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Kasper Schmeichel

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posted on 16/5/21

His wrists are mental. He's either single, or used to eat his spinach.
Great keeper and top bloke!

posted on 16/5/21

Motm imho edging it from Tielemans. Two absolute worldies.

posted on 16/5/21

Just got to that bit right now on the rerun this morning!

He has his faults ie dodgy kicking and not coming for crosses but is there a keeper in the prem that has made as many unbelievable saves, can think of so many over the years that he has had no right to make

posted on 16/5/21

Brilliant save. Up there with David Seaman’s semi final one against Sheffield United in the semi final many years ago. Arguably more important though as this one was last few minutes in the final!

posted on 16/5/21


Just had a good old cry watching this again

posted on 16/5/21

Big game player. He was tremendous in our Champions League matches too; I still don’t know how he kept out that shot in Copenhagen. But yeah, that save against Mount was nuts.

posted on 16/5/21

You have to score to win... Tills. But that f-ing save. He did it for the boss! He woke up and thought nothing is getting past me today. He even tripped the waiter up in the club hotel for just trying to walk past him.

posted on 16/5/21

comment by The_Dungeon_Master (U4830)
posted 19 minutes ago
Big game player. He was tremendous in our Champions League matches too; I still don’t know how he kept out that shot in Copenhagen. But yeah, that save against Mount was nuts.
Was at that game in Copenhagen, didn’t he have a broken hand at the time as well?!

posted on 16/5/21

'Thou Shall not pass' was a comment made in our house, it was aimed at the defenders as well as Kasper, Thomas, Fofana and Cags were outstanding.

Perez was Perez but Ndidi was the only one who looked out of sorts, slow, nervous with some dodgy passing as well, there was a massive whole in front of our defense where you'd normally expect to see him, I can only put it down to having to face the God that is Kante on the opposing team?

posted on 16/5/21

TB it was a disconnect in tactics between the back 5 and midfield. It was clear we were supposed to be playing a high line but the defence were scared of Werner in behind.

Evans getting injured actually helped us. We were infinitely better with a back 4. Fofana suddenly became god again and Soyuncu didn’t look like a red card and OG waiting to happen!

Wonder what the celebrations were last night. How can we possibly come back from this and play Tuesday?!

posted on 16/5/21

Hamilton - Yeah, and that just made it all the crazier.

Mersey - I think they’ll be aware that CL next season is on a knife-edge. I hope I’m not proven wrong but I think they’ll be up for it.

posted on 16/5/21

comment by The_Dungeon_Master (U4830)
posted 7 minutes ago
Hamilton - Yeah, and that just made it all the crazier.

Mersey - I think they’ll be aware that CL next season is on a knife-edge. I hope I’m not proven wrong but I think they’ll be up for it.

I hope you’re right Dunge. Needs to be a deeper back 4 doesn’t it. How much better were we playing like that?!

posted on 16/5/21

You think your team will be up for it.
You wait till the Chelsea team see this.
Total lack of respect from not one but 3 Leicester players.
My lot will be raging when they see this today
How respectful were they

posted on 16/5/21

One of the best saves ever seen in a FA Cup Final - I agree with the OP - your keeper won you the Cup yesterday

Well done Leicester

posted on 16/5/21

comment by Bridge of dreams (U8917)
posted 21 minutes ago
You think your team will be up for it.
You wait till the Chelsea team see this.
Total lack of respect from not one but 3 Leicester players.
My lot will be raging when they see this today
How respectful were they

Nah, that's just Daniel trying to control something. Have you seen him play?

posted on 16/5/21

comment by See The Stars (U21395)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Bridge of dreams (U8917)
posted 21 minutes ago
You think your team will be up for it.
You wait till the Chelsea team see this.
Total lack of respect from not one but 3 Leicester players.
My lot will be raging when they see this today
How respectful were they

Nah, that's just Daniel trying to control something. Have you seen him play?
So I take it from that you think its ok?
Pennants are supposed to be a show of respect between the sides and the pennants are usually framed later.
You won the game fair and square but that is totally classless and as I said not one player but 3 involved maybe more.
This comments says more about you

posted on 16/5/21

comment by Bridge of dreams (U8917)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by See The Stars (U21395)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Bridge of dreams (U8917)
posted 21 minutes ago
You think your team will be up for it.
You wait till the Chelsea team see this.
Total lack of respect from not one but 3 Leicester players.
My lot will be raging when they see this today
How respectful were they

Nah, that's just Daniel trying to control something. Have you seen him play?
So I take it from that you think its ok?
Pennants are supposed to be a show of respect between the sides and the pennants are usually framed later.
You won the game fair and square but that is totally classless and as I said not one player but 3 involved maybe more.
This comments says more about you


Well I certainly apologise if this caused offence but I don’t think it was meant as a show of disrespect. If you know Dan, you’ll know he’s a a very nice guy.

I think he was doing it in celebration and got it wrong. That pennant will be very special to the club as it marks a great day in our history. It will have been picked up and it will be framed.

posted on 16/5/21

Couldn't give a flying one mate.

posted on 16/5/21

Is it wrong that I kind of wish he’d declared for England and not Denmark?
Would be absolute, nailed-on England number 1. Although I suppose he arguably wouldn’t be a Leicester player anymore either so maybe it’s a good thing.

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 16/5/21

I wonder what Nev would make of it all .....

posted on 16/5/21

I will no doubt be panned for saying this but I DO think his save from Mount ranks on a par with the Gordon Banks save from Pele in Mexico 1970. Undoubtedly a match-winning performance - if ever a player embodied "Foxes Never Quit" it's Kasper

posted on 16/5/21

Just watching the game (again). Watching the players reaction at the final whistle was incredible.

Outpouring of emotion is beautiful to watch.

posted on 16/5/21

The way the players rallied round Top. The applause they gave him. The hug from Rodgers and Tielemans. It mattered. It mattered to them.

posted on 16/5/21

I think he had an uncle or something who was a footballer, must have learnt it from him

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