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Leeds Utd v Southampton Matchday Thread

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posted on 16/10/21

comment by Kern (U4664)
posted less than a minute ago
MB insists on a small squad. And then compounds that by not blooding the U23s when he's had ample opportunity. I'm a realistic poster. We're in serious trouble. No getting around it.
i would say you are more pessamistic than realistic because i cant ever remember a positive post by you, are you a friend of lowfields and the dong

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 16/10/21

Ok. I hope this denial of reality approach serves you well and lets you sleep at night. But I hope to god the people that run the club are asking serious questions and looking in the mirror at reality.

I doubt any of them are saying we'll qualify for Europe.

posted on 16/10/21

The ambition isn't for us to qualify for Europe.

posted on 16/10/21

Obviously today was disappointing. I didn't think Southampton were that good, so that is what compounds it really, as I was expecting a poor outing based on the unavailabities that we have. We could have got more today and we didn't, but to suggest getting rid of Bielsa is just silly.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 16/10/21

Really? Plow through posts from 4 or 5 weeks ago.

For the record, prior to the season I said I'd be happy with 17th at end of season. It was tongue in cheek. I thought we'd be mid table. Right now I'd take 17th and be ecstatic.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 16/10/21

We were bad today but I think we are missing really key players. Bielsa don’t walk and Bielsa hasn’t taken us as far as we can go.

Bamford is a huge miss as he defends from the front. Phillips goes without saying. Add Ayling and Firpo to those two and the panic will subside.

Are we in trouble? Not yet - there’s a long way to go and I’m sure we will turn it around.

posted on 16/10/21

comment by Lowfields73 (U21886)
posted 4 minutes ago
The happy clappers never see anything wrong, deluded fool's
You obviously can’t read either. Everyone has criticised this performance

posted on 16/10/21

The club have consistently set out that the plan is to be pushing for Europe within 4-5 years of promotion.

I hate to break it to you, but where you think we should finish has no actual impact on the board. It genuinely baffles me how anybody can think that 5 first XI absences should be dealt with with a click of the fingers. Small squad or not, that's going to bite.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 16/10/21

…and of course I forgot our star man who was unavailable today thanks to playing for Brazil

posted on 16/10/21

Of course missing those six players is devestating but it's the same old story for four years.
It's all about the squad, what team doesn't get injuries.
None ever. This is a huge problem when our back line looks to be made of glass. Only thing missing today was an injury to llorente.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 16/10/21

I think its when people add on "when player X Y and Z are back we'll be top half, pass the caviar"

comment by tslufc (U12903)

posted on 16/10/21

We had a lot of our key players all missing today but Southampton are a bottom six side and they totally played us off the park. Just imagine if we had been up against a Man City or Liverpool today, it would have been a cricket score

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 16/10/21

No doubt the gloom brothers will be out in force. Let them have their little rants and their “I told you so’s”. It makes their day to see us lose I think.

posted on 16/10/21

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 8 seconds ago
Of course missing those six players is devestating but it's the same old story for four years.
It's all about the squad, what team doesn't get injuries.
None ever. This is a huge problem when our back line looks to be made of glass. Only thing missing today was an injury to llorente.
If its the same old story as the last three years then great. Those went pretty well, for Leeds, at least.

posted on 16/10/21

Well at least Man U lost and Burnley too and Norwich only drew so for now we're out of the bottom 3 and need Spurs to do us a favour tomorrow.
You can already see that ourselves, Southampton Burnley Norwich, Watford and Newcastle until they can sign a few mercinaries in January will occupy the bottom 6.

Next match v Wolves hopefully we will have KP and Raphina back and we have to be realistic and accept a draw against them and a win v Norwich would be an excellent return in our next 2 games.

posted on 16/10/21

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 2 minutes ago
Of course missing those six players is devestating but it's the same old story for four years.
It's all about the squad, what team doesn't get injuries.
None ever. This is a huge problem when our back line looks to be made of glass. Only thing missing today was an injury to llorente.
still time for him to feel a niggle lol

posted on 16/10/21

James was ok but I wished we had spent 25m on a cm

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 16/10/21

And Southampton sold Ings, Vestegaard, and didn't have Ward-Prowse, and still made us look like a
Championship struggler having a cup day out.

posted on 16/10/21

comment by LDL-Potato Picker and Proud (U6788)
posted 34 seconds ago
comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 2 minutes ago
Of course missing those six players is devestating but it's the same old story for four years.
It's all about the squad, what team doesn't get injuries.
None ever. This is a huge problem when our back line looks to be made of glass. Only thing missing today was an injury to llorente.
still time for him to feel a niggle lol

comment by RobLUFC (U5692)

posted on 16/10/21

I get that we have many key players missing and it is going to affect us no question. What I'd ask is what is it about the way we work that we keep seeing these key players missing or in an out with injuries (Rodrigo last season Firpo this) that starts looking like a patter rather than bad luck. Allied that to that small squad and you have a problem.

posted on 16/10/21

comment by Kern (U4664)
posted less than a minute ago
And Southampton sold Ings, Vestegaard, and didn't have Ward-Prowse, and still made us look like a
Championship struggler having a cup day out.
Vestegaard has been sh!te since going to Leicester, and I'd say the player they replaced him with (Salisu) was their best player today. Broja demonstrates why the loan market can still benefit PL clubs (who knew, eh?).

comment by tslufc (U12903)

posted on 16/10/21

comment by LDL-Potato Picker and Proud (U6788)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 2 minutes ago
Of course missing those six players is devestating but it's the same old story for four years.
It's all about the squad, what team doesn't get injuries.
None ever. This is a huge problem when our back line looks to be made of glass. Only thing missing today was an injury to llorente.
still time for him to feel a niggle lol
Did you see him hobbling after we conceded? He clattered into the goal scorer after he had already scored. I thought oh here we go, out for another few games!

posted on 16/10/21

comment by RobLUFC Have you ever seen a better goal or one better timed? (U5692)
posted less than a minute ago
I get that we have many key players missing and it is going to affect us no question. What I'd ask is what is it about the way we work that we keep seeing these key players missing or in an out with injuries (Rodrigo last season Firpo this) that starts looking like a patter rather than bad luck. Allied that to that small squad and you have a problem.
Impossible to really say as none of us have access to the data that the medical department do.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 16/10/21

Don't bring logic and a realistic view here, Rob.
You'll get slapped down as a heretic.

comment by RobLUFC (U5692)

posted on 16/10/21

Indeed we don't but the results that we see suggest it.

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