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Gotta be the JT of JA606

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posted on 2/11/11

And Mr Chelsea (http://www.ja606.co.uk/users/viewUser/3579) has left the building !!!

lemming mania on Chelsky 606 today.
At this rate only Bubbles will be left.

posted on 2/11/11

"The return" was a bit of a WUM to be fair.

posted on 2/11/11

Chicken :

Twas why his request was granted.

Admin1 (freeing Spurs 606 for Chelsky "free Luka" WUM wannabee mediocrity) !!!

posted on 2/11/11

^for ^from

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 2/11/11

Why have all the Chelsea fans been crying and throwing toys about today? It might be the biggest breakdown since the Scousers found the filter.

posted on 2/11/11

Ruiney 19 :

Yes, I've heard that the Pooool 606 are collectively quite trigger-happy on the filter button.

Spurs 606 have unconsciously developed a 'counter-WUMming' approach that really winds up the OP WUM wannabees.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 2/11/11

As far as spurs fans being restricted, I think Edin is off the LFC board and Chronic is off the Arsenal board.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 2/11/11

And Mich is off the spurs board.

posted on 2/11/11

That it !!??

Spurs 606 - clinical, superior (std + counter) WUMmery !!!
FACT !!!

posted on 2/11/11

It is,perhaps,ironic that "click" was one of the worst wums of them all.At one point it was impossible to have an article that was not dribbled all over by him.

posted on 2/11/11

I've only ever posted one article on the Chelsea board , I was attacked a number of times on that article that RDBD speaks of , it was closed before I could reply ....The very last comment is an attack on me and I cannot respond..... so Admin please remove that last comment or open it up again

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 2/11/11

I had deleted that comment.

posted on 2/11/11

Admin funny that , it's still there ...My mistake it's about 4 from the end

posted on 2/11/11

squid :

The 606 STATs don't lie.
Spurs 606 don't go rampaging across the void.

And when they come here, we deal with them in our superior Spurs way.

Some seem to go on to become neighbours who cannot resist popping over here for a friendly chat.

Only the truly OCD cannot take the hint.

And fortunately for us the multi-account mod-condoning antics of Mich on BBC 606 are long gone ( Admin* ) .

posted on 2/11/11

What is going on with that article ????

It says it closed to comments but they keep magically appearing every few seconds

posted on 2/11/11

Master Admin > Darth Admin

posted on 2/11/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 2/11/11

I can't see the article from that link anyway. Was it worth missing?

Or maybe the author is on my F-list

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 2/11/11

im still reading through it

@ Squid - named and shamed as a Wum

Click was a" Mitch class" of Wum - one eyed, irritating, never objective or taking a point

you should sell your sevices on to Chelsea RDBD as the Wum-Thumper (Wumper)

posted on 2/11/11

posted on 2/11/11

To be honest, when Admin1 see's another thread going on now he's going to go ape

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 2/11/11

DDD its on the chelsea board titled "I am getting sorely tempted"
The article is by: The return of click for free beer_Young? Downing? No thanks, make mine a Mata! (U3630)
If you wish to navigate to it - its a great read, worth unfiltering him just to read the tears being shed there

posted on 2/11/11

Squid - named and shamed as a Wum

They didnt like the fact that I posted my one and only article on their site this morning , it told the truth about John Terry

posted on 2/11/11

If there is one thing that makes my f---ing blood boil, tis seeing Christmas food on display 2 months early !!!

Is that what you mean, oddiY ??

posted on 2/11/11

I got bullied on that thread

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