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These 2592 comments are related to an article called:

Alternative Paralympics Live

Page 18 of 104

posted on 27/7/24

The Truth about the French Revolution (1789)

Theory: The French Revolution is a revolution made by the French people against a totalitarian and tyrannical royal power; its effect is the advent of democracy and the defense of the people's rights.*

Reality : The French Revolution is a revolution made by a minority of urban bourgeois against the French people andagainst an extremely weak royal power, which left a very great freedom to the regional provinces of the country; the direct effect of the Revolution is the advent of a totalitarian and uprooted regime that unifies the country through a genocidal centralization that has the effect of destroying the rights of the people and enslaving them to an interested wage-labour.

The Ancien Régime fell because it became ineffective. This opened the door for all kinds of forces to act against it. Freemasons, Parisian liberals, and a few true visionaries. The French monarchy underwent the worst possible destruction. Without having the best of a true republican regime to replace it with. It was a complete loss.

99% of French revolutionaries wanted a liberal revolution for power defined by sexual degeneracy and comfortable domestication of the masses. 1% of the revolutionaries wanted to remove the King not because he was too strong. But because he was too weak. They considered the monarchy to be degenerated and wanted to create a new regime, based on a new aristocracy, and a new man'. To usher in a modern Caesar seeking to rebuild a power that had degenerated. The monarchy was destroyed but nothing was built in place. Just a big void where, consumerism, materialism and degeneracy settled.

For all the monarchy's faults, France did not decapitate a king. It decapitated itself. The Revolution is the replacement of a military, religious, racial, rooted, local elite (based on the criterion of ancestral tradition), by an urban, liberal, atheist elite, selected on purely economic criteria.

posted on 27/7/24

I thought the thread was about the Olympic Games

posted on 27/7/24

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by Don Draper's dandruff (U20155)
posted 42 minutes ago
not to mention the promotion of fagggotry and transgenderism

what a vile khunt peks is.

I was surprised that got past the filter to be honest
I'll leave it there to highlight what a khunt Peks is.

If Admin wants to remove it then so be it.

posted on 27/7/24

what have i said to warrant this nonsense

posted on 27/7/24

Does anyone know how to watch Tennis? Its not on BBC I player or Eurosport.

posted on 27/7/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 1 minute ago
Does anyone know how to watch Tennis? Its not on BBC I player or Eurosport.
bbc are, i think, very restricted in what they will be able to show this year...on a day like today, i'd try my local tennis club

posted on 27/7/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 6 minutes ago
Does anyone know how to watch Tennis? Its not on BBC I player or Eurosport.
The traditional technique involves moving your head from side to side as each player strikes the ball

posted on 27/7/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 8 minutes ago
Does anyone know how to watch Tennis? Its not on BBC I player or Eurosport.
discovery + app on firestick or discovery + website if you have a eurosport account

they show everything from the olympics footy, tennis , basketball etc

posted on 27/7/24

The firestick represents the flames of Hell, and Discovery is woke glober propaganda

posted on 27/7/24

comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 4 seconds ago
The firestick represents the flames of Hell, and Discovery is woke glober propaganda

posted on 27/7/24

Imagine being so far down the worm hole you analyse every part of an opening ceremony. Who gives a feck what its symbolising, it makes no difference unless you are a weak minded spineless fack.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/7/24

comment by Cinciwolf-----JA606 NFL fantasy champ 2023 (U11551)
posted 34 minutes ago
Imagine being so far down the worm hole you analyse every part of an opening ceremony. Who gives a feck what its symbolising, it makes no difference unless you are a weak minded spineless fack.
thus spaked the epitome of the sheepul the Openin Ritual create

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/7/24

even the wird “Olympics” share a letter with Azathoth witch prooves is jussed a weigh too summon the Outer God of that name

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/7/24

comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 1 hour ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 6 minutes ago
Does anyone know how to watch Tennis? Its not on BBC I player or Eurosport.
The traditional technique involves moving your head from side to side as each player strikes the ball
our cat Louie duz that

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/7/24

everybody keep ur eyes peel 4 all the woke occult globy simbolism at olimpics

it will blough ur mined

posted on 27/7/24

comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 5 minutes ago
even the wird “Olympics” share a letter with Azathoth witch prooves is jussed a weigh too summon the Outer God of that name

Interesting. I also see the your name shares two letters with Azathoth.


comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/7/24

the divin event simblosizes the Fall of Lucifer as he was cassed outta Heaven

posted on 27/7/24

The 'Z' is obviously a reference to Zoltan, Hound of Dracula.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/7/24

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/7/24

my name is actchully a simbol of protection v the Evil Eye n i sudjest u all add it too ur name to too help proteck u from harm

posted on 27/7/24


needs some extra relish on that

posted on 27/7/24

Can't believe the WEF hasn't sorted out better weather for the Woke Games

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/7/24

comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 11 seconds ago
Can't believe the WEF hasn't sorted out better weather for the Woke Games
it is God cryin at all the occult globy wokeness innit

posted on 27/7/24


posted on 27/7/24

So are they saying the opening ceremony was targeting Christianity.

That's feckin awesome, i am all in

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