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Crazy crash at Tour De France 2021 🇫🇷

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posted on 28/6/21

How long til a cyclist is seriously injured (as in career ending) or even killed by the actions of a spectator? It happens far too often.

I know it goes against what the TDF is about but I think it’s time to have a buffer zone between fans and riders. Obviously incredibly difficult to even do, but something needs to be done.

posted on 28/6/21

The spectator is being tracked down and when found will apparently be sued.

comment by 🥕 (U22339)

posted on 28/6/21

In her defence the cyclist wasn’t paying attention and also there should have been an official or steward around to ask her to remove the sign.

Unfortunate incident but the idea of her being tracked down and sued seems a bit OTT

posted on 28/6/21

comment by Shark Lives Matter #SLM 🐟 (U22339)
posted 4 minutes ago
In her defence the cyclist wasn’t paying attention and also there should have been an official or steward around to ask her to remove the sign.

Unfortunate incident but the idea of her being tracked down and sued seems a bit OTT

Nothing to do with the competitor, he was racing. Where exactly was he meant to go when 6/7 abreast in a race?
She was the one ''not paying attention'' while standing on the circuit holding a large 'banner' while a bloody race was in progress!
Sue her.

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