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These 174 comments are related to an article called:

A 'Chronic' pain in the neck.....

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posted on 17/11/11

im a rent boy and I didnt even know

posted on 17/11/11


posted on 17/11/11

No no no no no no no Noooooooooooooo

Chronic your mother is easy pickings trust me

If you don't want to take my word for it feel free to ask any other hetrosexual male of your choosing

posted on 17/11/11

now you've only gone and done it IM WOUND UP

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/11/11

I reckon v v v might be stan colleymore. Both villa. Both emotional. Both dumb.

Hey stan. Alright mate. Villa are pointless. You are going nowhere. Apart from maybe down to join your friends Birmingham. To be fair at least they have one a trophy recently

posted on 17/11/11


I had a sneaky suspicion I knew who you was & after racking my brains it finally came to me.

Messiaharry is a famous film star

Ladies & Gentleman, members of JA606 I give to you Messiaharry aka

The gimp from Pulp Fiction

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/11/11

Won* even

posted on 17/11/11

this is only getting worse for me here im a rent boy and a gimp how did I get dragged into this seedy underworld HOW???

posted on 17/11/11

"She's had the whole world in her pants, she's had the whole wide world in her pants."

"She's had the whole world in her pants, chronic's mums had everyone in her pants"

Altogether now......

posted on 17/11/11

Hmmmm let me see Messiaharry aka GimpRentBoy

You came out the closet by publicly admitting in a forum on the World Wide Web that you were fantasizing about fingers in bums you dweeb!!!

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/11/11

Stan. Still no more strings to your bow aye ?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/11/11

Oooo messiah. Stan called you a dweeb. . I bet your angry now!!!

posted on 17/11/11

dweeb?? DWEEB??? how DARE you

posted on 17/11/11

I have had enough on this. Some are even beginning to embarrass me now, as a villa fan.
No doubt music to the ears of chronic!
Chronic, I trust there is enough here to ensure you many pleasurable moments; not least from vvv.
Btw, when you decide to sell our club, could you see if a certain arab royal family are interested first off? Cheers
Time to go.

posted on 17/11/11

Stan. Still no more strings to your bow aye ?

Seriously is that the best you have...?

Considering you mooch around all day sponging off us tax payers, is that the best you can come up with?

LOL What an inept, uneducated in bred hick you are.

Jeremy Kyle awaits you for a DNA test with your wife to find out "Whose the daddy"

Ironic if you think about it, considering you have no idea who your daddy is....lol

"She's had the whole world in her pants, she's had the whole wide world in her pants."

posted on 17/11/11

Thanks for the solidarity Semper

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/11/11

semper... to be honest you seem like a normal reasonable villa fan.

you take a bit of wum and you give a bit of wum. i am happy to take it, and i certainly give it.

this v v v clown however has encouraged me to stay and i just want to see how desperate he gets.

semper.. see you on monday night.

we will be sharing a stand.

come on you spurs.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/11/11

now back to you v v v .

so when next do you think villa will win a trophy?

what are your hopes for this season? i reckon if your lucky you might finish top half what do you reckon?

posted on 17/11/11

I'm all for solidarity vvv however, some parts of this reminds me of my kids and thier toilet humour...A little too purile for my personal taste.
Have fun buddy. Besides, it seems as though its being really enjoyed.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/11/11

i agree v v v seems to have come straight out of primary school doesnt he.

posted on 17/11/11

Pots and kettles come to mind.

posted on 17/11/11

Can someone please remind me how many times the huge Tottenham have won the league?

Then please could someone answer the same question for Huddersfield Town.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/11/11

warm.. at what point in this article have i said tottenham are huge.

this article was created as having a go at me... for having a go at villa.

nothing i have said about villa isnt true.

villa are currently average, boring, and fairly meaningless - not affecting things at the top or the bottom. thus pretty pointless.

and that pretty much covers it

posted on 17/11/11

Tottenham are pretty potless

comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 17/11/11

Veni Vedi Vici

I am not one to defend Chronic because, like you, I agree he can be a right annoying little

But nowhere have I ever seen him write comments as filthy and as just downright stupid as you have done. And I've never seen him get so worked up over a few measly comments over the internet. And this is coming from an Arsenal fan....

Just do yourself a favor and stop commenting on the thread, mate. A true embarrassment to the real Villa supporters out there.

On BBC 606, the Villa fans were lovely. You don't seem to be one of them.

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