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These 1075321 comments are related to an article called:

Good News

Page 34406 of 43013

comment by Teebs (U1060)

posted on 2/5/17

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posted on 2/5/17

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comment by Teebs (U1060)

posted on 2/5/17

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posted on 2/5/17

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posted on 2/5/17

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comment by Teebs (U1060)

posted on 2/5/17

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posted on 2/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

Do youknow what the best thing about a woman is ?

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

The best thing about a woman, is being there.

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

It doesnt matter what they smeel like : perfume, pusys, swear

It doesnt matter what they sound like : an angrl, a....person who cant seem to learn to enunciate properly, even though she improved in what little company of yours she had

It doesnt matter what she looks like : stunna, or just nice arms, and hair, and a face you sort of grow to be in love with

It doesnt matter what she feels like : squiggy perfection, or....errrr....just that....thing that feels about right.

What matters, is that she is there.

posted on 2/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

comment by Zachsda (Recipient of a cycling proficiency award)) (U1850)
posted 13 seconds ago
comment by Garlic Bread (U21437)
posted 5 minutes ago
Do youknow what the best thing about a woman is ?
For me it's the smell and viscosity
I'm in pub fooked off ridiculously early

Whatabout being there ?

She's got to be there ?

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

She's got to be there with you ?

Otherwise, what are you ?

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 2/5/17

Cant miss them if they wont go away

posted on 2/5/17

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posted on 2/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

She's confided in half the office. And banned them all from saying a word to me.

posted on 2/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

Why ?

Why ?

]why ?

why ?

why ?

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

Why has she done this ?

Why ?

posted on 2/5/17

Really have an issue with users stealing galvs 'G' as the first name of their username.

Keep glancing thinking galv posts the comment and then seeing no forced joke or overuse of elipses.

posted on 2/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 2/5/17

comment by Galviatric (U10415)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Garlic Bread (U21437)
posted 3 minutes ago
It doesnt matter what they smeel like : perfume, pusys, swear

It doesnt matter what they sound like : an angrl, a....person who cant seem to learn to enunciate properly, even though she improved in what little company of yours she had

It doesnt matter what she looks like : stunna, or just nice arms, and hair, and a face you sort of grow to be in love with

It doesnt matter what she feels like : squiggy perfection, or....errrr....just that....thing that feels about right.

What matters, is that she is there.
Well why aint she? Silly cow

posted on 2/5/17

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posted on 2/5/17

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