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Conor Doyle is garbage!

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posted on 29/11/11

Nice lad but not good enough at this level.

posted on 29/11/11

not good enough at this level.

How many of our players are not good enough at this level? It's not just Conor Doyle either. I've been saying since GSE have been here, if you pay peanuts you get monkey's.

posted on 29/11/11

Didn't he turn down a place at a decent American University to come and play for Derby.?
Agree though, he's out of his depth and a bit of a waste of peanuts.

posted on 29/11/11

I cant see him making a living out of football TBH

Ive seen better footballers in the Taverners league

posted on 29/11/11

I see we're back to Mostyn's peanut comparison. Here's a thought, what if we were to offer a better quality of peanut, would that then attract a better quality of player? Does peanut quality matter and if so, would the increased investment in peanuts be worthwhile?

comment by Smithe (U2078)

posted on 29/11/11

I always find it hilarious when he comes on as a sub it basicly means we accept we are going to lose this game

posted on 29/11/11

How he even gets a look in is beyond me.

Might give nige a ring, i would certainly bring more to the pitch than him.

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 29/11/11

Why, oh, why do he have to play? I'd much rather see a lump of faeces running up the flank!
Get ya boots on Iwas

posted on 29/11/11

if it wasn't for a dodgy knee.

posted on 29/11/11

I liked Branigan's Beer nuts. Where did they disappear too.?
I think Doyle is more of a Tesco's 'value' branded nut.

posted on 29/11/11

you missed the point, I wasnt comparing peanuts, I was comparing monkeys! Is Doyle a circus monkey who will perform? Or is he a waste of peanuts? Should he be released into the jungle and fend for himself? or should we be feeding him?

posted on 29/11/11

In which case, I think Doyle is the sort of monkey that you see at the zoo, sitting on a tree trunk scratching his balls.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 29/11/11

Doyle has shown glimpses (Swansea at home, preston away), so you could argue whether he's simply not good enough to progress or the coaching staff have failed to build on his talent?

It may be about consistency. He can show glimpses but not over a longer period. This is the problem with the team/squad, we need players who are consistent - and these cost money or, in the case of younger players like Brayford, achieve it by winning a place in the team and keeping it.

posted on 29/11/11

I don't know what the author of this thread is on about. Doyle will be remembered when Pele, Maradona and Messi have been forgotten.

But only then.

posted on 29/11/11

i think calling the lad garbage is a bit harsh,but like most on here i cannot see what he adds to the team,in comparison to the other young lads like o'brien etc he leaves a bit to be desired.

posted on 29/11/11

Calling your own players garbage is a little harsh mate.

You'd be best saying he is off League 2 quality or such like.

posted on 29/11/11

Treeburning ram. What is the point of your comment? Do you want him to play better in the future? Or do you want him to play worse? I know you don't want him to play at all but that is not your decision is it!
However, he is a Derby County asset and the better he performs the better it is for Derby and for Derby's fans, but not apparently for Treeburner. Are you a Forest fan in disguise? Do you ever shout FOR the Rams rather than at them? Do you pay for your own tickets? Do you place a value on your ticket?
I can't seem to find any logic at all in your attitude.

posted on 29/11/11

I think Doyle was very promising last year, this year I have to admit his game has been way off and he's looked out of depth, but in the reserves he's scoring consistently. I think with some confidence we'd see a composed and intelligent footballer and hopefully when he bulks out a bit more, gets some strength on him we'll see the best American at Derby ... ever...even better than John Harkes.

posted on 29/11/11

Even better than.............Eddie Lewis.......

posted on 29/11/11

Possibly even better than Benny Feilhaber the legend.

posted on 29/11/11

What about Benny Feilhaber as well!!
Two inspired signings by Billy Davies.

Why would the manager of a Premiership club sign a player who couldn't command a place in league 1?

posted on 29/11/11

When a Forest fan has to call you out for making disparaging remarks about a 20 year old Derby player you're doing something wrong.

posted on 29/11/11


I applaud your attempt to look at the player motivation issues, but I'm afraid it cuts two ways. Yes, it can't do Doyle's confidence much good to be slated on here - assuming he reads it of course... what you don't know can't hurt you and all that...

... but on the other hand what can it be doing to Cwyka's confidence to see Doyle consistently getting game-time ahead of him? There can be no doubt Cwyka knows about that!

Sadly I think a significant component of Doyle's appearances is the sad dregs of the 'global brand' idea... i.e. crudely yanks will watch if a yank plays.

posted on 29/11/11

I'm sorry,slating a kid is embarassing .

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