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These 360 comments are related to an article called:

The Country Is Broken

Page 2 of 15

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 29 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Interviewed on a sunbed.

They wanted farage, looked all over his local consistency but he was nowhere to be found, locals said they’d never ever seen him there. Some eye witnesses described him leading the sothport riots

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the... (U19119)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 29 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Interviewed on a sunbed.

They wanted farage, looked all over his local consistency but he was nowhere to be found, locals said they’d never ever seen him there. Some eye witnesses described him leading the sothport riots

Social media platforms have a lot to answer for, they allow misinformation to take hold without any repercussions to them, ordinary peace loving, law abiding people suffer. Ordinary people foot the bill and end up clearing up the mess.

I am for protest as long as it's peaceful.

Politicians like Farage also have a lot to answer for, he and many of his ilk have been stoking up the fire, they have roused a beast that's been in slumber for a while. The riots are a physical manifestation of the political rhetoric and misinformation.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Of course he doesn't. Just attention seeking like his idol.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership
Bit of a sad thing to WUM about but you crack on

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

posted on 4/8/24

Matt Goodwin

"What you are witnessing in Britain today is the direct result of failed policies that have been imposed on the country for much of the last 30 years.

Mass, uncontrolled immigration. The refusal to do what needs to be done to regain control of our borders.

The failure to integrate newcomers.

The refusal to counter radical Islamism and even recognise the very obvious failings of multiculturalism.

The continued promises to lower mass immigration only to then lie to the British people by doing the opposite.

And the growing tendency among the radicalising "liberal" left -as we see again this weekend- to try and silence and stigmatise all those who have been pointing to these very obvious causes as "racists", "xenophobes", and "grifters".

My view is this.

If you are idiotic enough to break the law then you should be arrested. And if you are stupid enough to use violence against police officers and emergency workers then you should face the full force of the law.

Much like those antisemitic, pro-Hamas, Black Lives Matter protestors and Islamist sympathisers should have faced consequences when they too broke the law.

But what is also crystal clear is that these protests are just the tip of the iceberg.

What lies beneath are millions of decent, hardworking, patriotic British people who have simply had enough of these disastrous policies, of being told they are "racist" or "far right" for wanting to change course, and who are routinely shut out of the national conversation.

They are sick of an elite class that after watching British children be blown apart at pop concerts, murdered at dance classes, and sexually assaulted by Muslim gangs on an industrial scale continues to gaslight them by saying what this is really about is "social media", "misinformation", "disinformation", and "right-wing grifters coordinating riots from their holidays".

As I say below --and no, I won't delete it--a serious response to these events begins with acknowledging that the status-quo is completely broken.

No community in history has pursued this level of mass immigration and demographic change while having no integration strategy and come out on the other side as a healthy, vibrant, strong, high-trust, prosperous society.

So what do we need to do?

We need to end the policy of mass immigration.

We need a freeze on all non-essential migration so that we at least stand a chance of absorbing and managing the record migration of the last quarter-century.

We need to leave the ECHR, reform the Human Rights Act, and do whatever we can to regain control of our own borders. A country that cannot even control who is coming in and out is not a serious country.

We need a new debate and policy on immigration in this country which, in my view, has now become far too dependent on people from outside Europe, who neither share our values nor way of life.

We need to protect and promote free speech, free expression and free assembly so that people feel they have a voice, not rush to shut it down because the ruling class no longer understands what is happening.

And we need, in short, to be doing the very opposite of what the current Labour government is doing, and what the previous Conservative governments accelerated.

And we need to start doing it now."

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 4/8/24

Let’s be honest, the idiots rioting the streets are fed up with life in Britain. I expect most on this site are middle earners happily plodding along, but there’s a lot who are not.

The country is a mess and riots were due, just in in France, if you keep taking from the people they will eventually revolt. It just needed a spark.

posted on 4/8/24

You should be blaming people like your mate Farage, not the Prime Minister, for these thugs going on a rampage.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Peks - Comanche Moon (U6618)
posted 23 seconds ago
Matt Goodwin

"What you are witnessing in Britain today is the direct result of failed policies that have been imposed on the country for much of the last 30 years.

Mass, uncontrolled immigration. The refusal to do what needs to be done to regain control of our borders.

The failure to integrate newcomers.

The refusal to counter radical Islamism and even recognise the very obvious failings of multiculturalism.

The continued promises to lower mass immigration only to then lie to the British people by doing the opposite.

And the growing tendency among the radicalising "liberal" left -as we see again this weekend- to try and silence and stigmatise all those who have been pointing to these very obvious causes as "racists", "xenophobes", and "grifters".

My view is this.

If you are idiotic enough to break the law then you should be arrested. And if you are stupid enough to use violence against police officers and emergency workers then you should face the full force of the law.

Much like those antisemitic, pro-Hamas, Black Lives Matter protestors and Islamist sympathisers should have faced consequences when they too broke the law.

But what is also crystal clear is that these protests are just the tip of the iceberg.

What lies beneath are millions of decent, hardworking, patriotic British people who have simply had enough of these disastrous policies, of being told they are "racist" or "far right" for wanting to change course, and who are routinely shut out of the national conversation.

They are sick of an elite class that after watching British children be blown apart at pop concerts, murdered at dance classes, and sexually assaulted by Muslim gangs on an industrial scale continues to gaslight them by saying what this is really about is "social media", "misinformation", "disinformation", and "right-wing grifters coordinating riots from their holidays".

As I say below --and no, I won't delete it--a serious response to these events begins with acknowledging that the status-quo is completely broken.

No community in history has pursued this level of mass immigration and demographic change while having no integration strategy and come out on the other side as a healthy, vibrant, strong, high-trust, prosperous society.

So what do we need to do?

We need to end the policy of mass immigration.

We need a freeze on all non-essential migration so that we at least stand a chance of absorbing and managing the record migration of the last quarter-century.

We need to leave the ECHR, reform the Human Rights Act, and do whatever we can to regain control of our own borders. A country that cannot even control who is coming in and out is not a serious country.

We need a new debate and policy on immigration in this country which, in my view, has now become far too dependent on people from outside Europe, who neither share our values nor way of life.

We need to protect and promote free speech, free expression and free assembly so that people feel they have a voice, not rush to shut it down because the ruling class no longer understands what is happening.

And we need, in short, to be doing the very opposite of what the current Labour government is doing, and what the previous Conservative governments accelerated.

And we need to start doing it now."
Absolutely spot on. The lefties will no doubt label him a racist bigot.

The rioters aren’t justified at all, however there are solid reasons for what they’re doing.

Our own people starve on the streets, yet come here illegally and you get to stay (for free) in modern hotels. Some even luxurious.

Starmer must go. Farage in.

We need Reform.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

The leader of his party and holder of the highest office in the country. No such person of any country would be risked to stand on the literal frontline during a riot! You know this, you seriously can't be that dense to be unaware! Can you post something so we can take you seriously, for a change?!

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 1 minute ago
You should be blaming people like your mate Farage, not the Prime Minister, for these thugs going on a rampage.
Farage would fix this mess.

Starmers solution is to make the England a police state.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

The leader of his party and holder of the highest office in the country. No such person of any country would be risked to stand on the literal frontline during a riot! You know this, you seriously can't be that dense to be unaware! Can you post something so we can take you seriously, for a change?!
Farage went out on the channel himself. Got his hands dirty.

Starmer probably doesn’t even wipe his own arrse!

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan (U1217)
posted 1 hour, 11 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 11 minutes ago
Starmer must step aside and let Farage tidy up his mess.


posted on 4/8/24

comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 1 minute ago
You should be blaming people like your mate Farage, not the Prime Minister, for these thugs going on a rampage.
Farage would fix this mess.

Starmers solution is to make the England a police state.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

The leader of his party and holder of the highest office in the country. No such person of any country would be risked to stand on the literal frontline during a riot! You know this, you seriously can't be that dense to be unaware! Can you post something so we can take you seriously, for a change?!
Farage went out on the channel himself. Got his hands dirty.

Starmer probably doesn’t even wipe his own arrse!

Don't deflect from the point, we are talking about riots! Where is Farage NOW?

IF Farage is still on the Channel, it's not exactly the frontline as riots are taking place on land! Unless he's decided to take a dip into the channel? 🤣

Bring back RDD, this guy is a lightweight WUM!

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

The leader of his party and holder of the highest office in the country. No such person of any country would be risked to stand on the literal frontline during a riot! You know this, you seriously can't be that dense to be unaware! Can you post something so we can take you seriously, for a change?!
Farage went out on the channel himself. Got his hands dirty.

Starmer probably doesn’t even wipe his own arrse!

Don't deflect from the point, we are talking about riots! Where is Farage NOW?

IF Farage is still on the Channel, it's not exactly the frontline as riots are taking place on land! Unless he's decided to take a dip into the channel? 🤣

Bring back RDD, this guy is a lightweight WUM!
How should I know what Farage is doing? Should he have his location turned on at all times, on his phone??

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

The leader of his party and holder of the highest office in the country. No such person of any country would be risked to stand on the literal frontline during a riot! You know this, you seriously can't be that dense to be unaware! Can you post something so we can take you seriously, for a change?!
Farage went out on the channel himself. Got his hands dirty.

Starmer probably doesn’t even wipe his own arrse!

Don't deflect from the point, we are talking about riots! Where is Farage NOW?

IF Farage is still on the Channel, it's not exactly the frontline as riots are taking place on land! Unless he's decided to take a dip into the channel? 🤣

Bring back RDD, this guy is a lightweight WUM!
How should I know what Farage is doing? Should he have his location turned on at all times, on his phone??



You need a hobby that's more productive than this.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 49 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

The leader of his party and holder of the highest office in the country. No such person of any country would be risked to stand on the literal frontline during a riot! You know this, you seriously can't be that dense to be unaware! Can you post something so we can take you seriously, for a change?!
Farage went out on the channel himself. Got his hands dirty.

Starmer probably doesn’t even wipe his own arrse!

Don't deflect from the point, we are talking about riots! Where is Farage NOW?

IF Farage is still on the Channel, it's not exactly the frontline as riots are taking place on land! Unless he's decided to take a dip into the channel? 🤣

Bring back RDD, this guy is a lightweight WUM!
How should I know what Farage is doing? Should he have his location turned on at all times, on his phone??



You need a hobby that's more productive than this.
I’d be a more productive PM than Starmer so I guess we agree on that.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 49 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

The leader of his party and holder of the highest office in the country. No such person of any country would be risked to stand on the literal frontline during a riot! You know this, you seriously can't be that dense to be unaware! Can you post something so we can take you seriously, for a change?!
Farage went out on the channel himself. Got his hands dirty.

Starmer probably doesn’t even wipe his own arrse!

Don't deflect from the point, we are talking about riots! Where is Farage NOW?

IF Farage is still on the Channel, it's not exactly the frontline as riots are taking place on land! Unless he's decided to take a dip into the channel? 🤣

Bring back RDD, this guy is a lightweight WUM!
How should I know what Farage is doing? Should he have his location turned on at all times, on his phone??



You need a hobby that's more productive than this.
I’d be a more productive PM than Starmer so I guess we agree on that.


Delusional at best, that's what you are.

posted on 4/8/24

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 30 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 49 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Kobra (U19849)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Mr Boggart Hole (U9489)
posted 45 seconds ago
Our streets burn and Starmer is nowhere to be seen. Pathetic leadership.

No doubt he’s on a sunbed somewhere.

He has just been on BBC news
Tucked up safe and in Downing St.

A proper leader would be on the frontline. Farage went out on the channel himself to highlight our border problem.

Starmer speaks whilst under armed guard.

Get him out.

Do you expect Starmer on the frontline with riot police?!
Yes because that’s true leadership

He's a politician not a military man or member of the police!
He’s our leader. Is he not?

The leader of his party and holder of the highest office in the country. No such person of any country would be risked to stand on the literal frontline during a riot! You know this, you seriously can't be that dense to be unaware! Can you post something so we can take you seriously, for a change?!
Farage went out on the channel himself. Got his hands dirty.

Starmer probably doesn’t even wipe his own arrse!

Don't deflect from the point, we are talking about riots! Where is Farage NOW?

IF Farage is still on the Channel, it's not exactly the frontline as riots are taking place on land! Unless he's decided to take a dip into the channel? 🤣

Bring back RDD, this guy is a lightweight WUM!
How should I know what Farage is doing? Should he have his location turned on at all times, on his phone??



You need a hobby that's more productive than this.
I’d be a more productive PM than Starmer so I guess we agree on that.


Delusional at best, that's what you are.
Even bloody Corbyn would be better than the weak people pleaser Starmer!

posted on 4/8/24

Where is Desmond Decker when you need him !

Page 2 of 15

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