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These 8 comments are related to an article called:

Time to move on

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posted on 25/11/23

Sorry to see you go 99 but hopefully not for to long,

posted on 25/11/23

Sorry to here you go,am sure you will be back like before.
Think you may be a little pessimistic as nothing will ever to our success over last few years.
Be grateful you saw it,as many sadly were not around to experience our wonder years.
Yes our owners are not perfect,but if you had suffered the Shipman years and other bad times then you may see things a bit differently.
Keep believing and am sure you will return.

posted on 25/11/23

See you in a few weeks/months then Blacksy. There’s no ‘keeping you away’ now is there 😉

posted on 25/11/23

Thing is thorney im not looking for a repeat of our success. Im simply asking the club not to throw away the opportunity from it

posted on 25/11/23

I’m not going to call you nuts Blackstarr, but I am going to ask you this? Are you Johngee or are you a true Leicester fan?

I think you’re the latter and as a result, I think Thorney is right. You can’t put this club down, it’s ingrained in your soul and you’re stuck with it.

I understand your frustrations, I share some of them. But I also think you’ve lost some perspective on what our owners are trying to do. We are trying to rebuild after Rodgers destroyed us and that doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a clear plan, leadership and time. Just look at the state of Chelsea and Man Utd for examples of how throwing money at things doesn’t fix it overnight.

Now I don’t know if we’ve got it right or wrong h see Maresca but I know that this season couldn’t be going a lot worse for sure, and he’s changed the mentality in the playing side of our club. I’m backing him for that alone. Yes I’m worried about his philosophy working in the long term but he’s got us top of the league and breaking records so let’s go with it for now.

Yes things are dull atm and our football isn’t quite clicking, but remember we’re not Man City. Supporting Leicester isn’t about winning everything, it’s about sharing the ups and downs and sticking together through it all.

Stuck with us and stay. Let’s see what happens and let’s enjoy arguing and debating about it whilst it does.

Hope your mental health is ok. Know that you’re appreciated here.

posted on 25/11/23

Really aporeciate the sentiment and I’ll see how I do after a break.

I disagree that Rodgers ruined the club and the owners are somehow the innocent party. Top and Rudkin ruined us last season - it was their decisions that meant we ended up stuck with Dean smith with 9 games to go and a bunch of players who had no skin in the game as their contracts had run down

That’s where you and I differ. I’ll always hold the club accountable for our overnight demise - not Rodgers, because Rodgers was enabled at every turn by Rudkin

The rebuild needed was at board level - and until that happens it doesn’t matter who they employ because in the long term this club will fail. Chelsea are a great example of that since Boehly came in - you have to get it right at the top. Same with United

Again - not expecting us to be Man City. But we worked really hard to get back to the PL and there was no excuse for throwing that away. I see this as the empters new clothes - not a rebuild. Time will tell

I don’t think I’d ever stop supporting Leicester but I need a break from them for now and I need to believe in the club again

posted on 25/11/23

comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 26 minutes ago
Really aporeciate the sentiment and I’ll see how I do after a break.

I disagree that Rodgers ruined the club and the owners are somehow the innocent party. Top and Rudkin ruined us last season - it was their decisions that meant we ended up stuck with Dean smith with 9 games to go and a bunch of players who had no skin in the game as their contracts had run down

That’s where you and I differ. I’ll always hold the club accountable for our overnight demise - not Rodgers, because Rodgers was enabled at every turn by Rudkin

The rebuild needed was at board level - and until that happens it doesn’t matter who they employ because in the long term this club will fail. Chelsea are a great example of that since Boehly came in - you have to get it right at the top. Same with United

Again - not expecting us to be Man City. But we worked really hard to get back to the PL and there was no excuse for throwing that away. I see this as the empters new clothes - not a rebuild. Time will tell

I don’t think I’d ever stop supporting Leicester but I need a break from them for now and I need to believe in the club again

Oh I hold the ownership accountable as well BS. They stuck with Rodgers and his falling plan far too long and let him change the strategy of the club with his ego. They were weak.

I still believe they’re running the club pretty well though which is where we differ. We couldn’t have bounced back like we have without a strong structure.

posted on 27/11/23

I missed this post so bit late with response. It's disappointing to say the least but understandable if you feel you need to take a break.

As you know I share many of your frustrations and concerns, not least us still having Rudders in charge.

I hope you can rekindle your enthusiasm for things Leicester City in due course and we will be able to enjoy your postings once more. In the meantime, keep safe!

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