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posted on 27/12/23

When the so-called Strategic Review was announced nearly a year ago, it finally appeared that the sale of the club was on the horizon,


If only they read the small print, which Drasdo if he is still in charge, clearly did not.

posted on 27/12/23

Yesterday, (Boxing Day) Jim Ratcliffe sent an open letter to MUST. I presume this was in reply to the MUST statement contained in the OP above that was published on the MUST website on Christmas Eve, in reply to Man United's corporate statement announcing the INEOS investment earlier that day.


Open letter to MUST from Sir Jim Ratcliffe
Dear MUST,

I wanted to write to you at this time given the critical role of the fans to the future of Manchester United as we recognise our responsibility as custodians of the Club on your behalf.

I believe we can bring sporting success on the pitch to complement the undoubted commercial success that the club has enjoyed. It will require time and patience alongside rigour and the highest level of professional management.

You are ambitious for Manchester United and so are we. There are no guarantees in sport, and change can inevitably take time but we are in it for the long term and together we want to help take Manchester United back to where the club belongs, at the very top of English, European and World Football. I take that responsibility very seriously.

Please note that, as with any deal, it is subject to the usual regulatory sign-off process and therefore we do not expect to speak publicly about Club matters until after the deal has completed.

Sir Jim Ratcliffe

Chairman of INEOS


posted on 27/12/23

It is a very strange arrangement they have agreed on it can't be denied. 25% but handing over sporting control.

So you have two parties working together (Glazers and Jim's team) and basically Jim saying that he's going to rip up everything totally and start again as the Glazers clearly had no idea what they were doing and yet the Glazers are happy for this to happen and to remain. 😂

It doesn't sound like a match made in heaven does it and surely means that something will have to give eventually in terms of a full takeover.

posted on 27/12/23

SE 85

You are only looking at this through your eyes.

Look at it from both parties individually.

Jim has got his foot in the door, no doubt about that.

The Glazers still own the club and will continue to syphon money out of it. And bonus for them is they can take credit if it goes well or blame Jim if it doesn’t.

posted on 27/12/23

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 1 minute ago
SE 85

You are only looking at this through your eyes.

Look at it from both parties individually.

Jim has got his foot in the door, no doubt about that.

The Glazers still own the club and will continue to syphon money out of it. And bonus for them is they can take credit if it goes well or blame Jim if it doesn’t.

No dividends will be paid out for 3 years is what I'm reading this morning VC. Jim apparently not in favour of them.

What this means after year 3 is unknown. Do the Glazers resume taking dividends or do they sell off their remaining shares.

Like many fans I'm not entirely happy with what we've ended up with because it's still left lots of unanswered questions. One thing for sure is it's a slightly better situation than just the Glazers though as at least they have lost the sporting control and changes are coming in that regard.

posted on 27/12/23

They will still be taking out the money to pay interest on the debt is more what I assume, Isn’t that around 50 million a year?

posted on 27/12/23

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 31 minutes ago
They will still be taking out the money to pay interest on the debt is more what I assume, Isn’t that around 50 million a year?

That's a given sadly. The banks still owed a fortune.

With no CL football we could be in a bit of trouble too possibly as that will seriously impact spending.

They didn't want to sell the club though did they? I suppose you were right on that front. They are holding on for something? What that is though is a mystery as there's no chance of that super league going ahead.

posted on 27/12/23

They didn't want to sell the club though did they? I suppose you were right on that front.


I did say to all of those getting giddy when the sale was announced to read the last sentence. They were upfront with it to be fair to them.

posted on 27/12/23

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 7 minutes ago
They didn't want to sell the club though did they? I suppose you were right on that front.


I did say to all of those getting giddy when the sale was announced to read the last sentence. They were upfront with it to be fair to them.

But they entertained offers so I suppose they were willing at the right price. Although the right price to them was so pie in the sky it kind of made the whole process pointless.

The statement they put out about us not being interested in Super League 2.0 made me laugh though. It was those two cretins pushing it in their country the first time around and everyone knows it. They want the super league. It's the fans that don't.

Wish they would just feck off and die now. 😂

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/12/23

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 1 hour, 57 minutes ago
SE 85

You are only looking at this through your eyes.

Look at it from both parties individually.

Jim has got his foot in the door, no doubt about that.

The Glazers still own the club and will continue to syphon money out of it. And bonus for them is they can take credit if it goes well or blame Jim if it doesn’t.

posted on 27/12/23

I’m back! MU52

It’s going to be an interesting period of time with this partnership, seeing Dave Brailsford sat there yesterday looking full of importance, but what will a cycling expert bring to our club?

posted on 27/12/23

comment by RED666……🚽🚽 3-2 Liverpool (U6562)
posted 19 minutes ago
I’m back! MU52

It’s going to be an interesting period of time with this partnership, seeing Dave Brailsford sat there yesterday looking full of importance, but what will a cycling expert bring to our club?

Performance enhancing drugs and blood doping, finally we will press like the Dippers in their prime.

posted on 27/12/23

comment by Franko Cantona (U22187)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by RED666……🚽🚽 3-2 Liverpool (U6562)
posted 19 minutes ago
I’m back! MU52

It’s going to be an interesting period of time with this partnership, seeing Dave Brailsford sat there yesterday looking full of importance, but what will a cycling expert bring to our club?

Performance enhancing drugs and blood doping, finally we will press like the Dippers in their prime.
Exactly. Was gonna raise this issue. He's a doping lord. United desperate enough.

posted on 27/12/23

The statement they put out about us not being interested in Super League 2.0 made me laugh though. It was those two cretins pushing it in their country the first time around and everyone knows it.


I think that they are genuine with this statement. They have listened to the fans. Something we should be happy with.

They were very quick to change their stance when they got the rebound from the fans.

It would not surprise me if the Super League was being pushed on them by Ed and they went along with it.

posted on 28/12/23

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 22 hours, 55 minutes ago
When the so-called Strategic Review was announced nearly a year ago, it finally appeared that the sale of the club was on the horizon,


If only they read the small print, which Drasdo if he is still in charge, clearly did not.
He is and I'd be amazed if he hadn't - he is a small print kind of guy. He just has a different pov from you.

posted on 28/12/23

The Glazers are the toast of Wall Street, and The City of London. What they have done to UTD in terms of financial growth, will be studied for years.
They have masterminded one of the great hustles and in just 18 years, (in fact aboot 12 years) they sit on generational wealth.
It’s capitalism at its finest. Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works.

I hate the Glazers so much. To watch this great Club rot away on the football field, and they just let it happen.
And it was so avoidable…
I hope they will be forever reminded how incompetent they’ve been.

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