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These 18 comments are related to an article called:

What now?!!

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posted on 2/9/22

I think most of what I have said on the match thread applies here (we even share the same dream scenario of Villa sacking Gerrard and coming in for Rodgers). But one thing I want to mention is the worst-case issue and we do end up getting relegated. It was recently reported that we had taken out a large loan which was guaranteed against our TV revenue for the next few seasons. If we are relegated, it would mean that our parachute payments would then be put towards repaying the loan. This could be potentially very concerning for us if we did go down.

We're a long way away from it becoming a reality, and I still think we will be OK this season. But the financial situation should we be relegated is something that would be terrifying. We have a lot of valuable assets that we can sell to ease the pain, and I think we would be in a good position to come straight back up, but we have got a lot of finances tied up in loans and new infrastructure projects (Seagrave, stadium redevelopment if it ever happens) that it does concern me that we could be in a precarious position if the nightmare scenario unfolds.

posted on 2/9/22

Agree Foxello. The squad badly needs a refresh and we have run out of money at the worst possible time due to the mistakes last summer. The loss of Kasper and Fofana is huge for the club and neither have been adequately replaced. I’ve seen sides ‘too good to go down’ be relegated before and the atmosphere at the club is as bad as I’ve seen it.

I think Top must be starting to worry for the first time - the squad is threadbare in terms of depth, players are running down contracts, the manager has given up and we have no money to do anything about it. It’s got a real whiff of 2001 about it - hope I’m wrong

posted on 2/9/22

It’s a major concern isn’t it. Every outcome is a worrying one.

Sack Rodgers and put more financial strain on the club. Keep Rodgers and his toxic attitude takes us down.

What do I want. I want very strong conversations to be going on between Rodgers and the board right now. You’re either with us 100% and you talk up this club and it’s players and turn this around. You are committed. If not, resign and we’ll thank you and back you. If you are unhappy we’ll release you from your contract, but we’re not paying you off so you either commit to our club and get us pushing in a positive direction or you leave. If you continue to undermine the club or players publicly we’ll performance manage you.

Then I want Rodgers to knuckle down and get the best out of the players. I want him to ditch the slow laborious build up and find a way of getting Vardy in the game. I want him to stop making points with his team selections and find a system that will suit the players he has, not the players he wants.

I want him to really commit to the players so that commit to him. If it’s not enough and we have to sack him to protect our league status then fine. But we’re not quite there yet.

I know that won’t be exactly how it goes but I would really love it if he can sort his stinking attitude out and get the team going again.

Time to prove you really are a top class manager Rodgers. Or are you just a fraud like other people claim you are. You decide how you choose to behave from here.

posted on 2/9/22

Leicester must be one of the few clubs FFP actually applies to/has real world consequences.

I suspect the board are skint and using that to hide behind. A little creative accounting is all that is required to get around FFP if you wanted.

posted on 2/9/22

Another late twist on the Fofana saga-
BR seems to be setting the record straight, what he says does appear to make sense. But who knows.

posted on 2/9/22

Mersey - spot on with all your points, couldn't agree more. Very worrying times for all City supporters. It seems not so long ago when we were holding up "Don't go Martin" placards. Can't see that happening with Rodgers. Also, my apologies to True Blue for thinking he was going over the top about the manager. Sorry True Blue - you were right all along.

posted on 2/9/22

I think most fans have seen the issues with Rodgers for some times. The difference with TB is that he thinks absolutely everything comes down to Rodgers and if we get rid of him it’s a paradise of champions league football and trophies. He simply cannot see there’s a combination of factors at play - his one man mission to convince the 606 board that Rodgers is a member of Al Qaeda is just as depressing as the form we’re in to be honest

posted on 2/9/22

comment by 99 Problems (U12353)
posted 45 minutes ago
I think most fans have seen the issues with Rodgers for some times. The difference with TB is that he thinks absolutely everything comes down to Rodgers and if we get rid of him it’s a paradise of champions league football and trophies. He simply cannot see there’s a combination of factors at play - his one man mission to convince the 606 board that Rodgers is a member of Al Qaeda is just as depressing as the form we’re in to be honest
----------------------------------------------------------------------I have to agree about TB. He's like an LP that's stuck in a groove.

posted on 2/9/22

TB won’t stop until everyone on the board agrees with him or Rodgers walks. After that he’ll back the new manager for a couple of years, just like he did with Rodgers and then it will start again. He’s anti every manager except Nigel Pearson….

posted on 2/9/22

comment by 99 Problems (U12353)
posted 46 minutes ago
TB won’t stop until everyone on the board agrees with him or Rodgers walks. After that he’ll back the new manager for a couple of years, just like he did with Rodgers and then it will start again. He’s anti every manager except Nigel Pearson….
Nigel Pearson? Now there’s a thought…..

posted on 2/9/22

Spot on Mersey. I remember mentioning a couple of weeks ago on the prediction thread that it seemed as if he was trying to get sacked. It was meant ironically, but now I’m more convinced that was his plan.

posted on 2/9/22

comment by old warwick fox (U11640)
posted 52 minutes ago
comment by 99 Problems (U12353)
posted 46 minutes ago
TB won’t stop until everyone on the board agrees with him or Rodgers walks. After that he’ll back the new manager for a couple of years, just like he did with Rodgers and then it will start again. He’s anti every manager except Nigel Pearson….
Nigel Pearson? Now there’s a thought…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------We may need Nigel again, at this rate another Great Escape is on the cards!

posted on 2/9/22

Agree with Mersey. However I fear that Brendan is trying to keep the Rodgers brand whole ready for his next possibility rather than looking for the best way of getting points on the board.
I'm not saying we'd be challenging for top six with a more positive manager but I'm convinced we would have got more out if the games so far and wouldn't be in a relegation spot. Vardy might have scored the odd goal too.

posted on 2/9/22

comment by Nuneaton_fox (U7936)
posted 52 minutes ago
Agree with Mersey. However I fear that Brendan is trying to keep the Rodgers brand whole ready for his next possibility rather than looking for the best way of getting points on the board.
I'm not saying we'd be challenging for top six with a more positive manager but I'm convinced we would have got more out if the games so far and wouldn't be in a relegation spot. Vardy might have scored the odd goal too.


100% this. Especially the first line. But 100% this! Stupid brand.

posted on 3/9/22

I agree with Nuneaton and I also think that if relegation happens, which I believe is now a real possibility, that the fans should rightfully demands answers from the club who have to take a measure of ultimate responsibility for this situation. It’s fine to blame Rodgers while he’s still here, where do the fingers point if he isn’t binned off until we’re cut adrift and there’s no funds for any new manager to address the gaping holes in wide midfield and central defence in January?

posted on 3/9/22

'In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy now'

posted on 3/9/22

It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few games. UEFA have said we have escaped FFP sanctions; BR’s “noise” around the transfer window should have abated; he now knows the squad he has to work with and needs to stop playing games with team selection and players who wanted away will have to knuckle down if they have World Cup ambitions.
Think the Villa game will be the defining one.

posted on 3/9/22

comment by Bowstring (U17642)
posted 16 minutes ago
It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few games. UEFA have said we have escaped FFP sanctions; BR’s “noise” around the transfer window should have abated; he now knows the squad he has to work with and needs to stop playing games with team selection and players who wanted away will have to knuckle down if they have World Cup ambitions.
Think the Villa game will be the defining one.

That game will definitely be billed as El Sackio if both teams are still struggling into the fixture!

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