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The mistakes since relegation..(long read!)

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posted on 11/8/24

- The Steve Cooper Decision

Gobsmacking really when you think about it. Maresca leaving wasn't unlucky. It was the inevitable result of a board concealing the truth. But once it happened - what do you do? You've thrown all your chips on 26 Red - so really what you have to do is to try and get someone in who can build on Maresca's philosophy but make it more pragmatic. Corberan again as another good example.

To be fair to Leicester, they went for Potter. But unfortunately the cat was out of the bag. Everyone knows what a basket case this club is and Potter wanted none of it.

So the owners in their desperation, now decide to rip the plug out of the socket completely and bring in a good manager but someone whose philosophy is completely different. It's bonkers decision making - it's like building a Ferrari and asking your gran to drive it around Silverstone.

- Summer 24 Transfers

Again. Not sure where to start with this one. Cooper already sounds at his wits end. What is any manager supposed to do when your best player (or one of them) is sold and you don't bring any re-enforcements in? No number 8, no number 10. Just kids on loan.

There is money to do business - not much of it, but the fact Leicester are lining up a bid for a £22m striker tells you there is. But the Jon Rudkin factor is still at play. Remember the fatal decision from Top not to replace him?

- Club Sponsorship and Fan Engagement

Perhaps the most damaging thing of all is what Top and Whelan have done on the commercial side since relegation. Deciding to side with B.C Game, a gambling company (before a league wide ban on such deals comes into place) speaks volumes about the direction the club are going in since Vichai passed.

Long gone is the sense of community, making morally grounded decisions for the good of the wider fanbase, a sense of responsibility in corporate decision making - its all out the window to cash in with a firm involved in online gambling and cryptocurrency.

Perhaps just as damaging is the non existent fan engagement - the club now completely mute on their vision, their strategic direction, the financial situation - everything. Instead, they've thrown a poorly prepared Cooper under the bus and in front of the cameras.

- Missing out on FFP loopholes.

If the club weren't so obsessed with trying to kick the can down the road in regards to the 2022-23 breach - they might have wisened up to the loophole that still exists that legitimately allows clubs to trade academy players with each other to ease FFP concerns.

I mean you'd need a half decent DoF to be able to suss that out I guess. Another opportunity missed.....


That's a very long read. you've probably given up trying. But to surmise - I think the evidence against these owners learning from the relegation season is compelling. Its overwhelming.

We aren't seeing any kind of rebuilding here. No strategic vision. Just panic. Reaction. Desperation. Rabbits in the headlights. And it's all leading to many years in the wilderness - and I'm absolutely serious when I say these guys could send us back to league 1.

What do you guys think? Will they get it right?

posted on 12/8/24

I can't see anything much you've written I fundamentally disagree with. Especially the key point about Rudders still being in place - he must also have had a large part to do with the reckless gamble to move away from the sustainable model of selling a key player or two every year to try and stay in the European spots.

It really doesn't sound good, the vibes that are coming from the manager about lack of player recruitment sound depressingly familiar.

I hope against hope that something miraculous will occur and we'll have a reasonable season but it's not looking in the slightest bit promising.

posted on 13/8/24

It’s a desperate shambolic journey to have gone from where we were 3 years ago to where we are now. I don’t think there’s been a quicker fall from grace in PL history to be honest - perhaps with the exception of Leeds

It’s why I find fans STILL defending this ownership just so bemusing. How can you ignore everything both pre Rodgers and post Rodgers?!

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