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These 29 comments are related to an article called:

Can we all agree….

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posted on 5/3/23

Depressing. Nothing much to add to that.

posted on 5/3/23

West Ham's owners apparently not planning to sack Moyes either What is it with mediocre white British managers getting their clubs impaled in a relegation battle and managing to avoid the sack?

Between them and us, it's hard to know who's the worst run club. Both clubs sleepwalking towards relegation, both squandered their chances to stabilise themselves as 'best of the rest', both spent a fortune on mediocrity, both keeping underperforming managers who the fans want out.

Though donating club money to the Tory party has to give West Ham a special added layer of incompetence...

posted on 5/3/23

It doesn’t feel any less depressing this morning does it.

We need to rebuild in the summer. We need to do that with someone who isn’t Rodgers.

A tiny bit of organisation would see this set of players rise up the table. I reckon any new manager would keep us up right now. We should just act.

But we won’t.

posted on 5/3/23

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 3 minutes ago
It doesn’t feel any less depressing this morning does it.

We need to rebuild in the summer. We need to do that with someone who isn’t Rodgers.

A tiny bit of organisation would see this set of players rise up the table. I reckon any new manager would keep us up right now. We should just act.

But we won’t.
Apparently Brendan reckons he needs to reinvent himself as a manager given the length of time he's been with us. So maybe we might get the new manager we are craving for after all? Maybe the leopard might be about to change his spots? Oh by the way, I've just seen a large pink object floating past my window!

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