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These 117 comments are related to an article called:

The handball rule

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posted 1 week, 6 days ago

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Diafol Coch 77 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 JA... (U2462)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Calum Ferrie (U1734)
posted 46 seconds ago
Could they trial a match where handball is allowed? You aren't allowed to catch it or anything but allowed to hit the ball with your hand. See how it goes?
They did at the 2001 FA Cup Final.
That’s the kind of handball they were allowing before claiming it’s normal because he’s sliding. Nonsense if he only slides the ball goes in the net. Instead he slides and raises his arm above his head and literally saves it.
More the one on the line, tbh.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Diafol Coch 77 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 JA... (U2462)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Calum Ferrie (U1734)
posted 46 seconds ago
Could they trial a match where handball is allowed? You aren't allowed to catch it or anything but allowed to hit the ball with your hand. See how it goes?
They did at the 2001 FA Cup Final.
That’s the kind of handball they were allowing before claiming it’s normal because he’s sliding. Nonsense if he only slides the ball goes in the net. Instead he slides and raises his arm above his head and literally saves it.
More the one on the line, tbh.
There was another one?

Any clips?

I was talking about the Henchoz one when Henry rounded the keeper and shot only for Henchoz to slide on the ground and raise his arm, which the ball hit and went wide.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 1 minute ago
“There is absolutely no reason why your arms need to be away from your body when running or sliding.”

“I didn’t say it’s possible to slide without your arms leaving your side”

Either way, if your arm is away from your side when sliding the ball hits it, or the same when you’re jumping, it will result in a penalty.

Denying that is just wrong.
Arms leaving your side and being away from your body are completely different things. They can slightly leave your side in a running or sliding movement or be away from your body outstretched making your body bigger and gaining an advantage.

All numbers between 1-100 are numbers but they’re not all even numbers, simply stating they are numbers is pointless if we’re only talking about even numbers. Damn, help me out here Barry.

You’ll say anything.

If your arm is away from your side then it’s away from your body, and that has been shown time and time again under the new laws.

The bottom line is that the handball rule now means that there are certain movements that a player cannot make without being punished for handball, if the ball hits them while making that movement.

Thats not really deniable and it’s absurd, which was my point.

But we all know you won’t admit there’s anything absurd about the current rule, because it’ll weaken your claim that the rule is better now than it was.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

Sorry, yeah, didn't read properly. There was another where he falls and seems to move his hand to ball. Far less controversial than the on line one.
About the 4:58 mark

Henchoz said this about the one you refer to:
"You try to make yourself as big as you can obviously on the line and Thierry Henry you know strikes the ball hard with pace. I have been lucky because on another day the referee could have given obviously a penalty and a red card and my dream of winning the FA Cup and playing in it would have failed."

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

Movements that are essential in order to play the game, I should add.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 10 minutes ago
Sorry, yeah, didn't read properly. There was another where he falls and seems to move his hand to ball. Far less controversial than the on line one.
About the 4:58 mark

Henchoz said this about the one you refer to:
"You try to make yourself as big as you can obviously on the line and Thierry Henry you know strikes the ball hard with pace. I have been lucky because on another day the referee could have given obviously a penalty and a red card and my dream of winning the FA Cup and playing in it would have failed."

Just watched. Yeah that one is not handball for me. He basically slips onto the ball. First one was stonewall, although with the rules at the time you could slide and they could decide it’s not intentional and therefore no penalty. Most people watching would expect a penalty in that scenario. He’s gained an unfair advantage and absolutely no reason his arm needs to be there.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

My view on individual decisions is based on which team I support. How about everyone else?

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Diafol Coch 77 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 JA... (U2462)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Calum Ferrie (U1734)
posted 46 seconds ago
Could they trial a match where handball is allowed? You aren't allowed to catch it or anything but allowed to hit the ball with your hand. See how it goes?
They did at the 2001 FA Cup Final.
That’s the kind of handball they were allowing before claiming it’s normal because he’s sliding. Nonsense if he only slides the ball goes in the net. Instead he slides and raises his arm above his head and literally saves it.
More the one on the line, tbh.
There was another one?

Any clips?

I was talking about the Henchoz one when Henry rounded the keeper and shot only for Henchoz to slide on the ground and raise his arm, which the ball hit and went wide.
Well, it was not intentional and should therefore never be a pen, even though it literally stopped the ball going in.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

“First one was stonewall, although with the rules at the time you could slide and they could decide it’s not intentional and therefore no penalty”

As opposed to to now, where you can slide, not intend to touch the ball but you’ll definitely give away a penalty.

As if that’s an improvement.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

That's a massive improvement. If a team does all the hard work and even rounds the keeper then it's grossly unjust to be denied by a hand, intentional or not. Why should the defending team benefit from something that's illegal in the game? The attacking team have done nothing wrong. The defending team have done everything wrong, accident or no accident.

Also, what happened to giving the benefit to the attacking team? People are all for it when it comes to offside.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

comment by Return of the Mamb (U1282)
posted 8 seconds ago
That's a massive improvement. If a team does all the hard work and even rounds the keeper then it's grossly unjust to be denied by a hand, intentional or not. Why should the defending team benefit from something that's illegal in the game? The attacking team have done nothing wrong. The defending team have done everything wrong, accident or no accident.

Also, what happened to giving the benefit to the attacking team? People are all for it when it comes to offside.
the ball hitting the hand isn't illegal in the game

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

comment by Calum Ferrie (U1734)
posted 40 seconds ago
comment by Return of the Mamb (U1282)
posted 8 seconds ago
That's a massive improvement. If a team does all the hard work and even rounds the keeper then it's grossly unjust to be denied by a hand, intentional or not. Why should the defending team benefit from something that's illegal in the game? The attacking team have done nothing wrong. The defending team have done everything wrong, accident or no accident.

Also, what happened to giving the benefit to the attacking team? People are all for it when it comes to offside.
the ball hitting the hand isn't illegal in the game
Technicalities, semantics, tomato tomatoe or whatever.

You know what I mean and the point isn't fettered.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

And is that all you got? Looks like you have no serious comeback Barry.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

When have I ever had a serious comeback?


"it's grossly unjust to be denied by a hand, intentional or not. Why should the defending team benefit from something that's illegal in the game?"

You mention intention doesn't matter but that is what is considered when determining whether it is deemed illegal or not. So intention does matter. Why should a defending team be punished by a ball hitting a defender's arm when it is not intentional or in an unnatural position? Something that isn't illegal in the game.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

Barry Mamba is one extreme where penalties should be given for everything including kicking the ball at the arm and Winston is there other where penalties should never be given unless it’s intentional, which is basically never, which results in instances like Henchoz, where Liverpool win the FA Cup despite Arsenal’s dominance.

So we either have ten penalties a game or Liverpool winning trophies. You decide.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

TOOR. It’s painful when we’ve discussed it for quite some time and you still woefully misinterpret what I’ve said.

I was very clear that in addition to it being deliberate, you should also punish players who put their arms out, knowing that they’ve got more chance of affecting the ball.

So the person who stands with their arms wide pk the line or the defender who jumps ‘Schmeichel esque’ etc would still be punished.

Common sense.

It’s really very simple and as I said earlier, I hear a lot of pros and ex pros in favour of that approach.

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

I'm more leaning towards Winston's side. There should be far fewer penalties in matches

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