been put in hospital immediately for round the clock care till he recovered considering he’s the Prime Minister
Totally disagree

posted on 6/4/20

comment by The Hybrid Doos (U10416)
posted 5 minutes ago
He should of been put in hospital immediately for round the clock care till he recovered considering he’s the Prime Minister
He probably had the requisite care at home for his condition at the time. He’s obviously now in intensive care because it’s got serious, I’m not sure what you’re advocating would have made a difference to his current condition.

comment by Tomkins (U1116)

posted on 6/4/20

There was a poster on there the other week when Boris was diagnosed. The poster found it hilarious.

Not sure who it was but on the Scottish boards I think

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 6/4/20

Hopefully he is on the mend soon.

posted on 6/4/20

Come on Boris you can do this🤞

posted on 6/4/20

This whole thing is going to be a thesis for students in decades to come in how not to handle a pandemic

And that’s not an anti-Tory thing - I’m sure Labour would have facked it up too. A left wing government in Spain was terrible.

Just the western countries were totally unprepared and didn’t quite believe it was a threat until too late. We should have the likes of Taiwan and South Korea leading preventative classes in the future for our health ministers etc

posted on 6/4/20

hope he recovers

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 24 seconds ago
Hopefully he is on the mend soon.
He’ll be zip wiring of St Thomas’s roof before you know it

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Tomkins (U1116)
posted 1 minute ago
There was a poster on there the other week when Boris was diagnosed. The poster found it hilarious.

Not sure who it was but on the Scottish boards I think
Yup - the article was titled


posted on 6/4/20

comment by sandy (U20567)
posted 10 minutes ago
I wish all the Government Ministers who gave been continually spouting nonsense for days about him being OK, and it is business as usual and he is running the country, when he is clearly very ill, and is not running anything.

Why do they think we cannot be told the truth. We all wish him well, so stop treating us all like idiots, and just tell us how it is.
It starts off mild, and can take a turn for the worse.

Here's a graph:


comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Joe The King Exotic (U10026)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeah cos this is the time to proclaim you were right all along
Not trying to proclaim nothing black , no disrespect to Boris but when countries like China and Japan close city's you know the shat gonna hit the fan. I've said for weeks he needed to close this facked down.
He needed to not go around shaking hands with people in a hospital where they had coronavirus patients.
I still don't understand what point he was trying to make? It is so unreal. There was no need for this at all.

Why did he and Trump wave it off like it was nothing when China was hermetically locking down a city with 11 million people.

Said it before, if he dies he wins the Darwin award 2020.

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Robb, the fourth husband of Joe Exotic (U22311)
posted 1 minute ago
This whole thing is going to be a thesis for students in decades to come in how not to handle a pandemic

And that’s not an anti-Tory thing - I’m sure Labour would have facked it up too. A left wing government in Spain was terrible.

Just the western countries were totally unprepared and didn’t quite believe it was a threat until too late. We should have the likes of Taiwan and South Korea leading preventative classes in the future for our health ministers etc
Our response hasn’t been the worst

posted on 6/4/20

comment by Tomkins (U1116)
posted 2 minutes ago
There was a poster on there the other week when Boris was diagnosed. The poster found it hilarious.

Not sure who it was but on the Scottish boards I think

Some ‘friend’ of mine on FB found it hilarious as well, and the same when Matt Hancock and even Chris Whitty developed symptoms

Caaant. I’d have defriended her but I’m mates with her husband

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