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These 65 comments are related to an article called:

Fave Arsenal 11 in my lifetime

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posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by -bloodred- (U1222)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Dan Arsenal (U21084)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by -bloodred- (U1222)
posted 3 minutes ago
Out of interest, is there a distinction between 'favourite' and 'best' here?

I guess people have their personal favourites for their own reasons, but to say Wright and Keown were better than Henry and Adams would be a bit, well, wrong.
Didn't say that though did I. Loved Charlie coz he was my first hero when i was young and we were crap, loved Wrighty for his attitude. Neither are better than say Henry and others but so what? That's not what this post is about.

I used to love John Jenson and Eboue as well for different reasons. BFG Merts is another character
Yeah, that's fair enough, totally personal opinion - just wanted to clarify as I think most have jumped to the conclusion that this is a 'best 11' from your lifetime.

If you asked me to do an 11 of my favourite United players, I would probably have Kanchelskis in there over Ronaldo/Beckham.
Yeah this post seems to have gone off kilter a tad. Kanchelskis was rapid. Couldn't stand either Ronaldo or Beckham tbh. Not my types of player. Bryan Robson or Whiteside were the nuts though.

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

hahahah oh no - now you are accidently/on purpose telling everyone what a big shot you are. Oh dear. You really are inadequate and, well, a bit needy aren't you. I bet you will tell everyone what a big car you've got next huh? hahaha

You brought up a job as an insult.
You brought up League Cup tickets.
You brought up poncing off the state.

All strange insults, tbh, and none true to me. Sorry that you are so uppity you hate Amazon workers who are doing a good job and providing for their families. Says a lot about you, and the status you think you have...

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by Phenom (U20037)
posted 1 minute ago
surely just play Fabregas next to Vieira to play a normal formation ffs
Mad huh

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 33 seconds ago
hahahah oh no - now you are accidently/on purpose telling everyone what a big shot you are. Oh dear. You really are inadequate and, well, a bit needy aren't you. I bet you will tell everyone what a big car you've got next huh? hahaha

You brought up a job as an insult.
You brought up League Cup tickets.
You brought up poncing off the state.

All strange insults, tbh, and none true to me. Sorry that you are so uppity you hate Amazon workers who are doing a good job and providing for their families. Says a lot about you, and the status you think you have...
hahahaha stop it now - you needy weirdo

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

Yeh the distinction is important "best" or "favourite" can be entirely different things, I had players I grew up watching certain players who were clearly not better than others but I formed a link with them for differing reasons, could be two lists, best players and fav players?

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeh the distinction is important "best" or "favourite" can be entirely different things, I had players I grew up watching certain players who were clearly not better than others but I formed a link with them for differing reasons, could be two lists, best players and fav players?
I should have done that. Next time to stop others calling me out I'll do just that. Maybe I'll underline the word FAVE in capital letters and in BOLD and maybe underline it. If JA had more graphics i could even have little flashing lights and a big arrow pointing at the word FAVE - just to make it really really clear for the hard of thinking.

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

hahahaha stop it now - you needy weirdo
Oh dear, did you get caught out??
Imagine giving it all the job chat and then crying like a toddler about the response.

Guess I will be seeing you tomorrow night at the stadium, you gobby little caaant. We can even have a drink and chat before hand if you want...

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 47 seconds ago
hahahaha stop it now - you needy weirdo
Oh dear, did you get caught out??
Imagine giving it all the job chat and then crying like a toddler about the response.

Guess I will be seeing you tomorrow night at the stadium, you gobby little caaant. We can even have a drink and chat before hand if you want...
Ooooo sounds like a threat. hahahah. You are funny - angry but funny

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

A threat to buy a drink and have a chat??

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

Of course you will have to pay, my Amazon wage doesn't cover London prices...

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by Dan Arsenal (U21084)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeh the distinction is important "best" or "favourite" can be entirely different things, I had players I grew up watching certain players who were clearly not better than others but I formed a link with them for differing reasons, could be two lists, best players and fav players?
I should have done that. Next time to stop others calling me out I'll do just that. Maybe I'll underline the word FAVE in capital letters and in BOLD and maybe underline it. If JA had more graphics i could even have little flashing lights and a big arrow pointing at the word FAVE - just to make it really really clear for the hard of thinking.
Fair point Dan I said that because my fave and best 11s differ by about 5 players over the period I've watched my team and if honest it's pretty fluid as I toil to make my mind up with most things

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 1 minute ago
A threat to buy a drink and have a chat??
Okay you can buy me a drink. Where do you normally go? Tollington in the outside bit at the front or Twelve Pins? Blackstock?

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

Horatia with me and CrouchEndGooner.

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 7 minutes ago
hahahaha stop it now - you needy weirdo
Oh dear, did you get caught out??
Imagine giving it all the job chat and then crying like a toddler about the response.

Guess I will be seeing you tomorrow night at the stadium, you gobby little caaant. We can even have a drink and chat before hand if you want...
Gobby little caant is the exact thing Id expect a goby caaant to say

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Dan Arsenal (U21084)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeh the distinction is important "best" or "favourite" can be entirely different things, I had players I grew up watching certain players who were clearly not better than others but I formed a link with them for differing reasons, could be two lists, best players and fav players?
I should have done that. Next time to stop others calling me out I'll do just that. Maybe I'll underline the word FAVE in capital letters and in BOLD and maybe underline it. If JA had more graphics i could even have little flashing lights and a big arrow pointing at the word FAVE - just to make it really really clear for the hard of thinking.
Fair point DanI said that because my fave and best 11s differ by about 5 players over the period I've watched my team and if honest it's pretty fluid as I toil to make my mind up with most things
Aye whisper it quietly but if you ask me tomorrow I'll have Henry over Wright and stick Sanchez in there somewhere. Should have looked up the best Arsenal team on Google and just cut n pasted in instead as we are not allowed to have different opinions without people getting all mad and ruddy faced.

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

'There is an official time keeper who tells the ref how long to add on but them the ref just adds on what he feels" is what I expect a clueless gobby little caaant to say.

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 2 minutes ago
Horatia with me and CrouchEndGooner.
New one on me. Where is that? Used to go to the plimsole but i think it's gone all beardy and trendy now

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

You know it’s getting bad when even Utd fans are in agreement with the Arsenal majority

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

Holloway Road between H&I station and the ground.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

Sagna Adams Toure Monreal
Parlour Cazorla
Ljungberg Henry Pires

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 6 minutes ago
'There is an official time keeper who tells the ref how long to add on but them the ref just adds on what he feels" is what I expect a clueless gobby little caaant to say.
is it really? that would explain a lot then !

posted 2 days, 11 hours ago

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 12 minutes ago
Sagna Adams Toure Monreal
Parlour Cazorla
Ljungberg Henry Pires
Loved Nacho. All effort player. I rated Giroud as well but to be fair it was pretty slim pickings when he was at the club. Gilberto was a bit of a comedown after Petit for me - preferred Edu.

posted 2 days, 10 hours ago

Cole Adams Campbell Winterburn
Viera Rocastle Bergkamp Brady
Wright Henry

posted 2 days, 10 hours ago

comment by Ras Clar Teta (U22980)
posted 12 minutes ago
Cole Adams Campbell Winterburn
Viera Rocastle Bergkamp Brady
Wright Henry
Decent team. Never really rated Sol - always looked a bit clumsy to me. His breakdown at H/T v West Ham when he walked out didn't exactly go down too well either.

posted 2 days, 10 hours ago

Never saw Brady or Stapleton play. Starting watching us just after they left. Remember John Hollins fondly though. Think he was about 34 when he signed or summat.

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