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houstan and 4-5-1 g.t.f

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posted on 4/10/11

Sorry to change tack slightly but the buffoon Houston is giving it 4-5-1 Scotland against Liechtenstein this weekend with Mackhail-smith the lone striker. I really do despair. How fookin inept is that?

posted on 4/10/11

I DESPAIR OF MY CLUB AND COUNTRY. IS JIM McLEAN TOO OLD TO SAVE BOTH? He cant be much older than Alex Ferguson?

posted on 4/10/11

Bottled it against AEK at home last season and he hasn't looked back since. 4-4-2 is clearly the best way to go, but he refuses to do that. I'm starting to think he has an interest in United losing...

posted on 4/10/11

AEK was a drop in the ocean after what he did in Poland.He defended a defeat???????? In the last minute of injury time we had a free kick, if we had scored no time for them to comeback. So what did he do ? kept everybody back. THE MAN IS A PAP

posted on 4/10/11

Given the fact that the O/F are really poor right now, does that not make this the time for a team like United to shine? and revert back to the style of play they had when Narey/Sturrock/Bannon etc were playing?

posted on 4/10/11

exactly my point. why chase 1 point rather than 3

posted on 4/10/11

Dont lump us in with Celtic were 9-1-0. Hardly poor form. We're rolling SPL teams over with ease

posted on 4/10/11

His refusal to substitute Severin and Russell in Slask was also criminal - it was clear after 60 minutes they were absolutely spent, but he kept them on when we were effectively playing with 9 men!

He's just getting so many basic things wrong, annoys me how he's in such a high-paid job yet hopeless at it!

posted on 4/10/11

Houstons here to stay,Uniteds financial condition dictates this.No money to pay compensation either to PH or to any club we poach a manager from(god forbid we go for any of the currently unemployed),so it looks like more of the same for the foreseeable future.

posted on 4/10/11

If Houstans here to stay, we will be relegated and then in administration.

posted on 4/10/11


posted on 4/10/11


posted on 4/10/11

we want Houston out We want Houston out WE WANT HOUSTON OUT. bring back Jim to steady the ship.

comment by arabest (U8303)

posted on 5/10/11

A question for all you Houston Out people. Who will we get in to replace him? We can't afford to pay Houston off or pay for a new manager. Secondly, any young inexperienced manager would be a massive gamble in this present climate.

Have faith in Houston he will see United ok this season. Maybe our sights are set too high after over achieving in the last couple of seasons.

posted on 5/10/11

How did we over achieve in the last couple of seasons? we had the best United side for two decades, yet Houston ruined it with weird selections and formations. 4 defeats to Motherwell ruined the cups and third place. HOUSTON OUT. IF HOUSTAN IS THE MAN TO SAVE UNITED WHERE IS HE???????????

posted on 5/10/11

While i think this post is way over the top, i do think it is maybe time we should be thinking about moving Houston on. The tactics now baffel me. The insistance on playing Scott Robertson no matter how poor he is and sacrificing Jimmy or Flood is Shambolic.

The year we won the cup, with Webster in defence, Jimmy & Fresh Prince in the middle, Goody and Daly up top, Swanson/CC on the wings, Weaver in goal, i really think the worst we should have done is pushed the OF to the very end of the season. I can think of very few OF players i would have said would walk into that years United team (obviously 1 or 2). Maybe Levein has to take some of the blame there too. Last year we had pretty much the same team and again should have been far and away the 3 rd best team, but for most of the season were poor. This year has continued the decline.

Most alarming thing for me is the defence. Levein played neagtive, but we had a solid defence. Houston is now playing negative tactics and we are shipping 3 goals a game to teams who are going to struggle to make top 6 this year...

posted on 5/10/11

I am seriously fed up with the man, although am realistic to know that we can not afford to sack him.

He did not do well last season, he had guys like Conway, and far more often, Goodie to get a win out of a dreadful performance. He is not up to the job, but this is not the most worrying aspect for me.

The crowds are dropping rapidly and the club RELY on that cash. Although the current climate has an impact, dire football with one up front at home is certainly not helping. I will not shout for the managers head at Tannadice, however I think it is time he is made aware of our feelings towards this 4-5-1 garbage. It is killing our top six hopes, makes the product on the park almost unwatchable and is driving fans away from the club. Why is 4-4-2 not an option for Houston?

I would like to see

4-4-2 formation
Robertson benched, or just given a free to North End
Playing with 2 wingers, Swanson and GMS for me
Russell being used as a striker and only a striker
United getting the ball down like we used to
Houston to prepare instead of reacting
Substitutions being used at the right times

I am seriously worried about this season. If we don't start to pick up soon we will be in big trouble, on and off the park.

posted on 5/10/11


comment by arabest (U8303)

posted on 5/10/11

If PH leads us to a win against Falkirk in the cup and we get a favourable draw in the semi then we could have another cup final to look forward to. The team has played well at times this seaon and I am in agreement that the 4-5-1 formation is negative and terrible to watch but I would like to know who people would like to see replace PH. It's too easy to shout for PH to be sacked but Aberdeen are a prime example that change of manager doesn't guarantee instant results.

posted on 5/10/11

Arabian Knight - I'd like to see more pressure put on him too. He's been far too lazy since he signed his contract, he needs a boot up the backside more than the players do. Needs to know he'll have to fear for his job and that he'll actually have to play to win rather than playing to lose. Too accepting of failure in this country, need to show it won't be tolerated.

posted on 5/10/11

Strange comment about Aberdeen. When Brown took over he had instant success and steered Aberdeen well away from the relegation feers they had. This season they are 1 point behind us and just walloped the Pars 4-0 a few weeks after they won at Tannadice. we have 5 out of 18 points at Tannadice, so please dont defend awol Houstan

posted on 5/10/11

"If PH leads us to a win against Falkirk in the cup and we get a favourable draw in the semi" then all this will do is paper over the cracks. We are in a steady decline at the moment and PH is the only person who can make the changes just now that will stop this.

Arabest, as I have said I know we can't afford to replace him and even if we could there are a lack of other options. Saying that Houston must sort out the drivel that he has served up. Are we just going to sit there and put up with mistakes which are glaringly obvious to us? We are entitled to let PH know that 4-5-1 is not acceptable, I am certainly sick to back teeth of watching us struggle with this ridiculous formation.

I am not suggesting that we now start a campaign to hound the man out, but he must be made aware of the fans' feelings. If we were winning it would be a different story. However we have 2 wins and the football is absolutely dire to watch. I hope he is bright enough to change his ideas.

posted on 5/10/11

he does not know hot to change things. He is set in his ways, and after that debacle against Motherwell he should have cancelled his Scotland trip and stayed at Tannadice.
He ruined our chances against AEK playing an alien 4-5-1 (goodie on wing) 15 months later the same rubbish.

posted on 5/10/11

FFS The man actually started speaking about Scotland in his post match interview. Never once apoligised to the fans for his crazy line up. A friend of mine told me the Clep bar was full of arabs at 20 past 4

posted on 5/10/11

I'd rather have a "permanent caretaker manager" than a manager with a contract. Houston was great in the first instance and rubbish in the current one.

Signing wise Gunning, Rankin, GMS and Severin when played in midfield have looked good signings. Mihadjuks & TVDM absoulte rank.

Heres hoping he rectifies his ways, although from reading recent press articles "we'll kick-on from Christmas" seems to be the plan!!

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