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These 22 comments are related to an article called:

Effing Poppygate

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 9/11/11

Storm in a teacup.

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 9/11/11

Post of the day, well done. I tried to post similar just a minute ago but couldn't put it as well as that. The poppy has been turned into a uniform rather than someone's choice.

posted on 9/11/11

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posted on 9/11/11

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posted on 9/11/11

calling someone a traitor because he doesn't think it's the time or place to wear a poppy, despite stating he wears one NigellasEaster1980 (U11634) ? seriously?

get a grip!

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 9/11/11

I thought he was kidding. Freedom of speech is what we fought for (unless you disagree with us then you're clearly "a traitor"!

comment by Lambsy (U2861)

posted on 9/11/11

Wearing a poppy on a football shirt the day before Remembrance Sunday may well be the ideal time and place, but this should be as a matter of choice rather than conformism, it should be done to align with thoughts of the sacrifice of others rather than to prevent having fingers pointed, questions asked, accusations made, and non conformism. And then if a FIFA ruling stipulates they can't be worn, and that despite the decency of the sentiment behind such actions the rules can not yield, then we need to just shut up and get on with it!

The poppy is being turned into a political symbol and a symbold of shame (if not worn) which I'm sure has never been the intension of the Bristish Legion and goes against the thought, sentiments, and decency that the poppy is supposed to represent, it is starting to represent bullying, bravado, and anti-establishment which is a disgrace to its good image!!!

comment by (U7794)

posted on 9/11/11

I guess i am one of the idiots you talk about as I feel we should be allowed to wear a Poppy on our shirt.
As we are not allowed through FIFA rulings , then I feel the fan's who want to should wear them and if they want make cards flags ect with poppies on them.
I heard a quote about what if we were playing Germany come from FIFA, this annoyed me as the poppy is not some symbol of victory and we have indeed shared services with people from Germany.
If rules ban it they ban it but stupid statements like those do not help FIFA'S standing in my eyes and show a lack of real understanding.
So i can except FIFA'S stance although i don't agree and there are far more things I dislike about FIFA than this.

posted on 9/11/11

This is a very well articulated article, which successfully puts across the opposite view of the majority

comment by Lambsy (U2861)

posted on 9/11/11

I understand why people may feel we should be allowed to wear a poppy, that it's a shame that we can't etc., but the moaning and rubbish that has been spouted about it all is just way beyond! We feel we should be able to but we can't, end of!

As for FIFA mentioning playing against Germany I'd like to see a source to this because I frankly don't believe it, though I will eat humble pie if proven.

posted on 9/11/11

Great article. The poppy is a symbol nothing more. If it means that much to them then they can wear black armbands. It's the remembering the people who gave their lives that's important, not the means of displaying it.

comment by Lambsy (U2861)

posted on 9/11/11

Well said Didi.

posted on 9/11/11

didi, that is basically what i tried to say earlier, but much more eloquently put.

comment by (U7794)

posted on 9/11/11

I agree too much posturing has been made and attempts at political gain has taken away from what should just be a sign of respect.
of course it's just a fifa source.

posted on 9/11/11

Thanks guys. I try and make at least one sensible and constructive comment per day. The rest tend to be a long the lines of Galv's up there but not quite as funny

posted on 9/11/11

when england played sweden 10 years ago (10.11.01)..no poppies were on the england shirts and there was no media fuss about it...

why the chnage 10 years later ??

posted on 9/11/11

Lambsy, great article mate, spot on with everything. Pekster the change in just 10 years is simple really, the effing internet. Any nobody can write $h1te and the sheep will follow. Everything just seems to gather momentum nowadays.

How many of these morons who are spouting nonsense wanting a poppy on the players shirts, are they actually wearing one themselves in work or about town? If they are were, were they actually wearing one before poppygate took hold of every bleeding media outlet this last week? Probably not too many were and the chances are they won't be wearing one next year.

comment by Lambsy (U2861)

posted on 11/11/11

Cheers Dirty, yes the information/communication age has certainly got a lot to answer for!

posted on 11/11/11

I am not going to get into the rights and wrongs of wearing a poppy, but what I think people have forgot is that FIFA have to be seen to be totally impartal. The poppy is not just a symbol for the 2 world wars, but a mark of respect for ALL british service men and woman, and as such represents each and every conflict that Britain has been involved in. Again I am not going to get into the rights and wrongs of every conflict, but FIFA has to be seen to be netural, and alot of countires under their jurestiction will have been effected by the very same conflicts that these poppies remember. Countries such as Iraq, Afganestan, Argentina, Germany, etc...... are all equal members of FIFA and as such FIFA must ensure total impartiality in the matter.
For them it is not about the rights and wrongs of the poppy and what it represents but the fact that other countries who may be opposed to this display are also memebers of their organisation and as such neutrality is the best policy.

posted on 11/11/11

It was probably just a nice idea by someone. Drum up a bit of extra support for a charity. If FIFA had just said ok, we probably wouldn't have even noticed they were earing them.

posted on 11/11/11

I love this article. One of the best I've read in a long time it's so true, if the players or the FA care so much about respecting the fallen, why don't they all donate money to the British legion? More than the 20p needed to buy a poppy, but big sums that they are earning weakly. I'm sure the soldiers will appreciate that more than the storm that is being created over a simply, merely symbolic poppy.

In the real world, it doesn't effect anything, but donations do.

posted on 12/11/11

It reads even better if you read it in the style of that Harry Enfield character, I think he was clled Frank??
"If Parker Bowles came on to me in MY house I should say Oi Parker Bowles!!!!! NO!!!!

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