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posted on 26/11/11

our little negrito called your little negrito a negrito something like 10 times.

Since they're not mates (Negritos) it got under your negrito's skin after a while.

posted on 26/11/11

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posted on 26/11/11

Didi <doffs cap>

posted on 26/11/11


Inadvertently, ElPistolero has become a ja606 legend with his knowledge of 'rocket sconce'.

posted on 26/11/11


All valid points. I don't condone spitting, biting cheating or racism in any form.

I was merely pointing out that most of those things are prevalent in every team including your own. I'd even bet there's a someone somewhere in each team that is quietly "racist"

I've no idea what Suarez said not whether he had racist connotations when he said it. So we can speculate up until and beyond an FA hearing. It's one mans interpretation against another's and that isn't resolvable.

posted on 26/11/11

Anagrams of: elpistolero

And my favorite .... Tool

posted on 26/11/11

Yeah I was maybe being a bit pedantic, but the point is nobody knows either way. I don't condone Utd fans blindly swearing Suarez is racist anymore than you lot calling Evra a liar.

And whoever said rasism is no stronger in Latin countries than in England, I suggest you go to South America, there is a clear divide between the Hispanics and black people.

posted on 26/11/11

Anagrams of: elpistolero

And my favorite .... Tool
Don't mean to be pedantic either, none of the above are anagrams, as an anagram has to use all the letters of the original word/phrase.

posted on 26/11/11

Its more like scrabble. Cant argue with the sentiment though.

posted on 26/11/11


LOSER v Tool
Loiters v LIE
Loots v STOLE

Go. Stick to the fricken format!!!!!

posted on 26/11/11

Redbobkat - yea i know, i know. But there's no getting away from the fact, O.P is a "tool" and i love scrabble

posted on 26/11/11

Scrabble's all fun and games until someone loses an "I"

posted on 27/11/11

elpistolero9, you've disappointed me

For the first time ever, you've posted a 5 star article rather than a 1 star.

You've changed

cheers, but if fred bassest gives me a rave review i will only then feel like im accpeted as 1 of teh boys

posted on 27/11/11

You're an absolute tool, as well as being a fake Liverpool fan. I know this because none of us are so classless as to use a time when you know people will be looking at our board to create articles criticising Gary Speed.

You're a disgrace.

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