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These 16 comments are related to an article called:

New Owners???

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posted on 1/11/11

Its definately a geezer!

This must be some mistake. Gender confused individuals usually try to buy Sheffield United.

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 1/11/11

I shall put sometime in to looking for her playboy shots to see if we can confirm that! Dont worry I dont mind searching through issue after issue in the name of research

posted on 1/11/11

Yes, because stories about strange people wanting to buy Wednesday always turn out to be true don't they?

posted on 1/11/11

hey gloss! wanna help

posted on 1/11/11

She can fewk right off, as she didn't mention the key word (MASSIVE)
She said: "We have been looking into buying an English team with a strong fan base and great potential.

"Sheffield Wednesday matches those ideals. It is one of the most famous names in English football and, even though it has suffered in the last few years, we believe we can give it the energy needed to get to the Premier League.

posted on 1/11/11

Can't see Mandy selling right now, as he will defo be making his money, if we gain promotion, rather than, selling at this point.

posted on 1/11/11

This story has even less credibility than Geoff "imaginary bank" Sheard, SClub9, Dennis Hobson, Spencer Fearn, Naseem Hamed & the Chinese bloke who tried to buy United rolled into one.

How on earth is a past it B Movie actress, whose husband once owned a German 2nd Division Ice Hockey Team going to have the resources to buy a massive massive club like Wednesday?

Next, The Sun will be telling us that the good folk of Barnsley have started making their own stone tools.

posted on 1/11/11

The good folk of Barnsley are on course to hit the bronze age in the next 2 to 3 hundred years apparently.

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 1/11/11

Milan has put a statement out.

I cant remember our club ever acting so quick against a story like this.

Further proof that the club as a whole is been ran as a professional football club once again!!


posted on 1/11/11

Can anyone cut & paste it on here. Can't get on the official site from here for some reason!

posted on 1/11/11

In light of an article published in the media on Tuesday morning, Sheffield Wednesday chairman Milan Mandaric has issued the following statement:

I am aware of the story published today and as a result feel it is appropriate to address this situation with our supporters.

I have always been honest and transparent and I can say I have never met or spoken to the people named in this article. I was as surprised as everybody else to see the story but I cannot control what is written or said in the media.

What I am never surprised about is the fact that a fantastic club such as ours attracts media attention such as this. We are heading in the right direction on the pitch as our improved position in the league indicates and off the field, we have a strong, football-based infrastructure and organisation, make no mistake about that. The progress we have made in such a short space of time has taken a lot of hard work and is there for everyone to see.

Of course, I am flattered, because this is not the first story of its kind and I am sure it will not be the last. Let me tell you that I am 100 per cent committed to Sheffield Wednesday but if the right person or persons come along who can take this club further forward, I would stand aside.

I have done that at my previous clubs and I would do the same here. One thing is for sure, when my time does come to step aside at Sheffield Wednesday, I will leave this club in much better shape than when I came here last December.

But I can completely assure you that until that day comes, my focus is here and my heart is at Hillsborough. I want to and will be open with our supporters - Sheffield Wednesday is an iconic brand in the football world and, as always, every decision I make will continue to be in the best interests of our club.

posted on 1/11/11

He forgot to mention how MASSIVE we are.

posted on 1/11/11

You can't measure how MASSIVE we are it is an absurdly large calculation that is required - it is abstract mathematics that makes Fermats Last Theorum read like Meg and Mog.

posted on 1/11/11

I still am Shibboleth30 (U11502)
posted 12 minutes ago
You can't measure how MASSIVE we are it is an absurdly large calculation that is required - it is abstract mathematics that makes Fermats Last Theorum read like Meg and Mog.
Do you think Gigantic is bigger than Massive???

posted on 1/11/11

Same amount of letters in each HirstysMASSIVEleftpeg. I wouldn't want to go against MASSIVE personally as it just sounds so much more massiverer a word than gigantic.

I would consider describing L***s or Barnsley as GINORMOUS though as this is the language of children's books and allows for fantasy embellishment.

comment by DRY (U3060)

posted on 1/11/11

There was that dingle who was on his way to market with a cow, that ended up with him waking up with a ginormous stalk

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