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I'm excited at last.

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posted on 13/6/11

Interesting perception on the situation.

comment by Webbo (U2077)

posted on 13/6/11

Couldn't agree more.

When the dust settles, we will step back and look at what has happened.

It's June 13th and we have plenty of time to get players in. The club haven't waited till the end of July to do this, they have moved quickly.

Let's get behind him. No point crying over BD.

No doubt he will gob off in public again

posted on 13/6/11

Have to agree with you, it would have been wonderful if the board and Billy got on, or at least trusted each other enough for the paralysis at the club to be broken.....unfortunately as they didn't there was only ever one outcome and that is the manager being shown the door.

The worst thing for the club would have been for this to drag on closer and closer to the start of the season, or even in to the start of the season.

At least now we have a manager who will surely have the mandate to go out there and rebuild the squad, whether that is stella signings or promising lower league players. Either way he will now what he has available and can start filling a few holes in the squad.

Not sure McLaren would be my first choice, but I for one will be behind him as he is going to be the manager of Nottingham Forest, the club I love. And as a number of posts have pointed out, his record (excluding England) is actually very good.


posted on 13/6/11

I do feel sory for Billy. I think that one of the main problems he had, was that he had never managed a big club before, so he was a little out of his depth.
I'm sure that it has been good experience for him, and will stand him in good stead for the future.

comment by Webbo (U2077)

posted on 13/6/11

LOL .. coming from Preston and Derby to a club the size of ours, overwhelmed him really.....

(Sit back and wait smiley)

posted on 13/6/11

I don't agree.
I hope somebody tells him to dump that umbrella!
Judged by the yardstick used to appoint Billy Davies, a manager proven at this level what are we now to deduct by the actions of the board [Doughty] ?
That policy has obviously been dumped because Maclaren has no experience at this level, never mind a proven record.
I predict that Doughty has activated a ticking time bomb, lets see where the team are at Christmas. However I will nail my colours to the mast and say we will not finish in the top six, which could possibly unleash a tidal wave of discontent amongst Forest Supporters. The two most difficult managerial positions in the Championship have to be Leeds United and Nottingham Forest F.C. one could advance a convincing argument that Forest [ given the board] is the most difficult job outside of the Premiership.
How many years has it been since Maclaren managed in English football??????? what contacts, Steve who???. This is more about a personality that Doughty feels comfortable with.........just as well because he can sit down to lunch with Steve and explain the Play Off System to him

comment by Webbo (U2077)

posted on 13/6/11


Billy has had his chance.

Move on and get behind McClaren

posted on 13/6/11

MD's relationship with Davies in the last 18 months appeared poor and its probably why he didn’t give him the cash in the last few transfer windows.

I liked Billy, but he created his own downfall when shouting the odds in public. It was obvious to all of us it wasn’t good.

Lets see if MD backs McClaren in the transfer market. I think he will..... Lets now all get behind him. U Redsssssssss

comment by Ramski (U5257)

posted on 13/6/11

Here comes Wally

Gotta laugh at how the Villa fans were in such uproar over the possible appointment of Wally as their manager that the club were forced to cancel talks with him.

Obviously, fans of a smaller club such as Notts Forest are delighted to get Wally on board

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 13/6/11

Don't feel sorry for Davies, given the chance he'd have bailed to another club and everyone knows it. He did a good job but has heaped everything on himself by firstly not working to the club set up that he knew was in place before he joined. Secondly he aired his dirty washing in public and distorted the truth when he did so. He had as much to spend as any other club in the league and moaned like he had none.

More importantly he seemed focussed on buying success, not on bringing in youth or lower league players and building a team. There didn't seem to be a plan other than buying his opponents better players!

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 13/6/11

And look who they're going to end up with Ramski, McLeish! Long ball, dour football, character-less manager, I could go on. If they had 1,000 people out to stop McClaren they'll have 10,000 out for him.

Mind you I saw them all complaining about Martinez too who is one of the best young managers in the countr

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 13/6/11

y so what do they know?

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