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England XI 367/4

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posted on 11/10/11

we are going through a tough phase in cricket like every one does, we will bounce back very well

posted on 11/10/11

"but english journalists and ex players disrespecting whole country's cricketers just based on one trip?/"

Who did??

You talk so much rubbish, we're talking about now. England have always been rubbish in world cups but since when did we start discussing world cups?

"england used to be my second team now i hate england and english cricket the most, learn some respect"

Now that is extremely sad... you hate England because of 606?

P.S. Don't even try it, everyone remembers all the rubbish you were posting during the last series so don't bother pretending you're something you're not.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 11/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/10/11


Not sure about the under bit, but your certainly englands poodles at the moment.

posted on 11/10/11

Haha Neon couldn't stay away - like a little puppy dog. BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA You are watching a desperate little boy here guys

posted on 11/10/11

Oh & we better thank the South African youth setup cos Pietersen just took a wicket

posted on 11/10/11

Cricket fan has clearly not be on 606 for the last 4 years when Indian fans were constantly attacking England, pretty much like cricket fan on this thread:

i have watched 5 world cups and england have never ever been competetive , always got hammered in quarter finals, england have always been the worst of test playing nations in every world cup , why dont u guyz get a relaity check , england used to be my second team now i hate england and english cricket the most, learn some respect.

If you can't take it, don't give it.

comment by Maksi (U2561)

posted on 11/10/11

10:0 and where will it end? It's our time

Just got home from another day earning my minimum wage in my truck and see that the entire England team has gone beserk against the new crop of pie chuckers and on the Sub Continent. Don't worry though all you Indian fans, there's always tomorrow?

Total and utter destruction.

comment by Pox (U2677)

posted on 11/10/11

What's the big deal ? These were a bunch of part-timers who probably took time off their jobs at the laundry down the street.
The domestic Hyderabad team are much better than this.

comment by Maksi (U2561)

posted on 11/10/11

Where did the little puppy dog go? To the rest of you, did you enjoy watching yet another destructive batting performance by our boys? I am gutted that I missed it.

posted on 11/10/11

It's not a big deal except the bowlers will have learnt something about bowling in those conditions and the batsmen will have confidence for the encounters ahead.
However if the BCCI have put up really weak opposition in these games that shows the BCCI in a poor light.
At least when India came to England they were given worthy opponents to play in their warm up games.

posted on 11/10/11

Maksi it wasn't televised, just a written text commentary on cricinfo.

comment by Maksi (U2561)

posted on 11/10/11

To be honest hopefor, the Indian has been in disarray for months? Fancy turning up for a test series in India with one good bowler who only lasted 5 minutes. Personally today, I am not sure it would make much difference who they put out to play us. We are in a seriously ruthless vein of form and are ready to unload. India are weak, and we will just have to enjoy this series.

Shame I will miss all next week though. My good lady and I are off to Puerto Rico in The Canary Islands on Saturday for a well deserved break We did Mallorca in June, and Rhodos in March, and Berlin in April so it's time to find some sun again as it refuses to come to Norway. How is Holland treating you mate?

Back to cricket, you have enjoyed yet another perfect day in the life of an England fan?

comment by Maksi (U2561)

posted on 11/10/11

*Indian team. * series in England Those corrections should make that post slightly more readable

posted on 11/10/11

Windy and wet Maksi, which the Dutch insist on calling English weather but it seems Dutch weather to me.

comment by Maksi (U2561)

posted on 11/10/11

lol and you have no future plans to get away from that? At least the cricket will take your mind off the bad weather we are getting in Europe at the moment What are your predictions for the series? Whitewash again? If those wickets are good to bat on then we will score massively. If they are good to bowl on then only we can bowl. How can we not win easily?

comment by Pox (U2677)

posted on 11/10/11

"At least when India came to England they were given worthy opponents to play in their warm up games."

you gave us Somerset.

comment by Pox (U2677)

posted on 11/10/11

And it was Strauss who was shown in poor light when he refused Dhoni's suggestion of playing 12 a side.

comment by Jezzer (U4205)

posted on 12/10/11

Somerset are a good team, did well in the CC this year, and, when tresco plays they have arguably the strongest batting lineup in english domestic cricket. if tresco had not had his depression, he would still be in this england team, no question. unfortunatly, he didn't play in the warm up, but even then somerset are a decent outfit, certainly better than hyderabad.

posted on 12/10/11

Somerset are a very, very decent team. Just look at how they played in the CC.

You're talking rubbish

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