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These 11 comments are related to an article called:

Game Over

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posted on 28/5/23

An absolute disgrace of a season.
Top and Rudkin should be hanging their heads in shame.
Just where do we go from here,embarrasing.

posted on 28/5/23

Better hope some of the Leicester fans grow a set of balls and start demanding that standards return. They’ve been utterly pathetic this season - turning on other fans who wanted Rodgers out, refusing to challenge Top or Rudkin - they are a massive part of the problem for me

posted on 28/5/23


posted on 28/5/23

That deluded mug TB now making out we’ll be picking up the pieces again under this ownership 😂😂😂

How is he so deluded??! Going to be a very hard lesson for him next year when we’re stuck in the middle of the championship with no money to spend a bunch of kids on loan.

Fans like him are complicit in this. I call it a small club mentality - hey it’s been a great ride eh guys?

posted on 28/5/23

No doubt that absolute cant See the Stars will be celebrating our owners along with Mersey and TB. 😂

posted on 28/5/23

Oh and apparently some of our ‘fans’ even applauded the players with a standing ovation today. “It’s been a great ride eh guys?” Almost a relief to get back to little old Leicester eh?

posted on 28/5/23

I am proud of the work that Vichai did that led us to the most successful period in the club's history, and all the joy he brought us.

I am horrified at how quickly Top, Rudkin and Whelan have crushed that success and turned it into an unmitigated disaster through their arrogance, complacency and misdirected loyalty to individuals rather than the football club.

Vichai had a dream. Top has turned it into a nightmare. If the hierarchy had any shame, they would step aside and let the club reset and start again with new people and fresh ideas. They don't, and they won't.

posted on 28/5/23

The fans have got to change as well Foxello. Too many are complicit in what’s happened and won’t hear a word said against the ownership

posted on 28/5/23

comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 34 minutes ago

Hah just read this, second comment mine. Ok I was a bit off with the timing of his sacking

posted on 28/5/23

We've been in this sh!t situation guys to the extent where we had to sit in league one for a couple of seasons.
I really hope you can find a decent grounding to regroup and push on, we need those local derby games.
And the sheep lovers ain't going to be around for a long time!!

posted on 28/5/23

comment by Christ We Won (U17162)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 34 minutes ago

Hah just read this, second comment mine. Ok I was a bit off with the timing of his sacking
Absolutely forgiven mate not being a Leicester fan. No excuse for the OP however

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