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posted on 9/3/12

And a wee g

posted on 9/3/12

Do Scottish people ever say 'och aye' ?

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 9/3/12

The welsh accent cannot be typed.

You would just need to do this

"Hi , I'm Welsh , and i am talking in a normal tone "

posted on 9/3/12

I'm Alan Partridge is brilliant!

posted on 9/3/12

Looks like the Prince of Wales

posted on 9/3/12

im watching arsenal v ac milan 3-0 for the first time. KOSCIEELNNY!!! GET IN. I THINK WE CAN DO THIS!!

posted on 9/3/12

I tried it for the day when flog it was cancelled, it wasnt the same

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 9/3/12

Weegies can go fúck themselves. Every utterance sounds like a moan. Kitty, "Oh aye" is more common among those of us blessed enough not to have a cold.

posted on 10/3/12

What are weegies?

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 10/3/12

Vile vermin that lurk behind toilets

(People from Glasgow)

posted on 10/3/12

I am part weegie and have it in my accent so i'm told but don't realise myself

posted on 10/3/12


comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 10/3/12

Well then Andy, i do believe a pox should be headed your way

posted on 10/3/12

Domestos kills all known germs. pHACT.

posted on 10/3/12

Glasgow the best city in Scotland

posted on 10/3/12

apart from the rest

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 10/3/12

No kitty! 99.9%

There are still some wee fúckers left.

The Michael Owens of the germ world.

Andy - re-educate yourself.

posted on 10/3/12

Edinburgh has no personality

posted on 10/3/12

I love this site.

posted on 10/3/12

skas birthday is over. no pants friday is over. will the hell never end

posted on 10/3/12

Weekend is here

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 10/3/12

You have no personality!

Just because most of the people here are either : English, English students, private scottish school students (English), students (English), and junkies (proud Scottish) does NOT mean...wait what?

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 10/3/12

HAppy weekend bros and sis.

I have my last day at my current job tomorrow.

Then me and Barry start new jobs for the same company on Monday

posted on 10/3/12

putting my pants back on is depressing

posted on 10/3/12

i guess you both got the jobs then dot. well done

Page 7155 of 18442

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