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These 76 comments are related to an article called:

How Can We Cheer Ourselves Up?

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posted on 20/10/11


At least he does not have to watch what the Celts are up to on the pitch these days.

posted on 20/10/11

what's wrong Willie was he not attractive enough for you


posted on 20/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/10/11

or the boys Willie

posted on 20/10/11

Stick tae ra fitba tcd


It was your comments that I copied ya nugget.

That's why my threads were deleted.You talking abot "swastikas" and "Popes"

posted on 20/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/10/11

Wee bit of homophobia seven?And you so well educated and open minded.

posted on 20/10/11

Only one Spl club were pumped LIVE on TV tonight

posted on 20/10/11

thought we we were gonny get pumped the night tae ya

posted on 20/10/11

tbab - homophobia? you clearly don't understand the term. because if you did then you could easily illustrate where my homophobia was demonstrated. but you cant. because you clearly don't know what you are talking about old bean

posted on 20/10/11

Hey tcd..............the Admin 1's are out to get ye tonight mate.
Do not believe all you see on TV ...........bit like the papers at times.

Take it easy TCD and thank Forster for keeping you in the game tonight,after his wee error with Cha.

posted on 20/10/11


posted on 20/10/11

Aye,whatever you say seven.

You were asking Willie if he fancied a Celtic bloke and then typed,Rumbled.
My mistake............you were simply being ironic and very mature.

posted on 20/10/11

Willie - tbab is saying you're ghay and i'm discriminating against you. Now, i'm not, are you?

posted on 20/10/11

Cha was having a good laugh at it, terrible attitude to have IMO...

posted on 20/10/11


You need a sense of humour to play for Celtic these days.
I would not be impressed if a Rangers player acted in this way.

posted on 20/10/11

why would someone being jokingly referred to as being 'rumbled' for being ghay be homophobic?

as I stated you clearly don't understand the terminology you are using.

posted on 20/10/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/10/11

Let it go seven you sad little man.

No one cares.

Get a sense of humour and a life.You spend your time trying to wind Bears up on here,and it just gets boring.

posted on 20/10/11

Willie i agree i was fookin raging when i saw that smirk on his face,wanted tae jump in the tele and grab the cant by the neck,he will have had a word in his ear at ht no doubt,but he can gtf as far as i'm concerned.

posted on 20/10/11

He was laughing at yer goalie, and who can blame him.

posted on 20/10/11

tbab - no need for the ad hominum attacks. it only makes you look like a silly billy - or am I being sectarian now?

posted on 20/10/11

Cha Du Ri and Loovens in defence, us getting a decent result away...in ye want me to calm doon !

I'm a wreck...the Fire Brigade are due any minute to cut Ma fingers fae ma face...typing with me elbows

posted on 20/10/11

Seven, naw I had a good laugh at him just, my wee son was pointing at the screen and shouting "funny man funny man"

Looked like a gargoyle... Wiz it u?

posted on 20/10/11

are you sure you weren't watching the beeb docu?

saw him to mate. looked like his eyes were trying to escape from each other bless

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