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Good News

Page 42437 of 42852

posted on 2/6/22

Managed to keep my visit to Mykonos Town down to a fleeting one, thank goodness. You could lose your shirt in that place very quickly indeed.

Had one moment of Mykonos in a nutshell, when I was walking down some random backstreet on the outskirts of town. You'd swear the only places on the street were old dilapidated residential accommodations of some sort or another. Suddenly I go past this rich looking middle aged couple who are insisting to no avail that their names must be on the guest list of what must have been a very exclusive bar. The person they were trying to convince was a slightly effeminate looking Greek guy dressed in a slightly revealing brown monk's robe, with the sternest, grumpiest, sense of humourlessest bouncer in the world stood immedately behind him staring down angrily at the monk's ipad.

Anyway, I paid 5 euro for a kebab, 2 euro for a bottle of water and a mars bar, stared at a few bits of totty, had a swim, took a few photos, and got out of there.

posted on 2/6/22

comment by Dim Sum Slunk - JA606 Woman rescuing champion (U22695)
posted 10 minutes ago
tbf he played very well over the winter.

He had those two good knocks in Sydney and Antigua. I think his run average in 2021 was lower than Broad or something

posted on 2/6/22

*note being facetious

posted on 2/6/22

I think Pope averaged about 10 over the winter, and he's been promoted to number 3. <shrug>

posted on 2/6/22

I agree with you that Bairstow seems to have had about 20 lives in he England team but tbf he averaged around 45 over the winter.

Pope averaged 11.

posted on 2/6/22

Yeah that’s a shocker

posted on 2/6/22

Literally picked at number 3 on the basis that he looks like Ian Bell.

posted on 2/6/22

& he has a cool surname

posted on 2/6/22

Its sad for Woakes he doesn't get picked - literally gets given all the tough away series even though his game is completely suited to English conditions

posted on 2/6/22


posted on 2/6/22

comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 18 minutes ago
Its sad for Woakes he doesn't get picked - literally gets given all the tough away series even though his game is completely suited to English conditions

he's injured sann

posted on 2/6/22

Good line in that Prince Andrew song:

‘The grand old duke of York
He says he doesn’t sweat
So why’d he pay £12m for a girl he never met’

posted on 2/6/22

Wallows - Scrawny

posted on 2/6/22

In the middle of that annual remembering how good JT is and playing his hits

posted on 2/6/22

Blarmy isn't around these days

posted on 2/6/22

Lost all his money in crypto and is working as a busboy to compensate

posted on 2/6/22

I think his gf is quite domineering.

posted on 2/6/22

I think his mum restricts his internet

posted on 2/6/22

I think it’s all of the above

posted on 2/6/22

He clearly doesn’t have a talent unless anyone wants a GSCE level historian to help their company

posted on 2/6/22

Oof, you guys are mean

posted on 2/6/22

I think Edin is being kind assuming he passed the GCSE tbh

posted on 3/6/22

Cant see the Mykonos to Doha route lasting very long.

Literally 10 people on it from the looks of things.

posted on 3/6/22


comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 3/6/22

So hot today

Page 42437 of 42852

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