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Page 9816 of 18447

posted on 18/6/12

I'm here. Where are the non probable rapists?

posted on 18/6/12

In you're pants

posted on 18/6/12

does non probable mean the same as unlikely ?

posted on 18/6/12

If it floats you're boat

posted on 18/6/12

looks like lee's out of contention pretty much - again.

posted on 18/6/12

Where are you JPB? Thought you were in Dubai being mental?

posted on 18/6/12

no, i left there a few months ago.

posted on 18/6/12

what do you think of laurent blanc as a manger ?

posted on 18/6/12

He is away in a manger

posted on 18/6/12

geordie is he like ?

posted on 18/6/12

Make more videos JPB

posted on 18/6/12

there's a skiiing one on there but it's crap.

theres a few other good videos ive got, but theyre just of really cool places, rather than me tittting about.

posted on 18/6/12

Yeah the skiing one was of poor quality. We want more of you being unloved by your parents.

posted on 18/6/12

what a strange analysis

last time i went skiing a landed a horizontal 360 but noone filmed it

i did a forward 360 on a cliff jump but noone filmed that either

i might have a tarzan call somewhere in australia

posted on 18/6/12

westwood's had some shocking luck again.

posted on 18/6/12

Are you married JPB and do you have any kids?

posted on 18/6/12

shot pardraig

i went to a couple of talks he did when the firm i worked for was his sponsor. nice guy.

barry - no and no.

posted on 18/6/12

In my opinon your videos will help you get married and have children.

posted on 18/6/12

I wouldn't bring noone on holiday again if I were you JPB

Bring someone instead

posted on 18/6/12

if only someone had filmed the 360s Barry

posted on 18/6/12

It's Padraig

posted on 18/6/12

very drole igor.

i was backpacking (except for dubai where i lived)

posted on 18/6/12

well he didnt mind me calling him pardraig.

posted on 18/6/12

JPB, I know you must get asked this all the time, but have you ever killed someone to death and concealed them in a wardrobe?

posted on 18/6/12

Do you wear one of nice white dresses when you're in Dubai?

Are you allowed

Page 9816 of 18447

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