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ja 606 record

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posted on 14/10/11

Ohhhh JA Bday hahaa... jabday thought you were getting a flu jab or something lol.

It's meeeee Kitty Haha it was a beautiful story, I'll post it up if anyones bothered.

Don't rub it in Barry!! I literally need to kick a footy, I'm gonna buy some soft ones to use around the house as my leg gradually gets stronger!
I went and watched my team play last thursday and was doing kick ups lying down on the physio bed lol it felt so good. Then I watched my team and was literally desperate to get on the pitch, it's horrible! You'll be happy to know I've brought a pull bar though!

posted on 14/10/11

Alvin it isnt that bad a break is it? How long ya out for?

And Barry he is funny. He was great on soccer am last week

posted on 14/10/11

Look forward to that Alvin - did your injury send you mad

posted on 14/10/11

Well I dislocated my finger, it's my worst ever injury

posted on 14/10/11

Painful Ramsey - did you manage to put it back yourself

posted on 14/10/11

Makes you want to punch Carlos Tevez in the face doesn't it? When I badly tore my thigh I kept just trying to play a match every 6 weeks or so, then it would tear again. So frustrating. Know how you feel. Yeah get on the upper body strength in the meantime, but remember to watch your foot when coming off the bar. Easy to forget and land sorely.

posted on 14/10/11

Yes i did, it's worse putting it in the out

posted on 14/10/11

10 months!!

It is and it isn't bad. On the ankle, parts completely chipped off so the bone will just round of and the chipped off bit will just eventually get covered in tissue, but because it's right on the outside there shouldn't be any loss of movement I can't get back once the cats off. Worst bit is the metertasel, it's fractured twice, once on the left side and then just below it on the right side. The fracture goes like 80% of the way across either side so the doc says if I put any pressure on it, eventually the fractures will meet and it will completely snap, which will then require surgery!!

Otherwise, as long as that doesn't happen I've got my cast on for another 5 weeks. Then they reckon a further 2 weeks until I can walk without crutches and a month to light running if all goes well. But it all depends on my x-ray once this casts off, I should be in a protective boot for my metertasel, but have had to have a fiberglass cast because of the ankle. Hopefully the foot will heal along with the ankle, or I'll need the protective boot after the cast comes off!

posted on 14/10/11

^^^. . . . . .there shouldn't be any loss of movement I can't get back once the cats off.

posted on 14/10/11

Kitty! Get off alvin!!

posted on 14/10/11

If any of that makes sense lol!

Could definately slap Tevez Barry!!! Never tore a muscle, did it hurt? Ligament damage is the worse, when I sprained my ankle the initial pain was worse than what I felt with this break!! But break pain definately lasts longer lol

posted on 14/10/11

posted on 14/10/11

Sorry Kitty! My cat features in my apology email lol! So do Barry, UTID and Ramsey!

posted on 14/10/11

way to make a guy feel wanted

posted on 14/10/11

No offence taken - your injury sounds complex - hope your recovery all goes to plan.

posted on 14/10/11


As it stands Kitbag.com the injuries not too complex, there's just a high risk of complication!

I'll get the email up now.

posted on 14/10/11

Yeah ligament damage is the worst. A ruptured tendon is worse than any broken bone. Yeah a third degree tear of the thigh is very painful. Basically lose all movement in that leg. Couldn't walk for a while. And needs a long time to heal, I found out the hard way. Why must we get injured?

posted on 14/10/11

Dear Admin. 1 or 2, it doesn't really matter.

I'm here to revert back to a terrible tale and sequence of events that shocked the forum nation just over a fortnight ago. T'was a warm, stuffy day in the midland region of England. As the blazing sun beamed down, sweat loaded t-shirts clung to the skin of dehydrated britains (and probably people of other nationalities too). This rare heat wave was bringing joy throughout the country, with a rare glimpse of warmth lighting up the nation. However for one young s//xy male, this was to become a horrific day that would define his lifetime.

You see while Digby Island was basking in glorious sun shine, where the likes of Ramsey, UTID and Barry had all brought forward No Pants Friday to an earlier point in the week, just to gain some relief from the soaring temperatures! A wonderful young man was having a terrible day. It started around 7am with one of the worst possible natural disasters known to man. This young male made the devastating mistake of waking up on the wrong side of bed ( I know!). This was an extremly mystical event, seeing as to the human eye it is only possible for this delightful soul to wake up on one side of the bed, since he would be otherwise faced with a brick wall... and not a metaphorical one might I add.

Within moments the tone of the day had been set, while making his way from the wrong side of the bed to the bathroom, this athletic god just so happened to stub his toe. Now I don't know if you have ever stubbed your toe, but scientists have recently proven that it's more painful than child birth. Although to be honest, I don't even remember it hurting when I was born. With a stubbed toe in hand (or on foot) this injured warrior hobbled his way to the bathroom, only to be greated with...... You guess it, wrong side of the bed hair! This is much worse than just your average bed hair, since this originates from.. THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED, which is where this brilliant boy woke up. Combing alone will not combat wrong side of the bed hair, the only rememdy is a shower. But it was far to early and hunger was really kicking in.

So starving, injured and with his hair styled as half a mowahk, this brave soldier carried on. After reaching the bottom of a never ending staircase, POW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tripped over a cat! (I?? erm, I mean the man in question) Now luckily 2 out of 3 of the cats owned by this human being have ran away, dramatically reducing the risk of cat tripping. Yet on this day of extraordinary events, no odds are too small. Now, this male had a nose bleed to accompany starvation, stubbed toe and bed hair. How he was still continueing to attempt daily tasks is unknown!

But here comes the worse bit..... With his thoughts in a daze and the weight of the world on his shoulders. This battered, broken and beautiful man logged into his JA606 account. Upon logging in and manouvering himself the Arsenal bored, the handsome man recognised a duplicate article. This irratated him. Put yourself in his situation, imagine the stubbed toe, the slippery cat, bed hair and combine them all with witnessing a duplicate!

Now I am not condoning what this young man did, as it was inexcusable. However the tale must go on.


..but STOP!

...as the world watched in horror, Admin1 ban hammer in hand knowing what poor fate was approaching, this poor young boy, not able to think straight, everything viewed through a blur of tears and pain... as the world moved in slow motion he said the wrong thing at the wrong time! He said those words no man wants to hear the doctor say. "I'm thinking of moving to no.6." I can't even say it. But basically, DOWN SWUNG THE BAN HAMMER TO SLAP THIS WOUNDED HEROS PREFECTLY FORMED ASS OUT OF THE DOOR!

Now, dearest Admins. I am fully aware you can take no blame at all for this incident. How were you to know the terrible and horrific events that had previously taken place? But what I hope sharing this story (which has been so hard to let out ) can achieve is a reconsideration of the virtual shackles placed on that certain individual. Now, he is extremely sorry. This last week has given many hours, many silent moments for reflection. And on reflection, as this man of steel looks through the cyber bars locking me out from the amazing world of JA606, he can't help but feel like an absolute 'article contains a filtered word'.

Therefore, I hope that you can see this terrible tale and re-instate the once prime record breaker to a website he so truely loves. Adaptation to a world away from JA606 has been a rough ride, many times he has felt like giving up. Considered ending it all and trading in his pc for an xbox, but your strength has helped him battle on. Knowing the kindness in your heart could forgive the unforgiveable.

So, on behalf of Alvin, Alvin1, Ronalvinho and other Alvin related names.

I am sorry.

Someone speaking in third person about himself. What a wierdo.

posted on 14/10/11

How did you do it Barry? Just through over use?

posted on 15/10/11

i stopped reading when i realised i wasn't in there

good story.

posted on 15/10/11

That was brilliant Alvin. I just kicked the ball too hard on the volley and destroyed my thigh.

posted on 15/10/11

So you didn't even start? lol

posted on 15/10/11

Ouuuchh. That's true grit though. Kicking the ball so hard your thigh tore lol I hope you went and picked the ball out the back of the net afterwards.

posted on 15/10/11

nah i read it and cried.

posted on 15/10/11

I think I was in there but <no names mentioned> didn't see what happened as I had my eyes closed as Alvin's came dangerously near my claws as he went ass over t i t down the stairs.

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