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These 13 comments are related to an article called:

The media are circling

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posted on 12/5/23

Continued …..


Some sources have even made the suggestion – strongly disputed by senior figures – that Leicester's £95million training ground itself, with its hotel-style rooms, swish dining areas and details tailored to meet a player's every need, had weakened the squad's hunger.

Rodgers was a stickler for timekeeping but not everyone appeared to feel the same way, with players missing certain appointments and arriving late for others. 'It's like a holiday camp,' lamented one earlier this season.
Leicester will feel the benefits of this superb facility in years to come but at present, it looks like becoming the best training base in the Championship.
There is also a feeling - strongly denied by senior figures at the club - that Leicester players are treating their new £95million training facility 'like a holiday camp'

'Sleepwalking towards relegation' was a phrase directed at Leicester as far back as last autumn but they have still not woken up.
Maddison and Harvey Barnes will both be sold if the Foxes go down but that will not plug all the financial holes created by dropping out of the Premier League and there will have to be severe cuts to the wage bill across the club.

If they somehow survive, Leicester will likely move for Graham Potter, long admired and out of work since leaving Chelsea in April. But Potter would surely not want to work in the second tier, meaning Leicester would either stick with Smith or move for a younger boss like Russell Martin of Swansea.
Yet however the season ends, this campaign has been a lesson in how not to do things. These mistakes must never be repeated.”

Another very good article in recent days is on Sky Sports which provides an even better breakdown of key decisions


posted on 12/5/23

Really depressing articles. Incredible how this lot are applying 20/20 hindsight to a situation that has been all too evident to many Leicester fans for a year or more - they seem to have woken up now we are virtually relegated. Where have they been all season whilst we have been waiting for Top & Co to take action?

I'm going to stop writing now because thinking about it is making me very angry, it was all so avoidable.

posted on 12/5/23

It really hurts at the moment. I think it’s so hard to take because we just shouldn’t be here. It really is a case of neglect rather than circumstances, incompetence rather than a lack of quality. To see the club being trashed in this way by such a hopeless owner and his team of incompetent executives is so painful given everything we achieved from the building blocks Vichai put in place

posted on 13/5/23

Yep, that article sums up what has gone wrong.

posted on 13/5/23

Has your view of the club shifted during this season Mersey? Mine has. I started off concerned, but with each passing week that concern turned into alarm. I’m now at the stage where just like Brendan Rodgers, I don’t feel like there’s a way back with the same people in charge of the club.

You were, understandably defensive of the board given the achievements, honestly how do you feel about it these days?

Ps I’m not going to jump down your throat, regardless of the response!

posted on 13/5/23

It’s a really hard one to judge 99. What we can’t deny is this season has been horrifically managed from top to bottom.

I understand a lot of decisions but they’ve backfired spectacularly. The decision to stick with Rodgers was the most terminal. With hindsight he should have been sacked in the summer when he started throwing insults out against the players, club and fans. That for me is the biggest regret.

Do ai suddenly have no faith in the club’s lead ship structure. Well no, I can still see how the mistakes were made and I don’t think you can go from a well run club to an abysmally run club with the same structure in place.

However, it’s clear change is now needed to remove the rot that has clearly set in across the club. I think the best thing to do is bring in a new DoF and Manager with a project to rebuild in the championship and go again.

I’m happy for Top and Whelan to stay and to give them a chance to restructure this. But if they fail then I will agree with you and believe it’s time for full change. But I’m not there yet.

It’s so depressing isn’t it.

posted on 13/5/23

It’s hard to disagree with 99’s observations. In the final analysis the buck rests with Top. Vichai would surely have sacked Rodgers probably in the summer when his dolly exited the perambulator and certainly after the first few games of the season. In my relatively uninformed opinion, Rudkin must come in for almost as much blame as Rodgers but Top should really have done something positive about the whole situation before it got too late, as it would appear it has. Sitting on your hands and hoping for the best is never a good choice unless you’re also planning for the worst.

posted on 13/5/23

I've never been too keen on Rudkin who I understand does not have a background as a DoF. However the only person who we really can point the finger at is Top.

We don't know what discussions went on in the background, but we are aware that it went wrong when apparently a decision was taken to gamble on keeping our better players and investing in the squad to keep us challenging for Europe. That Ridsdale style gamble backfired spectacularly with us not making a European spot last season and putting us and the manager in a poor position with no new players coming in. We should not however have dived from a top eight and FA cup winning side into the relegation mire. That we are in such a situation is down to the inadequacy of the manager initially to be able to deal with circumstances he hadn't experienced previously, compounded greatly by a lack of action by Top and the management.

Nothing really new in the above, but my point is a query - were Rudkin and/or Whelan driving forward the 'plan' with Top acquiescing to it, or was Top insistent on going forward with a risky strategy against strong advice from Rudkin and/or Whelan, or was it something in between? I doubt we'll find out exactly what happened although any forthcoming replacement of Rudkin and/or Whelan might give an indication (but the word 'scapegoat' might also come to mind here).

In any event, Top cannot escape criticism whatever the actual scenario. It is inconceivable to me that we'd be in this mess if Vichai had survived.

Our owners still have brownie points for me so I've still got hope that Top is on a steep learning curve and will improve rapidly. He'd better, or us in the doldrums of the Championship or League 1, administration or even liquidation beckons.

I'll give him a bit more time but am so depressed to acknowledge for the first time that maybe 99p's thinking that we need a complete reset with new owners might unfortunately be the way forward.

I'm feeling that gloomy I'm going to add an extra

posted on 13/5/23

Agreeing with anything written in the Daily Mail makes me feel very dirty, but you can't really disagree with any of it.

The media are certainly a bit slow on the uptake and have been all season regarding our demise. It feels like our impending relegation will be a massive shock to everyone in football, apart from Leicester fans who have been predicting it since September.

One thing I will say on the ownership - if you go from competing for European football to imminent relegation in the space of 18 months, you can't call yourself a well-run club. That's the antithesis of a well-run club. The demise was set in motion when we started turning away from the strategy that made us successful in the first place - a transfer strategy which was largely independent of the manager, buying young, hungry players who could grow, and selling one star player every summer to fund the next 2 or 3 players. Once we started to move away from that, the whole house of cards started to collapse.

There is a lot of support and sensitivity towards Top, particularly because of the circumstances which saw him acquire the ownership. The truth is that he has overseen this gradual, and then sudden, collapse, not through maliciousness, but incompetence and neglect. He has failed to address the issues as they arose and put his personal loyalty to the previous manager ahead of his loyalty to the club.

I suspect that fans perception of him will change after relegation and that questions will start to be asked more forcefully, in a way that would have seemed unthinkable only a few months ago. Only he can decide whether he has the fight and appetite to rebuild the club and start again, or chooses to sell up. But whether he stays or sells, the next few months are absolutely crucial for the future of the club and whether we can start again or continue on the path of decline. If Top can't guarantee that he can make the right decisions, it would perhaps be better for all parties if he left.

posted on 13/5/23

Interesting points Mersey. Many people said the same when defending Rodgers. How could a manager go from being so brilliant to so abysmally awful? Surely that makes no sense - in the same way that we appear to have gone from a brilliantly run club to a terrible one

I think the truth is that we weren’t actually a brilliantly run club two years ago and haven’t really been since Vichais death. That’s what the articles are pointing to. In the same way that Rodgers started brilliantly but fell apart whenever he got tested, so have Top and the board.

The mystery behind how we have fallen apart so quickly for me is very similar to how Rodgers did - you find out how good someone is when things aren’t going well, not when they are. The King Power ownership as Foxello says has to be looked at in two parts - under Vichais ownership and under Tops. Vichai laid the remarkable foundations and had the ruthlessness to take decisions that were best for the club. Top on the other hand inherited that success, but when tested took irresponsible gambles and failed to show the same decisiveness. The truth is, he’s no chip off the old block sadly

Two years ago we looked like the model club. We weren’t. We were starting to fall apart from the inside and now the cracks are visible to everyone

posted on 13/5/23

Interestingly, there is an article on The Times website today (can’t link it as behind a paywall) almost identical to the ones about us except it is about Southampton. A club with an admired business model, punching above their weight that could be relegated today.

Also read somewhere recently that aside from the established Prem teams who have been in the top flight over twenty years, Southampton are next on the list with eleven seasons followed by West Ham and us. Most of the rest are less than ten years. Seems to me that without massive financial backing it is difficult to become established.
Having said that, I believe that if things had been done differently, we could have been safe now and able to regroup in the Prem. The gamble to stick with Rodgers failed, what I can’t forgive Top for is not having a successor lined up to replace him.

posted on 13/5/23

Looking at how Allardyce has got Leeds fighting like tigers against Newcastle, does anyone think he would have been a better interim appointment for us than Smith? Smith isn’t getting that fight out of the players - he isn’t even getting a defensive improvement from them

posted on 13/5/23

By the way good comments from Bowstring and Nuneaton. It’s a tough one with Top. I get why people are willing to give him a chance but the reason I know longer am is because I think he’s already financially snookered the club. Even if he suddenly starts acting like a responsible and competent owner, he’s crippled the club financially to such an extent that we’ll be lucky not to be in breach of FFP with the wages we’ll be paying out. That includes Vardy on a reported £160k a week with another year still left on his deal.

Part of the reason we went into administration originally was being lumped with high earners. We’ve got loans based on PL TV rights and while the parachute payments will help, we have to try and clear a hell of a lot of players off the books

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