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posted on 7/6/21


posted on 7/6/21

Why is konsa not there instead of Mings ffs

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 7/6/21

comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted 4 minutes ago
Why is konsa not there instead of Mings ffs
only a matter of time before he choses DRC or Portugal

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 7/6/21

Mings is left footed. thats all i got

posted on 7/6/21

Has Konsa actually been better over the season? Or is it just because Mings had a poor game on the weekend?

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 7/6/21

the majority ive seen talking about the two, including villa fans, have got the general consensus that Konsa has been better.

posted on 7/6/21

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posted on 7/6/21

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posted on 7/6/21

Godfrey is grate

posted on 7/6/21

White is grate

posted on 7/6/21

comment by Ace (U22467)
posted 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
comment by Amanda Hugginkiss (U11574)
posted 8 hours, 18 minutes ago
Some "ITK" has posted a cryptic

"Cometh the hour", posted at 10pm last night. Apparently the "ETH" in "cometh" and the fact it was posted at Ten o'clock...

Silly season
I’m only hoping we get Ten Hag so I can develop some sort Spinal Tap inspired ‘Eric Eleven Hag’ quip when we have a good game under him. Still working on it at the moment, late nights with a candle in a saucer plugging away, hope it’s not all for nothing.

posted on 8/6/21

Yo yo yo, not been around a whole lot recently. Been doing some fun holiday stuff, sisters wedding etc.

Plus I find the off season so boring - I really don’t care that we have signed a player or manager already in a time where they won’t be able to impact things anyway. Really can’t get upset with the hysteria - if it happens now or in two weeks it really doesn’t matter.

Transfer windows are hilarious in general - usually the summers fans have been most happy with have had the worst seasons that follow

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 8/6/21

booked your jab yet?

im in for next friday

posted on 8/6/21

Had the Pfizer, don't feel any different.

posted on 8/6/21


posted on 8/6/21

posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

Transfer windows are hilarious in general - usually the summers fans have been most happy with have had the worst seasons that follow
Well this wasnt true in the end

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Bãles left boot (U22081)
posted 7 hours, 28 minutes ago
Had the Pfizer, don't feel any different.
Bales, 1st or 2nd? Pfizer has a reaction (possibly) on the 2nd one apparently. AZ has it after the 1st one. I had AZ and felt rough for 1 day but no reaction on the 2nd one.

posted on 9/6/21

i felt sick day after 2th Fizer.

had some beers n was fine tho.

posted on 9/6/21

Good to know. I just had the first one, the second one should be in 6 weeks they said. Though I heard it might be better to wait a bit longer.

posted on 9/6/21

i had mine 2 weeks later after the furst one. so maybe if u wate longer it wont effect so much.

posted on 9/6/21

So you are free to frolic now Forza?

posted on 9/6/21

pretty much yer

very few restrictions hear now
just gotta ware mask when walking around the office, thats about it.

posted on 9/6/21

Nice. I forgot to put my mask on when I got on the bus the other day. I was getting strange looks but no one said anything. That's Canada for you

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