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posted on 8/4/23

It wasn’t a clever tweet but then again I don’t think the fans should have jumped on his back today on Twitter after he’s been the 1 consistent performer we’ve had. He deserves better than that.

Still, he’s the one with the bright future ahead of him and everything to look forward to. He’s a top player and a passionate guy who will be playing PL football next season. Leicester on the other hand….

posted on 8/4/23

I’m disappointed in Maddison just lately, he’s been poor and rage quitting Twitter after a bit of criticism isn’t a good look from our club captain.

posted on 8/4/23

Welcome to Spurs.

posted on 8/4/23

Maddison looks like he actually cares and I don’t really mind him showing his emotion through social media.

I think you’re right in that he was a victim or Rodger’s “all is fine and I’m amazing” mantra but you can’t blame him for that. He did look like he had a lot of misplaced belief in Rodgers though which is naive.

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 8/4/23

Problems start at the back. How anyone thought it was a good idea to get rid of Kasper and replace him with that liability in Danny Ward.

posted on 8/4/23

comment by ●Billy The Spur● 20*21*22* ENIC OUT! (U3924)
posted 6 minutes ago
Welcome to Spurs.
He’s not going to spurs 😂😂😂 You can’t afford him

posted on 8/4/23

How many times in one week is that “99 problems” clown going to leave the forum?

posted on 8/4/23

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)
posted 2 minutes ago
Problems start at the back. How anyone thought it was a good idea to get rid of Kasper and replace him with that liability in Danny Ward.
Ironically, we already had a Kasper replacement (of sorts) at the club. His name is Daniel Iversen, and he's been fantastic since coming into the side. Rodgers decided that our No.2 for 4 seasons - who had done nothing to suggest he was a capable No.1 - should get the shirt. It was a disastrous decision.

In Iversen, at least we'll have the best goalkeeper in the Championship next season.

posted on 8/4/23

Bye Leicester and 99 🤡 good byes to problems 😂😂

posted on 8/4/23

posted on 8/4/23

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
Problems start at the back. How anyone thought it was a good idea to get rid of Kasper and replace him with that liability in Danny Ward.

Harry Kane was a better goalkeeper than Danny Ward

posted on 9/4/23

Surprised just how bad you guys are. Genuine trouble now

posted on 9/4/23

Unfortunately I find it difficult to disagree with anything Foxello said. Perhaps I can't see the point in closing down anything at Seagrave, might as well make use of what will be the finest training facilities in the Championship. Given that, bar some unlikely miracle happening, we are effectively down following yesterday's debacle.

Maddison's remarks were stupid, but he doesn't deserve to be pilloried on Twitter, he's been our best performer by a country mile this season. If we weren't in such a bad position, his brainfart yesterday might not have been punished so severely, ditto N'didi and KDH on Tuesday. We could easily have another couple of points and matters would not look quite as dire.

Of course one of the worst outcomes from him giving away the goal is the hit to his confidence, he looked absolutely shattered by it. Possibly realising now how dumb he was making himself a hostage to fortune by his comments.

I think I'll change my usual to for the rest of the season, I'm feeling so depressed.

posted on 9/4/23

"Perhaps I can't see the point in closing down anything at Seagrave, might as well make use of what will be the finest training facilities in the Championship."

I have seen lots of comment from people like Rob Tanner saying how the move to Seagrave has had a detrimental effect on team morale, reduced their hunger and the sheer vastness of the place has made cliques form easier. It's clearly a fantastic facility but we have not utilised it or implemented the move anywhere near good enough and it seems to have made the players think they are better than they are - which feeds back into the "we'll be fine" sentiment.

Some of the luxurious facilities are complete overkill in the Championship. Absolutely no need for all that space and a 9 hole golf club. IMO we should shut down the unnecessary parts of Seagrave and just keep to the basic and essential areas, like sports science. The rest can be made available again if/when we get promoted - maybe the extra incentive will give those who are left and those who join in the summer an extra bonus to play for.

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